kondansatör, gerilim biriktirici

listen to the pronunciation of kondansatör, gerilim biriktirici
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
(İnşaat) capacitor
an electrical device characterized by its capacity to store an electric charge
An electrical device that, when connected in the line of an electrical circuit, stores a charge of electricity and returns the charge to the line when certain electrical conditions occur It also is called a condenser
a device made up of two metallic plates separated by a dielectric (insulating material) Used to store electrical energy in the electrostatic field between the plates It produces an impedance to an ac current In automotive applications, special "Power Line Caps" can be connected inline to the amplifier to aid the alternator in supplying current demands of amps Non-polarized capacitors can be used as first order passive high pass crossovers, or as components in more complex high pass, bandpass and lowpass crossovers See power line caps
An electrical device that adjusts the leading current of an applied alternating current to balance the lag of the circuit to provide a high power factor
An electrical device which serves to store electricity or electrical energy It has three essential parts: two electrical conductors, which are usually metal plates, separated and insulated by the third part called the "dielectric " The plates are charged with equal amounts of positive and negative electrical charges, respectively This is a "physical" storage of electricity as compared with the "chemical" storage in a battery
An electrical device that stores electrical energy This energy can be released at a predetermined rate and time A basic capacitor consists of two conducting surfaces separated by a dielectric (i e , an insulation) material The formula for the stored energy (E) in a capacitor is as follows
- 1 A device that filters out low frequencies, the key component in passive high pass filters 2 Also an electrical device capable of storing electrical energy and releasing it when needed
A capacitor is a device for accumulating electric charge. a piece of equipment that collects and stores electricity
{i} condenser, device which stores electricity while an operation is in progress (Electricity)
Any AC circuit element possessing the property of capacitance (i e , the ability to store a charge) Normally a capacitor is a dedicated device, designed for the prime purpose of exhibiting the property of capacitance (as opposed to inductive devices, in which inductance is used by the device to produce other results, such as turning a motor shaft)
An electrical component which stores electrical voltage, and also resists electrical voltage changes
A device to measure capacitance and usually consisting of conducting plates or foils separated by thin layers of dielectric (such as mica) with the plates on opposite sides of the dielectric layers The plates are oppositely charged by a source of voltage and the electrical energy of the charged system stored in the polarized dielectric material
Two conducting surfaces separated by a dielectric material The capacitance is determined by the area of the surface, type of dielectric, and spacing between the conducting surfaces
An electronic component capable of storing an electric charge; especially one consisting of two conductors separated by a dielectric
A device used to store electrical energy in an electrostatic field until discharge
An electrical device for accumulating and holding a charge of electricity A capacitor is usually found in an electronic ignition system
An electronic component that presents a frequency dependent impedance which decreases in proportion to frequency Commonly used to shunt unwanted high-frequency signals or to block the coupling of DC voltages
A discrete device with the capability of storing a charge on two conductors separated by a dielectric
A device constructed by separating two conductors with a dielectric It has the ability to store an electrical charge in the dielectric
A combination of conducting plates separated by layers of a dielectric that is used to store an electric charge
kondansatör, gerilim biriktirici