kemer veya kubbenin ağırlığını destekleyen kısım

listen to the pronunciation of kemer veya kubbenin ağırlığını destekleyen kısım
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
A construction that supports the end of a bridge
Something that abuts
The thing on which something abuts
The point of junction between two things that abut
{n} that which joins to another thing as the solid part of a bridge next the land
That on or against which a body abuts or presses The solid part of a pier or wall, etc
The state of abutting
A fixed point or surface from which resistance or reaction is obtained, as the cylinder head of a steam engine, the fulcrum of a lever, etc
a masonry support that touches and directly receives thrust or pressure of an arch or bridge point of contact between two objects or parts
In breech-loading firearms, the block behind the barrel which receives the pressure due to recoil
State of abutting
The point of junction between them
{i} structure that supports an arch or vault (as on a bridge); place where two adjoining structures come in contact, juncture; (Dentistry) teeth located on either side of a missing tooth; (Dentistry) tooth or root that serve as anchoring for a permanent or a removable dental prosthesis
which receives the thrust or lateral pressure of an arch, vault, or strut
kemer veya kubbenin ağırlığını destekleyen kısım

    Расстановка переносов

    ke·mer ve·ya kub·be·nin a·ğır·lı·ğı·nı des·tek·le·yen kı·sım

