kas kontraksiyonlarının gücünü, dolayısıyla kasın çalışma yeteneğini ölçen alet

listen to the pronunciation of kas kontraksiyonlarının gücünü, dolayısıyla kasın çalışma yeteneğini ölçen alet
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
(Tıp) ergometer
A stationary rowing machine that allows indoor practice Erg, for short
measuring instrument designed to measure power
Called an "erg" by rowers, the ergometer is a rowing machine that is designed to imitate the actual rowing motion
an instrument for measuring the amount of work done by a muscle or group of muscles
A stationary rowing machine used for training It is instrumented to show the power produced
Exercise machine designed for muscular contraction More about this subject
A device for measuring, or an instrument for indicating, energy expended or work done; a dynamometer
A dynamometer used to measure the work done by muscles
device normally used for submaximal aerobic evaluation (exercise bike)
ergometer (ûr-gòm¹î-ter) noun An instrument for measuring the amount of work done by a muscle or group of muscles
Exercise machine designed for muscular contraction
An instrument for measuring muscular work
kas kontraksiyonlarının gücünü, dolayısıyla kasın çalışma yeteneğini ölçen alet

    Расстановка переносов

    kas kont·rak·si·yon·la·rı·nın gü·cü·nü, do·la·yı·sıy·la ka·sın ça·lış·ma ye·te·ne·ği·ni öl·çen a·let

