kısmen veya göz çukuruna ait, göz çukurualtı, orbita altında bulunan

listen to the pronunciation of kısmen veya göz çukuruna ait, göz çukurualtı, orbita altında bulunan
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
(Tıp) suborbital
Below the orbit of the eye
Not reaching orbit; having a trajectory that does not reach escape velocity and so must return to ground eventually

The first rocket test was suborbital; it didn't even get off the ground but rather exploded on the launchpad.

Not reaching orbit, having a trajectory that does not reach escape velocity and so must return to ground eventually
situated on or below the floor of the eye socket; "a suborbital bone"
having or involving a trajectory of less than one orbit; "the first manned suborbital flight
situated on or below the floor of the eye socket; "a suborbital bone" having or involving a trajectory of less than one orbit; "the first manned suborbital flight
{s} of less than one orbit; situated beneath the orbit of the eye (Anatomy)
having or involving a trajectory of less than one orbit; "the first manned suborbital flight"
Situated under or below the orbit
kısmen veya göz çukuruna ait, göz çukurualtı, orbita altında bulunan

    Расстановка переносов

    kıs·men ve·ya göz çu·ku·ru·na a·it, göz çu·ku·ru·al·tı, or·bi·ta al·tın·da bu·lu·nan

