A type of computer software for composing music by aligning samples on parallel timelines
Although there were a few game companies outside the Amiga scene that used a tracker format (Epic Mega-Games, for instance), the majority used the better-supported MIDI.
An electronic device which emits a signal enabling law enforcement agencies to locate the car, should it be stolen, anywhere in the UK
A tracker is a person or animal that finds other people or animals by following the marks left by their feet and other signs that show where they have been. someone who follows and finds other people, especially by following the marks that they have left on the ground
Specialty companies employed by financial institutions to manage the process of matching insurance notifications to collateral
Software that allows you to load up various tracks of digital audio and play them in specific order See multitrackers Back
A special type of computer software for composing music, or a musician who write such music
A Tracker is the name given to a Fund which invests in the shares of one or more Stockmarket indices The shares are often bought and managed through a computer program The aim of such a fund is to track (follow) the Index or indices( Stockmarket/s) as closely as possible Such Funds have no one managing the fund and the process is largely automated
In the organ, a light strip of wood connecting (in path) a key and a pallet, to communicate motion by pulling