insan tiplerini belirleme bilimi

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Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
The result of the classification of things according to their characteristics
the systematic classification of the types of something according to their common characteristics
A system of classification In Christian thought, the drawing of parallels between the Old Testament and the New Typological studies were based on the assumption that Old Testament figures and events prefigured those in the New, e g the story of Jonah and the whale prefigured Christ's death and resurrection Such typological links were frequently used in both medieval and Renaissance art
A discourse or treatise on types
classification according to general type
{i} study and classification of types; study of morphological and syntactic likenesses in languages without taking into account their history; symbolism, symbolic representation; (theology) study and explanations of symbols and types in the Bible
Typology is derived from the two Greek words tu/pojmeaning "type" and lo/gojmeaning "word " Typology in Biblical and literary terms denotes the authorial use of allusion employing ectypal figures or conditions to represent an archtypal figure or condition
The classification of artifacts according to analytical criteria, to determine and define significant trends or variations in time and space
   from the Greek word typos, the raised design on a seal fro imprinting in wax, then a pattern or model; a theological way of understanding persons, events, or explanations, especially in the New Testament, by referring back to Old Testament "types " A type can be an event, like the Exodus from Egypt (1 Corinthians 10, 1-6); a real person, like Solomon (Luke 11, 31); or a story or parable like that of Jonah (Luke 11, 29-30)
A typology is a system for dividing things into different types, especially in science and the social sciences. typologies a system or the study of dividing a group of things into smaller groups according to the similar qualities they have
The doctrine of types
The study of types, symbols, or symbolism In the Bible, an example of a type would be Moses He was a type of Christ, as he was used to save his people Jonah was a type in that he was three days in the belly of the sea monster, just as Christ's body was in the grave three days
The biblical literary device that links persons, places or events from the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) - called a "type" - to New testament persons (preeminently Christ), places or events - called an "antitype" - in such a way that the former things foreshadow the later ones For example, the Israelites' crossing of the Red (Reed) Sea is a type of Christian Baptism, which is a journey from the slavery of sin to the freedom of forgiveness of sin (antitype) Typology was the preferred tool for biblical interpretation in the Syriac Church in general However, the East *Syriac *Tradition (of Ephrem and Aphrahat) made more extensive use of typology than did the West Syriac Tradition of Antioch
Method of study of archaeological material, which attempts to arrange objects in a developing sequence, according to assumptions originally formulated in the field of biology
The dating/classification technique in which examples of a particular type of artefact such as axes or Samian pottery or plans of megalithic tombs – are arranged into a hypothetical chronological order and which enables new finds to be classified, identified and possibly dated by the similarity of their attributes to those in the chronological sequence See Seriation
The study of and the chronological arrangement of projectile points and other lithic artifacts into separated types
A form of (usually biblical) interpretation wherein a person, event, or institution is viewed as foreshadowing a later one; for example, for Christian interpreters, Abraham's intended sacrifice of Isaac (Genesis 22) is seen as a "type" of the sacrificial death of Christ