in hand

listen to the pronunciation of in hand
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
(deyim) el altında
(deyim) kullanıma hazır
(deyim) hazır
göz hapsinde
çantada keklik
kontrol altında

Eldeki bir kuş yukardakinden daha emniyetlidir. - A bird in hand is safer than one overhead.

Eldeki bir kuş daldaki iki kuştan iyidir. - A friend in hand is worth two in the bush!


Eldeki serçe damdaki güvercinden iyidir. - A friend in hand is worth two in the bush!

Eldeki bir kuş daldaki iki kuştan iyidir. - A friend in hand is worth two in the bush!

under control
under control
under control
in hands
under control
Kontrol altında

Tom öfkeyi kontrol altında tutmak için elinden geleni yaptı. - Tom did his best to keep temper under control.

Sanırım şimdi her şey kontrol altında. - I think everything is under control now.

be in hand
(anlaşma) başlamak
be in hand
başlamış olmak
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
In the physical possession of the owner
under control
Under consideration
accessible at the present time; "waited for supper glasses in hand"
now in consideration or under discussion; "regarding the matter in hand"
physically in an owner's possession; "came to the auction cash in hand"
This commonly used term refers to the controlling of a horse from the ground rather than on it
Used in the context of general equities Firm indicating control of a bid, offer, or order
under control; "the riots were in hand
under control; "the riots were in hand"
Used in the context of general equities Firm, indicating control of a bid, offer, or order
An expression having the same meaning as "firm" when applied to an offering or bid
in hand

    Расстановка переносов

    in Hand

    Турецкое произношение

    în händ


    /ən ˈhand/ /ɪn ˈhænd/


    ... leaving us to survive on what we have at hand. ...
    ... archaeologist are still at work here the task at hand is gigantic giving the size ...