The part of the rotating element of a dynamic compressor that imparts energy to the flowing medium by means of centrifugal force It consists of a number of blades mounted so as to rotate with the shaft (060)
1 A device that imparts motion to a fluid; specifically, in a centrifugal compressor, a rotary disk which, faced on one or both sides with radial vanes, accelerates the incoming fluid outward into a diffuser Also called impeller wheel
A circular pump part with canes that rotate to provide centrifugal force for propelling water in the circulation system The impeller spins on the end of the electric motor shaft and is the only moving part of a centrifugal pump Closed , semi-open or open impellers are used Closed impeller: A pump impeller with the vanes contained on both sides and an opening in the center (the eye) Water enters the eye and is centrifugally forced out the end of the closed impeller Semi- open impeller: A pump impeller with the vanes exposed on one side; the open vanes face the volute wall, forming chambers through which the water flows Open impeller: A pump impeller with exposed vanes like a water wheel (Rarely used in pumps manufactured for use in the pool and spa industry)