ich selbst

listen to the pronunciation of ich selbst
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение ich selbst в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь


Kendimi tanıtabilir miyim? - May I introduce myself?

Mutsuz oldum fakat kendimi öldürmedim. - I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself.


Tom'u bizzat görmeye gideceğim. - I'll go and see Tom myself.

Bunu bizzat halletmeliyim. - I have to deal with this myself.

{z} kendim, bizzat, ben: I will come myself. Kendim geleceğim./Bizzat geleceğim. I do not regard myself as a mathematician. Kendimi

Kendi kendime Bu iyi bir fikir. dedim. - I said to myself, That's a good idea.

Müzik dinleyerek kendime moral verdim. - I cheered myself up by listening to music.


Ben bu kitabı karım için değil, kendim için satın aldım. - I bought this book for myself, not for my wife.

Ben onun hikayesine inanamıyorum. - I can't bring myself to trust his story.


Mutsuz oldum fakat kendimi öldürmedim. - I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself.

Kendimi tanıtabilir miyim? - May I introduce myself, my name is Lucas.

Немецкий Язык - Английский Язык
I myself

I was no longer myself and had severe depression. - Ich war nicht mehr ich selbst und hatte massive Depressionen.

I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself. - Ich bin so blöd... ich versuche, dir Dinge zu erklären, die ich selbst nicht verstehe.

Als ich sie zuletzt traf, war sie nur mehr ein Schatten ihrer selbst.
When I last met her, she was just a shadow of her former self
Da ich selbst zwei Mädchen habe, kann ich das Verhalten von Kindern ganz gut beu
Since I have two girls myself, I am a fair judge of children's behaviour
Das habe ich selbst gemacht.
This is of my own making
Fertigkeiten, die ich er/sie sich selbst beigebracht hat
self-taught skills
Gerade weil ich weiß, wie der Aktienmarkt funktioniert, lege ich selbst kein Gel
It's exactly because I understand how the stock market works that I do not invest
Ich habe mich vor mir selbst geekelt, weil ich so viel gegessen habe.
I was disgusted with myself for eating so much
Ich höre das so oft, dass ich es fast schon selbst glaube.
I hear it so often that I've almost come to believe it myself
Manchmal verstehe ich mich selbst nicht.
Sometimes I fail to understand myself
Selbst unter der Annahme, dass das der Fall ist (was ich bezweifle), ändert das
Even supposing that's so/true (which I doubt), it doesn't change the fact that …