
listen to the pronunciation of i̇mam
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение i̇mam в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь

imamate imamlık
(isim) imam
bir imamın hüküm surduğu memleket
duties of imam
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Müslümanların imamı olan halife ve askerlerin başı. Sultan. Hâkim. Reis
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Bir mahallenin lüzumlu işlerine ve içtimaî vazifelerine nezaret eden
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Kıble tarafı
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Dershanede günlük talim ve dersler için talebelerin önlerine konan tahtalar
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Hz. Ali (R.A.) neslinden gelen zât
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Cemaate namaz kıldıran
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Önde ve ileride olan. Delil ve rehber
(Osmanlı Dönemi) İçtihad sahibi zat. Mezheb sahibi olan
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Öne geçmek
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Ümmetin reisi. İslâm hükümetlerinde Devlet Reisi
Bazı küçük İslam devletlerinde devlet başkanı
Hz. Muhammed'den sonra onun vekilliği görevini üzerine alan halifelere verilen unvan
(Osmanlı Dönemi) öncü, önder
En önde bulunan, önder
Cemaate namaz kıldıran kimse
Müslümanlıkta mezhep kuran kimse
imam bayıldı
(Gıda) A Turkish dish consisting of aubergines stuffed with a garlic-flavoured onion and tomato mixture and baked. ORİGİN: Turkish, literally the imam fainted (from enjoyment or the cost of the dish)
imam hatip lisesi
İmam hatip lisesi, Türkiye'de din görevlisi yetiştirmek amacı ile kurulmuş, zamanla düz lise ve anadolu lisesi müfredatında eğitim vermeye de başlamış orta öğretim düzeyinde okul türüdür
imam nikahı
İmam nikahı, Türkiye'de devlet tarafından resmî nikah işleminden farklı olarak yapılmış dinî nikahı tanımlamak için kullanılan bir sözcüktür. Terim olmayan sözcük, daha çok halk arasındaki kullanımdan türemiştir. Nikah, kanunen karı koca olma, resmen evlenme demektir. Nikah kavramsal, eylemsel ve geleneksel olarak büyük değişkenlik gösterir. Bunların yani sıra çoğu dinde nikah özel bir yere sahiptir ve din tarafından belirli kurallar ve uygulamalar ile tanımlanmıştır. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nde anayasası gereğince, devlet otoritesi altında kıyılmayan hiçbir nikah türünün resmî geçerliliği yoktur. Buna her türlü dinî nikah da dahildir. Türkiye'de uzunca bir süre resmî nikahın yani sıra dinî nikah kıyımı da devam etmiştir; fakat resmî nikahın bulunmayıp dinî nikahın bulunduğu çeşitli durumların yarattığı sorunlar ve daha kavramsal bazlı farklı sorunlar sebebiyle bugün sadece resmî nikahın kıyılması, özellikle şehirlerde daha yaygındır. Ayrıca Türkiye'de imam nikahı olarak tabir edilen şekilde dini nikah kıymak yasa dışı sayılmıştır ve suç arz etmektedir
oniki imam
(Din) Şia İmamları, Oniki imam olarak da bilinir.Oniki imam (veya Oniki imamlar) İslam dininin Şia mezhebinin alt mezheplerinden İmamiye-i isna aşeriye (zaman zaman Caferilik) mezhebinin kabullendiği imam silsilesine verilen addır. Bu inanışta Şii inanışındaki imam makamına sahip 12 kişinin varlığına inanırlar.Ehli Beyt olarak anılan Ali ile başlayan Şia imamları İslam Peygamberi Muhammed'in torunlarından Hüseyin'in soyundan devam eder
imam evi
Kadınlara özgü ceza evi
imam nikahlı
İmam nikâhı olan
imam nikahı
İslâm dinî kurallarına göre kıyılan dinî nikâh
imam suyu
Английский Язык - Английский Язык

Определение i̇mam в Английский Язык Английский Язык словарь

A Shiite Muslim leader
One who leads the salat prayers in a Mosque
Leader at the worship service in the mosque In Shi'ite Islam, it refers to the Leader who is a descendant of Ali, the fourth caliph After a certain number of Imams (7 or 12), the last one disappeared without dying and will return at the end of time to bring justice to the world through the spread of Shi'ite Islam
Arabic term meaning the leader of ritual prayer The term is applied to the prayer leader at public prayers, to the spiritual head of a congregation or school, and especially to the leader of the whole Islamic community For Shiites, the word refers to the spiritual leader of the community
The person who leads the prayer or service
Muslim teacher, serving as a priest in a mosque, who recites the prayers and leads the devotions of the faithful
Word used in several senses In general use, it means the leader of congregational prayers; as such it implies no ordination or special spiritual powers beyond sufficient education to carry out this function It is also used figuratively by many Sunni (q v ) Muslims to mean the leader of the Islamic community Among Shia (q v ) the word takes on many complex meanings; in general, however, and particularly when uppercased, it indicates that particular descendant of the House of Ali who is believed to be God's designated repository of the spiritual authority inherent in that line The identity of this individual and the means of ascertaining his identity have been major issues causing divisions among Shia Among the Ibadis of Oman, the imam was elected to office and was regarded by all as the spiritual leader of the community and by some as the temporal ruler as well Claims of various Omani imams to secular power led to open rebellions as late as the 1950s
Leader of the congregational prayer (Salat) that Muslims offer five times a day It is sometimes used to refer to the head of the Islamic State
(Islam) the man who leads prayers in a mosque; for Shiites an imam is a recognized authority on Islamic theology and law and a spiritual guide
The man who leads the prayers in Mosques and helps people understand the Koran
An Islamic religious leader who leads the congregation in prayer; in the Ashirra sect, the Imam is the vampire who provides religious leadership to the local Cainite community; often the local vampiric imam and sultan are one and the same, or they have some sort of agreement
A Mohammedan prince who, as a successor of Mohammed, unites in his person supreme spiritual and temporal power
Leader of a prayer; may also be employed or appointed head of a Mosque (Masjid)
Leader In the specific sense, Imam refers to those 12 successors appointed by the prophet, on Allah's instructions, to lead the Muslims after him The first of them being Imam Ali and the last of them Imam Mahdi, who has been promised by the prophet to emerge to establish peace and justice throughout the world
In Sunni Islam, the leader of ritual prayer; in Shi'a Islam, the successor and heir to "the light of Muhammad "
In Islam, an imam is a religious leader, especially the leader of a Muslim community or the person who leads the prayers in a mosque. a Muslim religious leader or priest. Head of the Muslim community. In Sunnite Islam the imam was identical with the caliph, designating the political successor of Muhammad. The Sunnites held the imam to be a man capable of error but deserving obedience provided he maintained the ordinances of Islam. In Shite Islam the imam became a figure of absolute religious authority, possessed of unique insights into the Qurn and divinely appointed and preserved from sin. With the historical disappearance of the last imam, there arose a belief in the hidden imam, who is identified with the mahdi. The term imam is also given to Muslims who lead prayers in mosques and has been used as an honorary title
One who leads a prayer
Generally the leader of congregational prayers, implying no ordination or special spiritual powers beyond sufficient education to carry out this function The word is also used figuratively by many Sunni (q v ) Muslims to mean the leader of the Islamic community Among Shia (q v ) Muslims, it indicates the particular descendant of the House of Ali who is believed to have been God's designated repository of the spiritual authority inherent in that line The identity of this individual and the means of ascertaining his identity have been the major issues causing divisions among the Shia
the leader of an Islamic community
{i} one who leads prayers in a Muslim mosque; Muslim religious leader or chief
Iman (i: man) The person who leads the prayer or service "faith," religious belief or conviction in the fundamental doctrines of Islam
A religious leader; specifically, one of the hereditary successors of Muhammad, venerated Shiite Islam A religious leader; specifically, one of the hereditary successors of Muhammad, venerated Shiite Islam
or Imaam (pl A'immah) "A leader " This word has slightly different meanings in different contexts For example, (1) the person who leads the congregational salah is referred to as the Imam; (2) the great scholars of Islamic jurisprudence or hadith are also given the title, Imam
Among the Mohammedans, a minister or priest who performs the regular service of the mosque
A teacher, or leader of the Muslim prayer The term has another meaning in the Shi'a community
"The male prayer leader in a mosque " or "The Muslim worshiper who leads the recitation of prayer when two or more worshipers are present " [4]
imam bayildi
A Turkish dish of aubergine stuffed with onion, garlic, and tomatoes then simmered in olive oil