specific locations which either emit or receive significant quantities of polluting substances Hot-spots are usually prioritised by screening them for which ones there are viable project solutions in technical, institutional and financial terms (See: Source Book 9 15)
These are either specific squares or areas on the board that have excellent bonus-scoring opportunities Players will do well to identify these areas before looking for words on their rack Example: Triple Letter Squares or Double-Word Squares adjacent to vowels; a single letter placed between two Triple Word Squares; words that take a variety of hook letters (i e ARE, ON, CARE)
Are areas that do not warm or cool evenly like other areas in a home Hot spots are usually caused because and area is isolated from the return path causing air stagnation
an area protected by motion detectors entering a hot spot sets off the alarm try and avoid 'em
A hot spot is a green word or phrase that can be used to open help about the word or phrase Click a hot spot with a solid underline to open a help document about the phrase Click a hot spot with a dotted underline to open a pop-up window about the phrase
You can refer to an area where there is fighting or serious political trouble as a hot spot. There were many hot spots in the region, where fighting had been going on. Region of the Earth's upper mantle that upwells to melt through the crust to form a volcanic feature. Most volcanoes that cannot be ascribed either to a subduction zone or to seafloor spreading at midocean ridges are attributed to hot spots. The 5% of known world volcanoes not closely related to such plate margins (see plate tectonics) are regarded as hot-spot volcanoes. Hawaiian volcanoes are the best examples of this type, occurring near the centre of the northern portion of the Pacific Plate. A chain of extinct volcanoes or volcanic islands (and seamounts), such as the Hawaiian chain, can form over millions of years where a lithospheric plate moves over a hot spot. The active volcanoes all lie at one end of the chain or ridge, and the ages of the islands or the ridge increase with their distance from those sites of volcanic activity
a location where emissions from specific sources may expose individuals and population groups to elevated risks of adverse health effects, including but not limited to cancer, and contribute to the cumulative health risks of emissions from other sources in the area
An area in the upper mantle, ranging from 100 to 200 kilometers in width, from which magma rises in a plume to form volcanoes A hot spot may endure for 10 million years or more
Printing defect caused when a piece of dirt or an air bubble caused incomplete draw-down during contact platemaking, leaving an area of weak ink coverage or visible dot gain
a lively entertainment spot a point of intense heat or radiation a place of political unrest and potential violence; "the United States cannot police all of the world's hot spots
Typically large areas of pavement, these "hot spots" are heated much quicker by the sun than surrounding grasses and forests As a result, air rises upwards from the relatively hot surface of the pavement, reaches its condensation level, condenses, and forms a cloud above the "hot spot "
A portion of an image or a piece of text that changes the arrow to a hand with a pointing finger, indicating the location of a hyperlink You can click on a hot spot to go to a linked web page
spot of light, beam of light; popular nightclub or entertainment site; site of ongoing warfare or political strife; place on the Earth's surface where molten lava builds up under the surface
An area in an image map with a particular significance A program typically monitors movements of the mouse, and responds according to the actions associated with the hot spots over which it passes This might include displaying different status information, for instance Often, clicking the mouse on a hot spot is used to indicate that the program should activate an associated action The term hot spot is also used to signify a computationally intensive part of a program, such as an inner loop Such places are often a potential target for program optimization
large areas of the earth that are heated much quicker by the sun than surrounding grasses and forests As a result, air rises upward from the relatively hot surface of the pavement, reaches its condensation level, condenses, and forms a cloud above the hot spot
An area in the middle of a lithospheric plate where magma rises from the mantle and erupts at the Earth's surface Volcanoes sometimes occur above a hot spot
Region in a contaminated area in which the level of radioactive contamination is somewhat greater than in neighboring regions in the area See Contamination
Specific spots within a PixAround Scene which when clicked, brings you to another PixAround Scene, a new Web page or a multimedia (audio or video) file You can identify Hotspots easily - they are represented by little icons on a PixAround Scene You can hide Hotspots by simply clicking on the 'Hide Hotspots' icon on the navigation bar
Hotspots are portions of a picture or graphic which contain embedded links You can identify hotspots when your cursor changes into a pointing hand as it passes over them
Hotspots are portions of the framework that separate code that you can change from code that you can't change Some hotspots exist to allow for side effects; others allow you to change the behavior of a function
hot spots
Турецкое произношение
hät späts
/ˈhät ˈspäts/ /ˈhɑːt ˈspɑːts/
[ 'hät ] (adjective.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English hAt; akin to Old High German heiz hot, Lithuanian kaisti to get hot.