herumliegendes zeug

listen to the pronunciation of herumliegendes zeug
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
Немецкий Язык - Английский Язык
{n} a noise, bustle, hurry, clamor
All non-programming time on radio and TV; this includes time given to advertsing commercials, station or channel promotions, station or channel identifications and program credits Excessively high clutter levels may result in audience tune-out See Clutter Level; Audience Tune-Out
Clatter; confused noise
An overabundance of advertisements that decreases communications effectiveness
{i} mess, disorder
All of the non-program elements within a given program or time period, such as commercials, PSAs, promos, IDs, billboards, etc Stations try hard to increase revenues while trying to keep clutter to a minimum
a confused disordered jumble of things
unwanted echoes that interfere with the observation of signals on a radar screen
When an advertisement is surrounded by other ads, thereby forcing it to compete for the viewer's or listener's attention
The amount of time devoted to nonprogram content (advertising, promotions, public service announcements) on a particular medium The amount of time devoted to nonprogram content (advertising, promotions, public service announcements) on a particular medium
Unwanted signals, echoes, or images on the radar display interfering with the observation of desired signals
A confused collection; hence, confusion; disorder; as, the room is in a clutter
To clot or coagulate, as blood
– All of the extraneous non-program elements within a given program or time period, e g , program titles, billboards, station promos, commercials, network identification, local station identification, public service announcements, etc
background echos, from clouds etc, on a radar screen
1 Atmospheric noise, extraneous signals, etc , which tend to obscure the reception of a desired signal in a radio receiver, radarscope, etc
If things or people clutter a place, they fill it in an untidy way. Empty soft-drink cans clutter the desks The roads were cluttered with cars and vans. Clutter up means the same as clutter. The vehicles cluttered up the car park This room is so impressive it would be a shame to clutter it up. a large number of things that are scattered somewhere in an untidy way = junk clutter of
Clutter is a lot of things in an untidy state, especially things that are not useful or necessary. Caroline prefers her worktops to be clear of clutter
to fill something with clutter