
listen to the pronunciation of handlung
Немецкий Язык - Турецкий язык
n {'hengımatı} e hamak
[die] hareket, eylem, iş, fiil, amel; dükkân, mağaza
en. e. 'handlung hareket, eylem, iş; dükkân, mağaza
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение handlung в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь

{i} eylem

Şimdiye kadar, eyleminiz tamamen sebepsiz görünmektedir. - So far, your action seems completely groundless.

Eylemciler en son Brezilya'nın uzak, ormanlık bir köşesinde görüldüler. - The activists were last seen in a remote, forested corner of Brazil.

(isim) hareket, davranış, amel, fiil; oyun, numara, rol, perde [tiy.]; eylem; kanun, yasa, resmi yazı; cinsel ilişki
{i} davranış

Bu çok nazik bir davranıştı. - That was a very kind act.

O cesur görünüyor fakat o sadece bir davranış. - He appears brave, but it's just an act.

{i} rol yapma, oyun
{i} kanun

İşe git, çocuklarını okula gönder. Modayı takip et, normal hareket et, kaldırımda yürü, televizyon izle. Yaşlılığın için para biriktir. Kanunlara uy. Benimle birlikte tekrarla: Ben özgürüm. - Go to work, send your kids to school. Follow fashion, act normal, walk on the pavements, watch TV. Save for your old age. Obey the law. Repeat with me: I am free.

Newton'un üçüncü hareket kanununa göre her eylemin eşit ve zıt tepkisi vardır. - According to Newton's Third Law of Motion Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

{i} fiil
{i} numara

Dan hasta numarası yapmadı bile. - Dan didn't even act sick.

Aslında, bunu bilmem gerekir. Bir dakika bekle, hatırlamama izin ver, Kesinlikle! Radyum elementinin atom numarası 88'dir - Actually, I should know it. Wait a minute, let me remember. Exactly! The atomic number of radium is 88.

(rol) oynamak

Fahişelik, kumar, uyuşturucu madde kullanımı, sarhoşluk, düzeni bozmak ve diğer yasadışı etkinlikler kesinlikle yasaklanmıştır. - Prostitution, gambling, the use of narcotic substances, drunkenness, disorder, and all other illegal activities are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.

Avukat müvekkilinin yasal yollara başvurmasını tavsiye etti. - The lawyer recommended his client to take legal action.

etki yapmak

Çocuk gibi davranmaktan vazgeç. - Quit acting like a child.

Bir aktörmüş gibi davranmak istiyorum. - I wish to pretend to be an actor.


Aktris, sahne üzerinde geriye düştü. - The actress fell backward over the stage.

Jane öğrencilerin sahnede iyi rol yaptıklarını gördü. - Jane saw the students acting well on the stage.

(Avrupa Birliği) hareket,iş,fiil;belge;kanun,yasa
insan kudretinden üstün afet
{f} rol yapmak, oynamak
{f} rol oynamak
{f} oynamak

Filmde oynamak ister misin? - Do you want to act in a movie?

{f} numara yapmak
(fiil) davranmak, hareket etmek; oynamak, numara yapmak, numarası yapmak,rol yapmak, rol oynamak; etki etmek; görevini yapmak
Немецкий Язык - Английский Язык
Handlung oder Unterlassung
act or failure to act
Haftung aus unerlaubter Handlung
tortious liability
(die öffentliche Ordnung) störende Handlung
disorderly act
(die öffentliche Ordnung) störende Handlung
disorderly behaviour
(die öffentliche Ordnung) störende Handlung
disturbance (of the public order)
(eine Strategie, Handlung etc.) ausarbeiten
to plot (a strategy, a story)
Buch mit zeitversetzter Handlung
time shift book
Das Gericht war der Auffassung, dass diese Handlung ein standeswidriges Verhalte
The tribunal considered that this action amounted to professional misconduct
Die Handlung baut auf einer Verwechslung auf.
The plot pivots on a misunderstanding
Die Handlung enthält romantische Verwicklungen.
The plot involves romantic entanglements
Die Handlung hat mit der Realität wenig zu tun.
The plot bears little relation to the reality
Die Personen und die Handlung des Films sind frei erfunden. Etwaige Ähnlichkeite
All characters and events depicted in this film are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental
Diese Urkunde ermächtigt zur Vornahme der Handlung.
This shall be sufficient warrant for doing
Es konnte ihm keine strafbare Handlung nachgewiesen werden.
No offence could be proved against him
Kampftrinken (Handlung)
competitive drinking
Klage aus unerlaubter Handlung
action ex delicto
Personen der Handlung
dramatis personae
Plagiat (Handlung und Resultat)
plagiarism (action and result)
Recht der unerlaubten Handlung
tort law
Recht der unerlaubten Handlung
law of tort
Recht der unerlaubten Handlung
law of torts
Recht des Tatorts (einer unerlaubten Handlung)
lex delicti
Strafbarkeit (einer Handlung)
criminality (of an action)
Träger der Handlung
Träger der Handlung Buch
Verrat (illoyale Handlung)
treachery (treacherous act)
Vortäuschung einer Straftat / mit Strafe bedrohten Handlung
simulation of a punishable offence
Was dem Film an Handlung fehlt, gleicht er durch Spezialeffekte wieder aus.
What the film lacks in plot it makes up for in special effects
absichtliche Handlung
deliberate act
absichtliche Handlung
intentional action
betrügerische Handlung
betrügerische Handlung
fraudulent activity
die Vornahme einer Handlung
the performance of an act
eine geschlechtliche Handlung an jemandem vornehmen
to perform sex on somebody
eine geschlechtliche Handlung an jemandem vornehmen
to perform a sexual act on somebody
eine in sich schlechte Handlung
an intrinsically evil action
eine moralische verwerfliche Handlung
an act of moral turpitude
eine strafbare Handlung begehen
to commit an offence/offense
fahrlässig begangene unerlaubte Handlung
tort arising from a negligent act or omission
fiskalisch strafbare Handlung
revenue offence /offense
fiskalisch strafbare Handlung
taxation offence /offense
fiskalisch strafbare Handlung
fiscal offence /offense
geschlechtliche Handlung
sexual act
geschlechtliche Handlung
sex act
geschlechtliche Handlung
act of sex
gezielt (Handlung)
targeted (action)
in geheimer Absprache erfolgte Handlung
collusive action
karriereschädigende Handlung
Career Limiting Move /CLM/
kriegerische Handlung
act of war
mit Strafe bedrohte Handlung
punishable act
mit Strafe bedrohte Handlung
punishable offence
mit Vorsatz begangenen Handlung
deliberate act
rechtswidrige Handlung
unlawful action
rechtswidrige Handlung
illegal activity
rechtswidrige Handlung
illegal conduct
schändlich (Handlung)
unrighteous (act)
sexuelle Handlung
sexual act
sexuelle Handlung
act of sex
sexuelle Handlung
sex act
sich zu einer überstürzten Handlung hinreißen lassen
to be panicked into doing something
sich über eine ungerechte/unfaire Handlung von jemandem beschweren
to cry foul
strafbare Handlung
criminal act
strafbare Handlung
criminal offense
strafbare Handlung
punishable offence
strafbare Handlung
criminal offence
strafbare Handlung
punishable act
strafbare Handlung
unerlaubte Handlung
tort (civil law)
verbrecherische Handlung
vorsätzliche Handlung
intentional action
vorsätzliche Handlung
deliberate act
zivilrechtlich unerlaubte Handlung
zivilrechtlich unerlaubte Handlung
civil wrong