
listen to the pronunciation of floating(a)
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение floating(a) в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь

{s} su yüzünde/havada yüzen
(Askeri) YÜZÜCÜ: Tekne, tombaz vesaire gibi batmaz vasıtalar yardımı ile su üstünde duran veya yüzen cisim

Dan'ın ceseti yüzme havuzunda yüzüyordu. - Dan's body was floating in the swimming pool.

durağan olmayan
(Askeri) kısa vadeli
yerleşik olmayan
{s} yüzen

Balıkçı kendini yüzen bir tahta vasıtasıyla kurtardı. - The fisherman saved himself by means of a floating board.

Tekne yüzen bir buz tarafından parçalandı. - The boat was broken by the floating ice.

floating booms
(Coğrafya) yüzer setler
floating bridge
(Askeri,İnşaat) yüzer ayaklı köprü
floating bridge
(Askeri,İnşaat) yüzen köprü
floating crane
(Askeri) maçuna
floating derrick
yüzer vinç
floating floor
(İnşaat) yüzer döşeme
floating load
yüzen yük
floating network
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) topraksız devre
floating policy
(Sigorta,Ticaret) flotan poliçe
floating policy
(Ticaret) abonman poliçesi
{f} yüz

Balıkçı kendini yüzen bir tahta vasıtasıyla kurtardı. - The fisherman saved himself by means of a floating board.

Beyaz bir bulut mavi yaz gökyüzünde yüzüyordu. - A white cloud is floating in the blue summer sky.

floating assets
döner sermaye
floating assets
cari aktifler
floating bridge
yüzer köprü
floating capital
işletme sermayesi
floating capital
döner sermaye
floating debt
dalgalı borç
floating dock
yüzer havuz
floating exchange rate
dalgalı döviz kuru
floating island
yüzer ada
floating money
dalgalı para
floating pier
dubalı iskele
floating point
kayan noktalı
floating point arithmetic
kayan noktalı aritmetik
floating population
gelip geçici nüfus
floating rate note
değişken faiz oranlı tahvil
floating rate of exchange
dalgalı döviz kuru
floating rib
göğüs kemiğine ulaşmayan kaburga kemiği
floating trade
deniz ticareti
floating vote
kararsız seçmen
floating voter
kararsız seçmen
floating wharf
dubalı iskele
floating zone
yüzer bölge
floating address
gezer adres
floating dept
kayan dept
floating dredge
dubali tarak
floating grid
serbest ızgara
floating holiday
Yüzen tatil
floating leaf of a water lily
bir nilüfer ile yüzen yaprak
floating liability
kısa vadeli borç
floating mine
yüzer mayını
floating mortgage
gayri muayyen ipotek
floating or swimming (in water)
yüzen ya da (suda yüzme)
floating piston
yüzer piston
floating point base
gezer nokta tabanı, kayan ayrım tabanı
floating point package
gezer nokta paketi
floating point routine
gezer nokta yordamı
floating policy
dalgalı sigorta poliçesi
floating rate
Dalgalı kur
floating ribs
yüzen kaburgalar
floating roof
Yüzer çatı
floating symbolic address
gezen simgesel adres
floating tool
kayan araç
floating votes
kayan oy
floating wharf
dubali iskele
floating-out bath
taşırma havuzu
kayan nokta
floating-point number
gerçek sayı
floating bridge yüzen köprü dubalı köprü
(Tıp) Yer değiştiren, mobil
{s} değişen
{s} dalgalanan
{f} yüz: prep.yüzerek
{s} yüzer

Polis, Tom'un vücudunu limanda yüzerken buldu. - The police found Tom's body floating in the harbour.

Tom'un cesedi denizde başıboş yüzerken balıkçılar tarafından bulundu. - Tom's body was found by fishemen floating adrift in the sea.

{s} döner (sermaye)
floating debt gayri muntazam borç
{s} gezici
floating anchor sea anchor
floating derrick geze
{f} yüz: prep.yü
floating capital döner sermaye
bağlı olmayan
{s} sabit olmayan
floating action
sarkaç hareketi
floating aileron
(Havacılık) dengeli kanatçık
floating aileron
(Havacılık) dengeli eleron
floating aileron
(Havacılık) serbest hareketli kanatçık
floating assets
tic. cari aktifler
floating barge
(Askeri) yüzer duba
floating barrier
(Askeri) yüzer bariyer
floating beam
(İnşaat) serbest kiriş
floating body
(Askeri) yüzer cisim
floating bridge
(Askeri) TOMBAZ KÖPRÜ, YÜZER AYAKLI KÖPRÜ: Tombazlardan veya mahallinden tedarik edilen kayık, bidon vesarire gibi, yüzücü malzemeden yapılan geçici köprü. İki türlü askeri köprü vardır; yüzücü ayaklı köprü ve sabit ayaklı köprü "fixed bridge"
floating bridge
(Askeri) Tombaz köprü
floating bush
(İnşaat) serbest burç
floating bush
(İnşaat) yüzer burç
floating cage
yüzer kafes
floating caisson
(Jeoloji) yüzen keson
floating capital
(Ticaret) değişen sermaye
floating capital
(Ticaret) dalgalı sermaye
floating capital
tic. döner sermaye
floating chain
(Askeri) yüzer zincir
floating channel
(İnşaat) yüzdürme kanalı
floating city
(İnşaat) yüzerkent
floating control
şamandıra kontrolu
floating control
(Askeri) şamandıra kontrolü
floating crane
yüzer vinç
floating currency
(Ticaret) dalgalanmaya bırakılan para
floating currency
(Ticaret) yüzen para sistemi
floating debris
yüzen maddeler
floating debt
(Ticaret) dalgalı borçlar
floating debt
(Askeri,Ticaret) kısa vadeli borç
floating dock
yüzer liman
floating dock
yüzen havuz
floating dot
(Askeri) gezer nokta
floating dot
(Askeri) GEZER NOKTA: Bak. "floating mark"
floating dredge
(Askeri) yüzer tarak gemisi
floating dredge
dubalı tarak
floating drydock
(Askeri) yüzer havuz
floating element
(Dilbilim) artık öge
floating equipment
(Askeri) ORDU DENİZ VASITALARI: Boyu ne olursa olsun, Ordu'nun malı olan ve ordu tarafından kiralanan, uskurlu ve uskursuz gemiler ile gemi sınıfına girmeyen ve su üstünde kullanılan diğer her çeşit malzeme
floating gear
planet dişli
floating gill net
(Denizbilim) yüzer solungaç ağı
floating goods
(Ticaret) transit halinde olan mallar
floating grid
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) boş ızgara
floating ice
yüzen buz kütlesi
floating jetty
(Askeri) yüzer iskele
floating jetty
(Askeri) yüzer rıhtım
floating knife
(Tekstil) havada rakle
floating lever
(İnşaat) yüzer kol
floating lien
(Ticaret) dalgalı haciz
floating light
fenerli duba
floating light
fenerli şamandıra
floating line
(Askeri) yüzme çizgisi
floating line
(Askeri) su kesimi çizgisi
floating lines
(Askeri) GEZER ÇİZGİLER: Bir stereo çiftinin her baskısı üzerinde aynı teferruattaki iki noktayı birleştiren ve bu noktaların birbirlerini görüp görmediklerini belirlemeye yarayan hatlar. Bu hatlar, ya doğrudan doğruya baskıların üzerine çizilir, veya çizgi, şeffaf malzemeden şerit vasıtasıyla, iki nokta üzerine getirilir
floating lines
(Askeri) gezer çizgiler
floating load
yuzen yuk
floating log
(Spor) yüzer parakete
floating manager
yedek müdür
floating mark
(Askeri) gezer işaret
floating mark or dot
(Askeri) GEZER İŞARET VEYA NOKTA: Bir fotoğraf çiftinin stereoskopik kaynaşmasıyla oluşan üç boyutlu bir sahada yer işgal ediyormuş gibi görünen ve stereoskopik modelin incelenmesi ve ölçülmesinde bir müracaat noktası olarak kullanılan bir işaret
floating matter
yüzer madde
floating mine
(Askeri) YÜZER MAYIN: Deniz mayın harbinde yüzeyden görülebilen bir mayın. Ayrıca bak. "drifting mine", "free mine", "watching mine", "mine"
floating mine
(Askeri) yüzer mayın
floating network
topraksiz devre
floating oval
(Bilgisayar) yüzen oval
floating pier
(Askeri) yüzer iskele
floating pile
sürtünme kazığı
floating pile
yüzen kazık
floating pipeline
(Askeri,İnşaat) yüzer boru hattı
floating plane
(Havacılık) yüzer uçak
floating plug
(Mekanik,Teknik) yüzer malafa
floating point
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) gezer nokta
floating point
Kayan Nokta
floating point representation
kayan noktali gosterim
floating point unit
(FPU) Kayan Nokta Birimi
floating quay
(Askeri) yüzer rıhtım
floating rates
(Politika, Siyaset) dalgalı kurlar
floating reserve
(Askeri) AMFİBİ İHTİYAT KITALARI: Amfibi harekatta ihtiyaç görüldüğü müddetçe gemide tutulan ihtiyat kuvvetler
floating reserve
(Askeri) amfibi ihtiyat kıtaları
floating rib
(isim) ucu bağımsız kaburga kemiği
floating rib
{i} ucu bağımsız kaburga kemiği
floating ring
askılı halka
floating roller
yüzer merdane
floating rule
(İnşaat) sıva mastarı
floating seal
(İnşaat) yüzer keçe
floating slab
(İnşaat) yüzer plak
floating smoke pot
(Askeri) YÜZÜCÜ SİS KUTUSU: Ateşlendiği zaman yoğun bir duman hasıl eden ve geçici bir perde meydana getirmek üzere suyun üstünde yüzen harp malzemesi. Ayrıca bakınız: "smoke pot"
floating specks
(Tıp) sinek uçuşması
floating spring
kayar yay
floating support
(İnşaat) gezer mesnet
floating target
(Askeri) yüzer hedef
floating target
(Askeri) YÜZER HEDEF: Su üstünde durabilen hedef. Ayrıca bakınız: "fixed target
floating top
(Matbaacılık, Basımcılık) yüzer üst
floating trawl
(Denizbilim) yüzer trol
floating trush
(Askeri) yüzer çöp
floating voter
(Politika, Siyaset) yüzer gezer oy
floating zero
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kayan sıfır
floating zero
kayan sifir
law of floating
yüzme kanunu
Double-precision floating-point number
(Bilgisayar) Çift duyarlıklı ondalıklı sayı
a large expanse of floating ice
yüzen buz geniş bir coğrafyaya yayılmış
be floating on air
(deyim) Sevinçten uçmak, çok mutlu olmak
free floating
özgür yüzen
my back teeth are floating
(Argo) (Aus) Acele işemem lazım! Sıkıştım! cisim geldi!
Yüzemeyen, su üstünde durmayan, batan
aluminum floating footbridge
balanced floating serve
(Spor) balans uçan servis
dirty floating
(Ticaret) kirli dalgalanma
field circular; final coordination; floating causeway; floating craft; force com
(Askeri) sahra sirküleri; son koordinasyon; (bataklık tipi bir arazide) yüzer köprü; yüzen araç; kuvvet komutanı
freely floating exchange rate
(Ticaret) serbest dalgalanan kur sistemi
fully floating
(Otomotiv) tam yüzer
fully floating
(Otomotiv) tam serbest
fully floating axle
(Otomotiv) taşıyıcı diferansiyel
limits of floating
(Ticaret) dalgalanma sınırları
pneumatic type floating bridge
(Askeri) PNÖMATİK TİP YÜZÜCÜ KÖPRÜ, ŞİŞİRME YÜZÜCÜ KÖPRÜ: Pava ile şişirilmiş tombazlarla desteklenen askeri köprü
pneumatic type floating bridge
(Askeri) şişme yüzer köprü
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
not definitely committed to a party or policy; "floating voters"
(of a part of the body) not firmly connected; movable or out of normal position; "floating ribs are not connected with the sternum"; "a floating kidney
Not fixed in position, opinion etc.; free to move or drift

In China, the large floating population has tended to gravitate to cities.

That which floats or float

floating buoys.

Present participle of float
floating feeling
A combined feeling of light-headedness and dizziness, as if floating
floating island
A French cold dessert consisting of an "island" of meringue, made of egg whites and sugar, floating in a "sea" of custard
floating islands
plural form of floating island
floating palette
A palette window that floats above other standard windows. Often the default behavior for contemporary palettes
floating palettes
plural form of floating palette
floating point
of the internal representation of such a number as a pair of integers
floating point
of a number, written in two parts as a mantissa (the value of the digits) and characteristic (the power of a number base) e.g. 0.314159 x 101
floating point operation
any simple operation, such as addition, multiplication or division, that a particular computer can perform using a single operation
floating point operations
plural form of floating point operation
floating vote
vote held by a floating voter, and as such it is an unpredictable vote
floating voter
a person who does not always vote for the same political party, but usually decides on the basis of policies
floating voters
plural form of floating voter
floating votes
plural form of floating vote
floating-point number
A number written in the form a x bc e.g. 3.75 x 103
floating-point number
A real number held as a pair of integers, one representing the mantissa and the other representing the exponent. The base is normally 10, 16 or 256 depending on the computing system
floating-point unit
A microprocessor that performs floating-point arithmetic. In older models of computer the FPU was not integrated into the central processing unit, but rather as a coprocessor if included at all
floating-point units
plural form of floating-point unit
floating-point number
Often referred to in mathematical terms as a "rational" or real number, this is just a number that can have a fractional part See also "Double-Precision" and "Single-Precision "
floating-point number
A real number that is represented by a pair of distinct numerals The real number is the product of the fractional part, one of the numerals, and a value obtained by raising the implicit floating-point base to a power indicated by the second numeral
floating day
a paid day from work taken at a time chosen by the employee
floating holiday
a paid holiday from work taken at a time chosen by the employee
Floating Point Unit
processing unit which calculates high-level mathematical operations (Computers)
{i} resting or moving on liquid or air
inclined to move or be moved about; "a floating crap game"
A dialog box, tool box, or other part of MicroStation's graphical user interface that can be positioned freely on screen
Point Writing numbers that may have a decimal value and may be large in size
the act of someone who floats on the water borne up by or suspended in a liquid; "the ship is still floating"; "floating logs"; "floating seaweed"
Floating threads
borne up by or suspended in a liquid; "the ship is still floating"; "floating logs"; "floating seaweed"
A positive attribute that pertains to soundstaging in which the phantom images seem to exist independently of the loudspeaker positions, giving the impression that the speakers are absent Refer to "Beyond-the-Speakers Imaging," "Depth," & "Layering " The opposite of "Flat" & "Wander "
a length of warp yarn which passes over two or more weft threads (rather than intersecting with them) in a woven structure
The condition where a common mode voltage exists between an earth ground and the meter or circuit of interest (Low of circuit is not at earth potential )
The action associated with the trotting gait of the Arabian horse
Free or lose from the usual attachment; as, the floating ribs in man and some other animals
a defect consisting of the preferential raising to the surface of one or more components during drying In a pigmented coating where the final colour is based on a mixture of several pigments, it happens when one or more pigments float to the surface, originating a colour different from the expected one It is caused by too great a difference in pigments' specific gravity and poor wetting of pigments
Term often used by brokers to describe the distribution of a new or secondary issue through a public offering
(of a part of the body) not firmly connected; movable or out of normal position; "floating ribs are not connected with the sternum"; "a floating kidney"
Toolbar that can appear anywhere on the work surface
When used in conjunction with an interest rate, it specifies that the rate has not yet been determined
3 wire tri-state control
See Floating threads, above
Smoothing the surface of wet concrete using a large flat tool (float)
TLP's, spars, Ship-shaped, mobile, semi-submersibles
Characteristics of some pigments to separate from solution and migrate to the surface of pain film while still wet
{s} resting on liquid or air, buoyed by liquid or air; moving lightly from place to place; not fixed, not permanent
not definitely committed to a party or policy; "floating voters"
The process of rendering oysters and scallops plump by placing them in fresh or brackish water; called also fattening, plumping, and laying out
the act of someone who floats on the water
Not funded; not fixed, invested, or determined; as, floating capital; a floating debt
(used for exchange rates, interest rates, etc ) able to change according to supply and demand
Resting on the surface of the water; buoyant (8)
Buoyed upon or in a fluid; a, the floating timbers of a wreck; floating motes in the air
most or all of the plant is on the water surface
The interest rate and fees not established at the time of application They may fluctuate up or down with the market until the lender and borrower agree to set them
The second coat of three-coat plastering
inclined to move or be moved about; "a floating crap game
continually changing especially as from one abode or occupation to another; "a drifting double-dealer"; "the floating population"; "vagrant hippies of the sixties"
the act of someone who floats on the water borne up by or suspended in a liquid; "the ship is still floating"; "floating logs"; "floating seaweed" inclined to move or be moved about; "a floating crap game
often changing, and not staying the same. the activity of sitting in a flotation tank in order to relax, or to treat illness or injury
Freely suspending in water of an object
The tendency of some pigments to separate and float to the surface Also called flooding and results in a streaked or spotty application
Referring to a circuit which has no connection to ground
The next to last stage in concrete work, when you smooth off the job and bring water to the surface by using a hand float or bull float
Refers to a circuit that has no connection to ground
a condition where the voltage on a line relative to a reference point is not defined due to the lack of an electrical connection or due to very high source impedance
(diacritic, accent, mark) (See nonspacing mark )
floating bridge
bridge (military or otherwise) which floats on the water supported by flotation devices (boats, rafts, etc.)
floating capital
circulating capital, capital within a business that is constantly changing hands or being transferred from one form to another
floating charge
that successively attaches to such assets as a person may have from time to time, leaving him more or less free to dispose of or encumber them as if no such charge or lien existed
floating charge
A type of security interest that charges the debtor's property but does not specify particular assets or pieces of equipment until the security interest or instrument is crystallized
floating charge
Security taken by lender which floats over all the assets and crystallises over particular assets if the security is required
floating charge
placing a lien upon a debtor's assets
floating charge
A general charge on some or all assets of an enterprise which are not attached to specific assets and are given as security against a debt
floating charge
A security which allows a company the free use of its assets until the security is called up when it attaches to all the assets of the company
floating charge
a charge held over general assets of a company The assets may change (such as stock) and the company can use the assets without the consent of the secured creditor until the charge "crystallises" (becomes fixed) Crystallisation happens on the appointment of an administrative receiver, on the presentation of a winding-up petition or as otherwise provided for in the document creating the charge
floating charge
Charge or assignment on a company's total assets as security for a loan on total assets without citing specific assets
floating charge
A charge, lien, etc
floating debt
debt (consisting of notes, drafts, etc.) which is payable within a short time
floating dock
dry dock that can be submerged under a vessel and then raised
floating dock
floating structure which may be lowered in the water to admit a ship and then raised to keep it dry, floating dry dock
floating exchange rate
exchange rate that changes according to the market's buyers
floating fern
aquatic fern of tropical America often used in aquariums pantropical aquatic fern
floating interest
interest rate that is not fixed, changing interest rate
floating interest rate
interest rate that changes according to the market's buyers
floating island
dessert made of custard with floating quantities of beaten egg whites; floating piece of land similar to an island
floating island
A dessert of soft custard with mounds of beaten egg whites or whipped cream floating on its surface
floating license
Anyone on the network can run a licensed ANSYS product, up to the limit specified in the license file Floating licenses require the license manager daemon (lmgrd) and the vendor daemon (ansyslmd) to be running to count the concurrent usage of the licenses
floating license
A floating license allows you to use the software on any client PC on your network because a SentinelLM license server manages the use of the license tokens among the clients
floating lien
(Finance) general attachment against the assets of a company or against a specific type of assets
floating mine
explosive device which floats in the water
floating mine
an explosive mine designed to destroy ships that bump into it
floating point
A decimal number in which the number of places after the decimal point does not remain fixed, but is regularly recalculated
floating point
A technique for representing numbers without using a fixed-position point in order to improve the calculating capability of the CPU for arithmetic with real numbers
floating point
Scientific notation; a form of representation of numbers in which the number is represented in two parts, the argument or fixed-point part, and the exponent The exponent is that power of the radix by which the argument must be multiplied to give the true value of the number The use of floating-point representation and arithmetic in a computer facilitates storage and manipulation of numbers in a wider range of magnitudes than is normally practicable and with a consistent relative degree of precision
floating point
A representation for rational numbers (and an approximation for real numbers) that uses 32 bits of storage In Java, implemented by the primitive type float Contrast double precision floating point
floating point
system in which a quantity is denoted by one number multiplied by a power of the number base
floating point
Numbers that can have a fractional part and exponent 1 5, pi, and -1 2e157 are all floating point numbers The floating point type in A is dbl
floating point
Calculations that use an exponent with numbers to indicate the location of the decimal "floating" point is known as Floating Point Arithmetic These numbers have two parts: a mantissa and an exponent The mantissa designates the digits in the number and the exponent designates the position of the decimal point
floating point
The representation of numbers in terms of mantissa and base raised to some power so that the decimal point floats during calculations; scientific notation
floating point
Numbers with decimal places See Double
floating point
A method of representing numbers in which the decimal (binary) point is permitted to "float" to different locations within the number Some of the bits devoted to storing the number are devoted to keeping track of the point
floating point
A catagory of numerical values that have a fractional component
floating point
A variety of real number which is represented to a specified number of significant figures regardless of how big or small it is
floating point
A floating sector of Mainframe - it's mainly made up of a giant park and golf course RB: 1
floating point
non-integral arithmetic A floating-point number is typically represented as a base-two fraction part and an exponent
floating point
This is a particular way of representing numbers on computers similar to the scientific notation for writing numbers (e g 0 31415 x 101 also written as 0 31415E1 by computers where `E1' means `x 101') It is almost universally used to represent numbers that are not integers (0,1,2 ) Operations such as addition, multiplication and division using these number are usually the most time consuming parts of scientific computations and the number of such operations that can be performed each second is used as a (crude) measure of computer performance See FLOPS
floating point
A number whose bit structure is composed of a mantissa and exponent, whose ASCII representation contains an explicit decimal point and may include a power-of-ten exponent
floating point
The absolute limit before floating control is lost
floating point
A binary data type type used to hold a numerical value while allowing the number of decimal places to float or move around Much like the way the decimal point moves around on a calculator automatically as more or less precision is necessary to represent a number There are many standard storage formats for floating point values Compare to integer
floating point
Using an exponent with numbers in order to indicate the location of the decimal point
floating point
A decimal point with a location that is not fixed so it can accommodate numbers of varying lengths before or after the decimal point  Often used in computer operations
floating point
1 refers to numbers that may have a fractional part - in Java the floating point types are double and float
floating point
A system or number representation based on the assumption that you know the answer already
floating point
The term floating point is derived from the fact that there is no fixed number of digits before or after the decimal point; that is, the decimal point can float A floating point number is a real number, a number that can contain a fractional part
floating point
In computer operations, a positional notation in which corresponding places in different quantities are not necessarily occupied by coefficient of the same power of the base Compare fixed point
floating point
A computer representation of a real number
floating point calculation
calculation operation of numbers containing decimals, calculation of fractional numbers
floating rate
A finance term used to explain the spread on a variable interest rate loan Developers and builders often borrow money at an interest rate tied to the prime rate, for example, 'prime plus two ' This means that if the prime rate is 10% the builder pays 12% on the money borrowed However, if the prime increases to 11%, then the interest rate charged by the lender floats upward to, in this case, 13%
floating rate
An interest rate that is benchmarked to other rates (such as the rate paid on U S Treasuries), allowing the interest rate to change as market conditions change
floating rate
Rate of interest chargeable on a loan that is variable according to a specified index or the national prime rate The loan rate is said to "float" on top of the specified index by a set amount: i e the loan may be set at Prime Rate plus 2%, meaning if the Prime Rate is 6%, the loan interest rate will be 8%
floating rate
is an interest rate that moves up or down, according to market interest rates
floating rate
Rather than a fixed interest or coupon rate, some bonds and CDs have a floating interest rate which is adjusted periodically to market conditions It is also called Variable Rate
floating rate
Also known as Variable Rate The interest rate charged on a mortgage that changes whenever your institution wants it to - almost always because of market or competitive pressures For existing borrowers, this rate can go up 'promptly' in response to market changes, but tends fall much more slowly Each time it changes, you do not necessarily have an automatic right to switch to a fixed rate - to do that you will have to enter into new negotiations with your institution (and possibly pay new fees) When considering a Variable or Floating rate, make sure you understand what will happen to your payments when the rate changes Will your a) payments go up or down? or, b) term of loan be lengthened or shortened? In both cases, each option can have a dramatic effect on the total amount of interest you will pay over the life of the loan
floating rate
An interest rate which moves in line with market or benchmark rates instead of remaining constant for the life of the loan
floating rate
A situation where the interest rate or rate of exchange is determined solely by market forces
floating rate
A dividend rate for preferred stock that is tied to the bank prime interest rate (See Refer to page 472)
floating rate
An interest rate which moves in line with market or benchmark rates instead of remaining constant for the life of the loan Gearing: The ratio of your own loan amount to the value of your security
floating rate
Interest rate that is reset periodically, usually every couple of months or sometimes daily
floating rib
{i} (Anatomy) rib that is not attached to the sternum (one of the last two ribs)
floating rib
A false rib whose anterior end is unattached. The lowest two pairs of human ribs are floating ribs
floating toolbar
toolbar which can be moved
floating valve
movable floating device which opens and closes a passage (in a pipe, etc.)
floating voter
A floating voter is a person who is not a firm supporter of any political party, and whose vote in an election is difficult to predict. someone who does not always vote for the same political party at elections
floating votes
votes of people who are not permanently attached to any political organization
free-floating aquatic ferns
floating-point notation
0012 is 0
floating-point notation
12-2 where -2 is the exponent
floating-point notation
a radix numeration system in which the location of the decimal point is indicated by an exponent of the radix; the floating-point representation of 0
floating-point number
an approximate representation of a real number value in scientific notation, consisting of a fractional part (mantissa) and an exponent E g 0 196E31 represents the number 0 196 10^31
floating-point number
a number represented in floating-point notation
floating-point operation
an arithmetic operation performed on floating-point numbers; "this computer can perform a million flops per second
my back teeth are floating
I have a strong need to urinate

Where's the restroom? My back teeth are floating!.

be floating on air
(deyim) Be very happy and excited because something very pleasant has happened to you
my back teeth are floating
(Argo) (Aus) I have to piss immediately! I need to pee! I have a strong need to urinate!

Where's the restroom? My back teeth are floating!.

Giga Floating Point Operations
(Computers) unit of measurement equal to one billion floating point operations per second (used to evaluate processing speed), GIGAFLOP
free floating
able to move about freely, not permanently fixed in a specific position
Free-floating things or people are able to move freely and are not controlled or directed by anything. a system of free-floating exchange rates. not connected to or influenced by anything