
listen to the pronunciation of field
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Bazı insanlar tarlalarda çalışıyorlar. - Some people are working in the fields.

Araba tarlaya daldı ve bir süre sarsıldıktan sonra durma noktasına geldi. - The car dove into the field and, after bumping along for a time, came to a halt.


Su yasası bir kaynak olarak suya sahip olma, kontrolü ve kullanımı ile ilgili hukuk alanıdır. - Water law is the field of law dealing with the ownership, control, and use of water as a resource.

Tom'un çalışma alanı hukuktur. - Tom's field of study is law.


Kate şimdi sahada çalışıyor. - Kate is running in the field now.

O bizim beyzbol sahamızdır. - That is our baseball field.

{i} kır

Canım kırlarda dans etmek istiyor. - I feel like dancing in the fields.

Siyah alaca sığır sürüsü İngiliz kırsalında bir tarlada otlar. - A herd of friesian cattle graze in a field in British countryside.

{i} bilim dalı
{i} bilgi alanı
{f} sahaya çıkarmak
{i} savaş alanı

Yaralı askerler savaş alanında bırakıldı. - The wounded soldiers were left in the field.

{f} cevabı yapıştırmak
{i} çalışma alanı

Ana çalışma alanınız nedir? - What's your major field of study?

Benim çalışma alanım dilbilimdir. - My field of study is linguistics.

{f} top atmak (kriket)
(Askeri) sahra

Onlar bir Amerikan sahra hastanesine tahliye ediliyorlar. - They are evacuated to an American field hospital.

hava meydanı
açık arazi

Meralarda dolaşmayı severim. - I like to roam about the fields.


Siyah insanlar pamuk tarlalarında çalışmak için zorlandılar. - Black people were compelled to work in cotton fields.

Tom'un çalışma alanı hukuktur. - Tom's field of study is law.

Bilgisayarlar her yeri işgal etti. - Computers have invaded every field.

etkinlik alanı

İnek çayırda otluyor. - The cow is grazing in the field.

(at yarışı) yarışmaya katılanlar
(Bilgisayar) Yazılımda Nesne Yönelimli Programlamada (Object Oriented Programming) klaslar içindeki değişkenlere verilen genel ad
(Bilgisayar) Nesne yönelimli proğramlamda class içindeki değişken
{f} (bir spor takımını) sahaya çıkarmak
top oyunlarında meydancı olmak
oyun sahası
savaş meydanı
(Askeri) SAHRA: Sahraya ve sefere ait madde ve konuları anlatmak için kullanılan genel bir terim. Sahra ordusu (field army), sahra talimnamesi (field manual) gibi
tesir sahası
bir yarışmaya katılanlar
etki alanı
topu yakalayıp atmak
(Matematik) cisim
(Askeri,Jeoloji) arazi

Dünyada dağlar, ormanlar, tarım arazileri, hayvanlar ve insanlar vardır. - Earth has mountains, forests, fields, animals and people.

Araziyi kestirmeden gidersek zaman kazandırır. - It'll save time if we cut across the field.

barley field
field executive
alan yöneticisi
field mouse
tarla faresi
field balm
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) yersarmaşığı
field bean
field bee
(Arılık) tarlacı arı
field code
(Bilgisayar) alan kodu
field core
ana veya yardımcı kutup
field core
field cress
field crops
bahçe bitkileri
field day
(Spor) bayramı
field four
(Bilgisayar) dördüncü alan
field glass
(Askeri) el dürbünü
field grade
(Askeri) üstsubay
field gun
(Askeri) top
field ice
(Meteoroloji) alan buzu
field independent
(Dilbilim) alan bağımlı olmayan
field independent
(Dilbilim) alan bağımsız
field keys
(Bilgisayar) alan anahtarları
field lark
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) miyop toygar
field line
(Bilgisayar,İnşaat) alan çizgisi
field list
(Bilgisayar) alan listesi
field mark
(Bilgisayar) alan imi
field mess
(Askeri) sahra yemekhanesi
field name
(Bilgisayar) alan adı
field of study
(Eğitim) branş
field of vision
görüş açısı
field of vision
görüş alanı
field of vision
(Askeri) görüş sahası
field of vision
(Tıp) görme alanı
field one
(Bilgisayar) birinci alan
field oven
sahra fırını
field size
(Bilgisayar) alan boyutu
field stone
cüret etmek
field study
katılımcı gözlem
field study
alan araştırması
field trip
öğretimde gezi
field trip
(Bilgisayar) eğitim gezisi
field tuning
alan ayarlama
field two
(Bilgisayar) ikinci alan
field type
(Bilgisayar) alan türü
field type
(Askeri) portatif
field type
(Askeri) sahra tipi
field width
(Bilgisayar) alan genişliği
field wire
(Askeri) sahra kablosu
field work
arazi çalışması
(Bilgisayar) alan/deyim
field artillery
sahra topçusu
field control
alan kontrolü
field control
alan denetimi
field corn
hayvan yemi için yetiştirilen mısır
field corn
hayvan yemi olarak yetiştirilen mısır
field crops
tarla ürünleri
field day
manevra günü
field day
yarışma günü
field day
spor bayramı
field effect
alan etkisi
field event
atletizmde yarıştan başka müsabakalar
field events
atlama ve atma karşılaşmaları
field glasses
arazi dürbünü
field goal
meydandan yapılan gol
field gun
sahra topu
field hospital
sahra hastanesi

Onlar bir Amerikan sahra hastanesine tahliye ediliyorlar. - They are evacuated to an American field hospital.

field house
duşlu soyunma yeri
field marshal
field mouse
field observation
alan gözlemi
field of vision
geniş görüş alanı
field officer
alay komutanı
field officer
field pickup
dış yayın
field research
alan araştırması
field scanning
alan taraması
field service
sahra hizmeti
field service
taşra teşkilatı
field service report
alan servis rapor
field sports
açık hava sporları
field sports
field survey
alan araştırması
field survey
arazi çalışması
field test
arazi deneyi
field testing
alan testi
field theory
alan kuramı
field theory
alan teorisi
field trip
(öğretimde) tatbikat
field weapons
sahra silahları
field work
arazi işi
field work
yerinde araştırma
Field Gun
(Askeri) Sahra silahı ya da karacıların silahı olarak çevrilebilir. Bu tabir genellikle top obüs ve havanları kastetse de kara kuvvetlerinde satıhtan satıha atış yapan bütün silahları kapsayacak şekilde de kullanıldığı olmaktadır
Field of Business
(Finans) Faaliyet alanı
field alignment
alan uyum
field application engineer
alan uygulaması mühendisi
field architect
saha mimarı
field army
(Askeri) Sahra birliği
field blanking
alan silinmesi, düşey silinme, alan boşluğu
field crop
field current
alan mevcut
field deflection
düşey saptırma
field discharge
alan boşalması
field drainage
tarla drenajı
field event
atletizm yarışmaları
field flattener
anastigmat objektif, alan düzleyici
field flyback
alan başı yapma
field frequency
alan frekansı, saniyede alan sayısı
field geology
alan yerbilimi
field intensity
alan şiddeti
field length
alan uzunluğu
field magnet
alan mıknatısı
field margin
Tarla ya da arazi kenarı
field markings
(Spor) saha çizgileri
field moisture
tarla nemi
field of activity
iştigal sahası
field part
alan bölüm
field pea
alan bezelye
field pickup
dış yayın, dışarıda yayın
field rheostat
alan reostasi
field suppressor
alan bastirici, alan supresörü
field surveyed
arazide ölç(mek)
field synchronizing pulse
alan senkronizasyon sinyali, alan eşleme imi
field work
Saha çalışması
field-grown tomatoes
tarla domatesi
özel, belirli alana dahil

field-specific nouns.


Ne yönde ya da hangi alanlarda değişim gerekli? - In what direction or fields is change necessary?

Nehir kendi kıyılarını aştı ve çevresindeki alanları sel bastı. - The river overflowed its banks and flooded the fields around it.

field of view
(Askeri) GÖRÜŞ SAHASI: 1. Fotoğrafçılıkta kamera lensinin perspektif merkezinden (geri düğüm noktası) geçip formatın 2 zıt tarafına doğru giden 2 ışın arasındaki açı, "görüş açısı" ile karıştırılmamalıdır. 2. Top nişangahından bakan bir nişancıya mevcut olan toplam açı
field of view
(Aydınlatma) bakma alanı
field of view
(Askeri) görüş sahası
field survey
(Askeri) saha incelemesi
field trip
(öğretimde) gezi
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A wide, open space that is usually used to grow crops or to hold farm animals
An area reserved for playing a game

soccer field.

A set having two operations called addition and multiplication under both of which all the elements of the set are commutative and associative; for which multiplication distributes over addition; and for both of which there exist an identity element and an inverse element (except for the additive identity)

The set of rational numbers, \mathbb{Q}, is the prototypical field.

The open country near or belonging to a city -- usually used in plural
A region containing a particular mineral

gold field or goldfield.

A course of study or domain of knowledge or practice

He was an expert in the field of Chinese history.

To intercept or catch (a ball) and play it
The background of the shield
An area of memory or storage reserved for a particular value
To answer; to address

She will field questions immediately after her presentation.

To place a team in (a game)
A region affected by a particular force

magnetic field.

A land area free of woodland, cities, and towns; open country
You can refer to the area where fighting or other military action in a war takes place as the field or the field of battle. We never defeated them on the field of battle. the need for politicians to leave day-to-day decisions to commanders in the field
A sports field is an area of grass where sports are played. a football field Gavin Hastings was helped from the field with ankle injuries
If you say that someone fields a question, you mean that they answer it or deal with it, usually successfully. He was later shown on television, fielding questions
Work or study that is done in the field is done in a real, natural environment rather than in a theoretical way or in controlled conditions. The zoo is doing major conservation work, both in captivity and in the field
If a candidate in an election is representing a political party, you can say that the party is fielding that candidate. There are signs that the new party aims to field candidates in elections scheduled for February next year. = put up see also coalfield, minefield, playing field, snowfield
Your field of vision or your visual field is the area that you can see without turning your head. Our field of vision is surprisingly wide
If someone is having a field day, they are very busy doing something that they enjoy, even though it may be hurtful for other people. In our absence the office gossips are probably having a field day
If a sports team fields a particular number or type of players, the players are chosen to play for the team on a particular occasion. England intend fielding their strongest team in next month's World Youth Championship
If you say that someone leads the field in a particular activity, you mean that they are better, more active, or more successful than everyone else who is involved in it. When it comes to picking up awards they lead the field by miles
A field is an area of land or sea bed under which large amounts of a particular mineral have been found. an extensive natural gas field in Alaska
A field is an area of grass, for example in a park or on a farm. A field is also an area of land on which a crop is grown. a field of wheat They went for walks together in the fields
A magnetic, gravitational, or electric field is the area in which that particular force is strong enough to have an effect. Some people are worried that electromagnetic fields from electric power lines could increase the risk of cancer
{i} area; domain, range; piece of land; space designated for an item of information in a record (Computers); surface; land designated for sports; composition of players; layer; area where a battle takes place; battle
{f} go onto the field, take the field (about a sports team); receive the ball
A particular field is a particular subject of study or type of activity. Exciting artistic breakthroughs have recently occurred in the fields of painting, sculpture and architecture Each of the authors of the tapes is an expert in his field
{n} a piece of inclosed ground, extent, blank space, place of battle, course for races
{s} of an open area of ground
A field is an area of a computer's memory or a program where data can be entered, edited, or stored. Go to a site like Yahoo! Finance and enter `AOL' in the Get Quotes field
In a relational database, an item of information, such as a chromosome number, or the centimorgan length on a genetic map Some fields are numeric, while others are textual; some are long, while others are short In addition, every field has a name, called the field name In database management systems, a field can be required, optional, or calculated A required field is one in which you must enter data, while an optional field is one you may leave blank A calculated field is one whose value is derived from some formula involving other fields You do not enter data into a calculated field; the system automatically determines the correct value A collection of fields is called a record
A space allocated for a particular item of information A library catalog record, for example, contains a number of fields: author, title, publisher information, date, etc In database systems, fields are the smallest units of information you can access A collection of fields is called a record
a particular kind of commercial enterprise; "they are outstanding in their field" the area that is visible (as through an optical instrument) all the competitors in a particular contest or sporting event all of the horses in a particular horse race (mathematics) a set of elements such that addition and multiplication are commutative and associative and multiplication is distributive over addition and there are two elements 0 and 1; "the set of all rational numbers is a field" (computer science) a set of one or more adjacent characters comprising a unit of information a region in which active military operations are in progress; "the army was in the field awaiting action"; "he served in the Vietnam theater for three years" somewhere (away from a studio or office or library or laboratory) where practical work is done or data is collected; "anthropologists do much of their work in the field" a piece of land cleared of trees and usually enclosed; "he planted a field of wheat" a geographic region (land or sea) under which something valuable is found; "the diamond fields of South Africa" the space around a radiating body within which its electromagnetic oscillations can exert force on another similar body not in contact with it select (a team or individual player) for a game; "The Patriots fielded a young new quarterback for the Rose Bowl" answer adequately or successfully; "The lawyer fielded all questions from the press" play as a fielder catch or pick up (balls) in baseball or cricket
When speaking of how data might be collected in databases, or using feedback forms on web pages, for example, we speak of collecting information in pertinent fields Collecting Surnames together in a 'surname' field, for instance, would require that such a field be established within the software that will be sorting inputted data
a piece of land prepared for playing a game; "the home crowd cheered when Princeton took the field"
One half (every other line) of a television picture (frame) A field is one complete vertical scan of the picture One field contains 262 5 lines Two fields create a complete television picture (frame) The lines of the first field are vertically interlaced with the lines of second field to create 525 lines of resolution
A single piece of information within a database (e g , an entry for name or address) Also refers to a specific area within a dialog box or a window where information can be entered
F Field - the part of a record used for a particular category of data For instance, the title (ti) field in a database record displays the title for the record
When awk reads an input record, it splits the record into pieces separated by whitespace (or by a separator regexp which you can change by setting the built-in variable FS) Such pieces are called fields If the pieces are of fixed length, you can use the built-in variable FIELDWIDTHS to describe their lengths See section How Input is Split into Records
an abstract component of a data unit that is assigned a length and a representation The instance of a field is the field value Fields may be divided into sub-fields which may be used as fields [620 0-B-1] an abstract component of a data unit that is assigned a length and a representation The instance of a field is the field value Fields may be divided into sub-fields [610 0-G-5]
(computer science) a set of one or more adjacent characters comprising a unit of information a region in which active military operations are in progress; "the army was in the field awaiting action"; "he served in the Vietnam theater for three years"
That part of the grounds reserved for the players which is outside of the diamond; called also outfield
play as a fielder catch or pick up (balls) in baseball or cricket
A set having two operations called addition and multiplication under both of which all the elements of the set are commutative and associative; for which multiplication distributes over addition; and for both of which there exist an identity element and an inverse element
all of the horses in a particular horse race
A named subdivision of a record containing a specifically-defined piece of information within a system, for example "Artist's name," "Simple name," "Denomination "
To take the field
the space around a radiating body within which its electromagnetic oscillations can exert force on another similar body not in contact with it
A collective term for all the competitors in any outdoor contest or trial, or for all except the favorites in the betting
A category of information, such as title, author, abstract or subject A user can specify a field or fields in which the system should search for a concept
(the ball), as a fielder
A segment of a database record for searching and display Some typical fields include the title, author, publication date, and subject
One video frame is composed of two fields; one field consists of the odd numbered lines in the frame and the other field consists of the even numbered lines
A mathematical system that has two distinct operations, where both operations satisfy the axions of an abelian group Usually the operations are expressed as addition and multiplication (Zero is excluded from the multiplicative group since it has no inverse ) The most common examples of fields are the rational numbers Q, the real numbers R, the complex numbers C, and finite fields
a branch of knowledge; "in what discipline is his doctorate?"; "teachers should be well trained in their subject"; "anthropology is the study of human beings"
Any blank space or ground on which figures are drawn or projected
An unresticted or favorable opportunity for action, operation, or achievement; province; room
To catch, stop, throw, etc
a single item that is part of a record in a database
all the competitors in a particular contest or sporting event
select (a team or individual player) for a game; "The Patriots fielded a young new quarterback for the Rose Bowl"
The whole surface of an escutcheon; also, so much of it is shown unconcealed by the different bearings upon it
the area that is visible (as through an optical instrument)
Cleared land; land suitable for tillage or pasture; cultivated ground; the open country
a place where planes take off and land
A mathematical structure consisting of a finite or infinite set F together with two binary operations called addition and multiplication Typical examples include the set of real numbers, the set of rational numbers, and the set of integers modulo p See Section A 4 for more detailed information
catch or pick up (balls) in baseball or cricket
To stand out in the field, ready to catch, stop, or throw the ball
An open space; an extent; an expanse
field artillery
The part of an army's artillery which consists of (light) fieldpieces (canons, howitzers) which are mobile enough to deploy on the (battle) field, as opposed to the fixed guns in fortifications or naval artillery; usually excludes antiaircraft
field day
A school day for athletic events; a sports day
field day
A great time or a great deal to do

They went to the park and had a field day playing on the swings.

field day
A great time or a great deal to do, at somebody else's expense

The scandal was a field day for the press.

field day
A parade day
field day
Top-to-bottom all-hands cleaning
field day
A day of class taken away from school for a field trip
field days
plural form of field day
field dress
to perform a basic gutting of a game animal, without more detailed procedures such as skinning
field effect
The use of an electric field to control the conductivity of a channel in a semiconductor, as in FET
field emission
the emission of electrons from a metal or semiconductor, under the influence of a strong electric field, by quantum tunneling
field emission display
a flat panel display technology that uses large-area field electron sources to provide electrons that strike coloured phosphors to produce a colour image. In a general sense, an FED consists of a matrix of cathode ray tubes, each tube producing a single sub-pixel, grouped in threes to form red-green-blue (RGB) pixels
field emission microscope
the instrument used in field emission microscopy
field emission microscopes
plural form of field emission microscope
field emission microscopy
a technique that uses field emission of electrons or positive ions from the needle-shaped tip of an emitter to produce a magnified image of the emitter surface (showing each atom) on a fluorescent screen
field glass
The larger of the image lenses of an optical device
field glass
A small monocular refracting telescope
field glass
A pair of binoculars for observing "in the field"
field goal
A made shot that was not a free throw

He got six field goals in the first half, two from three point land.

field goal
When the ball is kicked through the uprights and over the crossbar (not after a touchdown) for 3 points

He kicked a 33 yard field goal just before the half.

field goals
plural form of field goal
field grade
Each of the commissions which rank a (para)military officer below the (highest) class of general officers, but above other commissioned officers and NCOs

In various armies major is the lowest field grade, full colonel the highest field grade.

field hand
An outdoor worker on a farm, plantation, or ranch

A good weekly wage for a field hand on a banana plantation is $3.

field horsetail
A plant in the taxonomic genus Equisetum (horsetails); Equisetum arvense
field horsetails
plural form of field horsetail
field hospital
A large mobile medical unit that temporarily takes care of casualties before they can be safely transported to more permanent hospital facilities
field hospitals
plural form of field hospital
field line
A line of constant strength in a field
field marshal
In certain nations the highest military rank, ranking below only the commander in chief; now essentially disused
field marshals
plural form of field marshal
field mouse
one of several species of mice in genus Apodemus
field mouse
one of several species of mice in genus Akodon
field mouse
a small vole such as the meadow vole
field of fire
The area that a projectile weapon (or group of weapons) can reach from a given position
field of force
A force field
field of study
An area of academic concentration; a discipline
field of view
The angular extent of what can be seen, either with the eye or with an optical instrument or camera
field officer
A (para)military commissioned officer who holds a field grade, ranking under general officers but above lower grades and fit to command medium-size units on the field, such as a batalion or regiment; or a non-army equivalents in rank
field restriction
A rule governing the placement of fielders (within an oval drawn on the pitch) at certain times during the innings of a one-day match
field seam
A splice or seam made in the field (not factory) where overlapping sheets are joined together using an adhesive, splicing tape, or heat or solvent welding
field shift
The portion of an isotope shift produced by the changing shape of a nucleus upon the addition of a neutron
field shifts
plural form of field shift
field strip
To dismantle a firearm to the maximum extent possible without requiring tools
field theory
The branch of mathematics dealing with the algebraic structure of fields
field trip
An educational trip in which a class visits a location away from school, such as a museum, zoo, or corporate facility
field unit
A military unit destined to be fielded in tactical operations
field voles
plural form of field vole
field work
A temporary fortification in the field

If any person, without lawful authority, makes or attempts to make any sketch, drawing, photograph, picture, painting, model or note of any fort, battery, field work, fortification or any military work of defence, aerodrome, barracks, post, magazine, munition factory, stores depot or any other Government property occupied or partly occupied by the Defence Forces or any portion thereof, such person shall be guilty of an offence under this subsection and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds or, at the discretion of the court, imprisonment for any term not exceeding twelve months, and all sketches, drawings, photographs, pictures, paintings, models and notes and all tools and all materials or apparatus for sketching, drawing, photographing, painting or modelling found in his possession shall be forfeited and may be destroyed, sold or otherwise disposed of as a Minister of State directs.

field work
The collection of raw data, in the field
Attributive form of field hockey, noun
To test something using the conditions that it was designed to operate under, especially out in the real world instead of in a laboratory or workshop
Attributive form of field trip

field-trip permission slip.

field agent
In espionage, a field agent is an agent who works on the field as opposed to one who works at the office or headquarters. A field agent can work alone or in a group but usually has a case officer who is in charge.Field agents can be undercover, and travel using fake passports that may be under the name of a front organization or shell corporation. Field agents can be armed, but the weapon is always concealed in order to blend in with the masses and not stick out. Field agents are often present in fiction, though their duties and actions can be quite different in reality
field bean
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) Vicia faba, the broad bean, fava bean, faba bean, horse bean, field bean, tic bean is a species of bean (Fabaceae) native to north Africa and southwest Asia, and extensively cultivated elsewhere. Although usually classified in the same genus Vicia as the vetches, some botanists treat it in a separate monotypic genus as Faba sativa Moench
field electron emission
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Field electron emission (FE) (also known as field emission and - in some contexts - electron field emission) is a phenomenon involving the electric field induced emission of electrons from the surface of a condensed material (either solid or liquid), into vacuum or into another material. This second material may be a gas, a liquid, or a non-metallic solid with low electrical conductivity. FE occurs at surface locations where the local surface electric field is particularly high. To generate significant amounts of emission, fields of 1 volt per nanometre (1 V/nm, or 1 000 000 000 volts per metre) or more are required. The exact field needed depends both on the nature of the materials involved and on the amount of electron current being generated. No external stimulation (in particular, no heating) is needed
field emission
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Field electron emission (FE) (also known as field emission and - in some contexts - electron field emission) is a phenomenon involving the electric field induced emission of electrons from the surface of a condensed material (either solid or liquid), into vacuum or into another material. This second material may be a gas, a liquid, or a non-metallic solid with low electrical conductivity. FE occurs at surface locations where the local surface electric field is particularly high. To generate significant amounts of emission, fields of 1 volt per nanometre (1 V/nm, or 1 000 000 000 volts per metre) or more are required. The exact field needed depends both on the nature of the materials involved and on the amount of electron current being generated. No external stimulation (in particular, no heating) is needed
field run
(Tarım) A crop product that has not been graded or sorted
Present participle of field
a field
{a} being in the field of battle, encamped, pitched
A field
Field of view
{i} family name; W.C. Fields (1880-1946) U.S. comedian and movie actor
American lyricist whose song credits include "On the Sunny Side of the Street" (1930) and "The Way You Look Tonight" (1936), which won an Academy Award. American entertainer known for his raspy voice, bulbous nose, and sardonic disposition. His films include My Little Chickadee (1940) and Never Give a Sucker an Even Break (1941)
The field
field of study
a branch of knowledge; "in what discipline is his doctorate?"; "teachers should be well trained in their subject"; "anthropology is the study of human beings"
field of study
A hierarchical classification which describes the major subject matter of a course
field of study
records a code representing the field of study applicable to the candidature Two classifications are represented within a single structure permitting selection from the Australian Bureau of Statistics classification, or the DEST classification The field of study percentage must total 100% for a candidature
field of study
A classification of courses based on similarity of vocational field of specialisation
field of study
{i} academic discipline, branch of study, discipline, branch knowledge
field of view
area which one can see; area visible through the lens of an optical instrument, FOV
field survey
An investigation of a property that takes place on the site rather than through a review of maps, photographs, and other types of information in an office
field survey
Typically relies on questionnaire distributed to a sample of people selected from a larger population (1)
field survey
The process of visiting existing developments as part of the information-gathering process Each project listed in this survey has been visited on-site by an analyst employed by The Danter Company, unless specified otherwise Also the name of the section detailing information gathered during the field trip
field trip
A group excursion for the purpose of firsthand observation, as to a museum, the woods, or a historic place. an occasion when students go somewhere to learn about a particular subject, especially one connected with nature or science
field trip
school outing for educational purposes (especially to a museum or place of historical interest)
field trip
a group excursion (to a museum or the woods or some historic place) for firsthand examination
field work
an investigation carried out in the field rather than in a laboratory or headquarters
field work
work done (by students, interns, etc.) to gain practical experience through firsthand observation; gathering of information through observation of subjects in their natural setting (common in anthropology, sociology, etc.)
Simple past and past participle of to field
Engaged in the field; encamped
(baseball) handling the ball while playing in the field
the action of the verb to field
a pleasant Trader village, home of Traders Mohr and Dagg
Fielding Average (primary position) ((PO+Assists)/TC)
English novelist and dramatist (1707-1754)
(baseball) handling the ball while playing in the field English novelist and dramatist (1707-1754)
The act of playing as a fielder
To collect data using a particular survey instrument-a survey is "in the field" or a researcher is "fielding" a survey during the actual data collection process
Interlaced images (video) consist of two fields that must be rendered independently and combined into one frame Each field contains half the scan lines (either even or odd) and is a separate file You can either render to fields or to frames
the rectangle where the user enters in the information
distinct parts of a database record where specific information common to most records is found such as the author or title
Components of a Web page such as a title, URL, domain, host, link, text and images that are used by some search engines to help narrow a search
The individual areas of a database record Examples include the author, title, subject and note fields
United States comedian and film actor (1880-1946)
A data element contained within each record on the Employer Report For information on a specific data element, see the definition in this glossary
Database Location Data Type Description Source Field Length Data Inegrity
The smallest division within a metadata framework Fields become elements in a DTD or schema Fields become tag sets within XML documents when the field is surrounded by a "<" and a ">" sign
categories (or columns) in a database table
A special item of information, such as a name or Social Security number, in a record of a database file; a combination of one or more bytes and is usually the smallest item of meaningful data; also called attribute 2 21, 9 4
The data members of an object are referred to as fields (also known as attributes in other languages/environments)
Columns on a spreadsheet containing associate values The unit of a database that like information is put into An example would be first_name, city, etc ; first_name would be a field that holds first names, city would hold cities, etc
Distinct parts of a database record, such as title, author, or subject
A collection of fields makes up a record A field is used for a particular category of data Examples of fields are AUTHOR, TITLE, SUBJECT, DATE, etc
Council2003 dbf
An individual piece of data, for example, the account number for sales or a customer's name (p 625)
Third person singular of field
List the fields contained in a dictionary entry in the order in which they appear The marks for the four fields are: h - head entry r - reading / pronunciation t - translation e - (explanatory) remark
NUMBER Number of locally declared fields that this Java class contains
Fields: Fields
White space where you input data
Elements of an individual record in a database For example, a database with student names and addresses would have a field for first name, last name and address Fields are used to sort records according to their contents (Unit 4> A Primer on Databases and Catalogs)
Plural of field
Fields: they represent continuous phenomena, like for example environmental noise or territory altimetry
A particular section of a computer record ( author, title, source, date )
Township dbf