
listen to the pronunciation of exercise
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
alıştırma yapmak

Sen alıştırma yapmak için zamanı nasıl bulursun? - How do you find the time to exercise?

{f} egzersiz yapmak

Ölçülü egzersiz yapmak size iyi gelecektir. - Taking moderate exercise will do you good.

Ilımlı egzersiz yapmak sizi sağlıklı tutacaktır. - Taking moderate exercise will keep you healthy.


Koşmak iyi egzersizdir. - Running is good exercise.

O, egzersizin önemi üzerine vurgu yaptı. - He put emphasis on the importance of the exercise.


Bizim alıştırmaları öğretmen düzeltir. - The teacher corrects our exercises.

Bu Fransızca alıştırmalar kolay değil. - These French exercises are not easy.

alıştırma egzersiz
{f} kullanmak

Sessiz kalma hakkımı kullanmak istiyorum. - I wish to exercise my right to remain silent.

{i} idman
(Ticaret) işleme koyma
(Askeri) eğitim
jimnastik yapmak
idmanla geliştirmek
(Ticaret) opsiyonun kullanılması
antreman yapmak
egzersiz yaptırmak

İlginç bir kişi olmak için aklınızı beslemek ve egzersiz yaptırmak zorundasınız. - To be an interesting person you have to feed and exercise your mind.

Köpeğinize egzersiz yaptırmak için en sevdiğiniz şey nedir? - What's your favorite way to exercise your dog?

egzersiz/alıştırma yapmak
{f} alıştırma yap

Sen alıştırma yapmak için zamanı nasıl bulursun? - How do you find the time to exercise?

{i} yerine getirme
{f} alıştır

Bizim alıştırmaları öğretmen düzeltir. - The teacher corrects our exercises.

Alıştırma neden önemli? - Why is exercise important?

(Kanun) (hak, yetki) Kullanmak
{f} çalışma yapmak
{i} çalışma

O, laboratuar çalışmalarının sınavı öncesinde teslim edilmesini şart koşuyor. - He requires that the laboratory exercises be handed in before the final exam.

{i} uygulama
beden terbiyesi
(Tıp) Hareket yeteneği azalan veya kaybolan bir organ (kol, bacak, el vs)'a eski hareketini kazandırmak amacıyla yaptırılan belirli hareketler, alıştırma, egzersiz
{f} hareket ettirmek
(Askeri) TIBBİ EGZERSİZ, EGZERSİZ: Tıbbi tedavinin bir kolu. Bu tıbbi tedavi "active exercise", "asistive exercise", "conditioning exercise", "heavy resistant exercise", "passive exercise", "progressive exercise", "remedial exercise", "resistive exercise" ve "tolerance exercise" nevilerine ayrılır. Bu terimlere bak
{i} yapma

O ona daha fazla egzersiz yapmasını tavsiye etti. - She advised him to get more exercise.

O ona daha fazla egzersiz yapmasını tavsiye etti. - She advised him to do more exercise.

{f} alıştırmak
(Tıp) Vücut kaslarını kuvvetlendirmek amacıyla ,germe ve gevşetme şeklind yapılan sistemik hareketler, vücut hareketleri, idman, jimnastik

Hareketli egzersiz seni terletir. - Vigorous exercise makes you sweat.

{i} kullanma

Herkesin oy hakkını kullanması gerekir. - Everyone should exercise their right to vote.

Sessiz kalma hakkımı kullanmak istiyorum. - I wish to exercise my right to remain silent.

{f} çalıştırmak
{i} yorum
{i} tören
{f} göstermek
(Tıp) eksersiz
yerine getirmek
exercise area
(Askeri) eğitim sahası
exercise book
müsvedde defteri
exercise commander
(Askeri) tatbikat komutanı
exercise date
(Ticaret) yürürlük tarihi
exercise in
(deyim) eğitmek
exercise in
(deyim) çalıştırmak
exercise log
(Bilgisayar) çalışma günlüğü
exercise name
(Bilgisayar) çalışma adı
exercise price
(Ticaret) kullanım fiyatı
exercise price
(Ticaret) uygulanacak fiyat
exercise type
(Bilgisayar) çalışma türü
exercise types
(Bilgisayar) çalışma türleri
exercise bike
ekzersiz bisikleti
exercise power
yetki kullanmak
exercise a right
hak kullanmak
exercise authority
(Politika, Siyaset) yetkiyi kullanmak
exercise book
ders defteri
exercise commander
(Askeri) TATBİKAT KOMUTANI: Bir tatbikata katılan ve emrine verilmiş bulunan kuvvetlere münasip harekat emirleri yayınlayacak olan komutan. Bu komutana; esas emir ve komuta görevine ek olarak, tatbikatı kontrol sevk ve idare ile ilgili sorumluluklar da verilir. Ayrıca bakınız: "commander (s) "
exercise controler
(Askeri) tatbikat kontrolörü
exercise directing staff
(Askeri) tatbikat yönetim karargahı
exercise directing staff
(Askeri) TATBİKAT YÖNETİM KARARGAHI: Bir tatbikatı sevk ve idare etmek için yeterli nitelikler, tecrübe ve tatbikat talimnamelerine tüm olarak vakıf subaylardan oluşmuş kurul
exercise filled mine
(Askeri) talim mayını
exercise id
(Bilgisayar) çalışma no
exercise incident
(Askeri) TATBİKAT OLAYI: Tatbikat sırasında, tatbikata katılan kuvvetlere veya bunların tesislere etkisi olacak ve tatbikata dahil olan ilgili komutanlık ve/veya karargah tarafından bir işlem gerektirecek bir olayın kontrol karargahları tarafından tatbikata sokulması
exercise incident
(Askeri) tatbikat olayı
exercise item
(Askeri) tatbikat maddesi
exercise log id
(Bilgisayar) çalışma günlük no
exercise message
exercise mine
(Askeri) manevra mayını
exercise mine
(Askeri) tatbikat mayını
exercise mine
(Askeri) TATBİKAT EĞİTİM MAYINI: Deniz mayın harbinde, mayın harbi tatbikatlarında kullanılmaya uygun, normal olarak ne zaman ve nerede patlayacağını gösteren, görülebilen ve duyulabilir donanım/cihazlara sahip mayın. Ayrıca bakınız: "mine; practice mine; drillmine"
exercise of rights
(Ticaret) edinilecek haklar uygulaması
exercise of rights
(Ticaret) hakların kullanımı
exercise of warrant
(Ticaret) varantın kullanılması
exercise one's authority
yetki kullanmak
exercise operations director
(Askeri) tatbikat harekat direktörü
exercise operations order
(Askeri) tatbikat harekat emri
exercise over
(deyim) üzerinde güç vb kullanmak
exercise plan
(Askeri) tatbikat planı
exercise planning directive
(Askeri) TATBİKAT PLANLAMA DİREKTİFİ: Tatbikatı planlayan subay tarafından geliştirilen ve tek bir tatbikatta planlamacılara daha ileri ölçüde rehberlik etmesi için tasarlanıp temin edilen tatbikat talimnamesi
exercise planning instruction
(Askeri) tatbikat planlama direktifi
exercise program
(Askeri) TATBİKAT PROGRAMI: NATO Komutanlığı tarafından belirli bir yıl için planlanmış tatbikat özellikleri
exercise programme
(Askeri) tatbikat programı
exercise related construction
(Askeri) tatbikatla ilgili inşaat
exercise sovereignty
hakimiyet uygulamak
exercise specification
(Askeri) TATBİKAT ÖZELLİKLERİ: Tatbikatın genel konsepti, şekli, kapsamı, mahali, amacı, gayeleri, kuvvet ihtiyaçları, politik yönleri, analiz düzenlemeleri ve masraflarını önceden genel hatlarıyla ortaya koyan ana tatbikat gerekleri
exercise specifications
(Askeri) tatbikat özellikleri
exercise sponsor
(Askeri) tatbikat tertipleyicisi
exercise sponsor
(Askeri) TATBİKAT TERTİPLEYİCİSİ: Bir tatbikat görevini alıp, planlanması ve icraatını kendi personeli veya bir tali karargah tarafından yapılmasını emreden komutan
exercise study
(Askeri) TATBİKAT ÇALIŞMASI: Bir harita tatbikatı, bir savaş oyunu, bir dizi kurs, bir müzakere grubu, veya bir harekat analizi şeklinde olabilecek bir faaliyet
exercise study
(Askeri) tatbikat çalışması
exercise term
(Askeri) tatbikat terimi
exercise term
(Askeri) TATBİKAT TERİMİ: Bir deneme, çalışma veya tatbikatı belirtmek için özel olarak kullanılan, normalde gizlilik derecesi olmayan iki kelimeden oluşan bir terim. Bir tatbikat terimi, gerçek harekat emirlerinden, karışıklığa sebep olacak emirleri ayırt etmek amacıyla kullanılır
exercise termination
(Askeri) tatbikat sonu
exercise the judicial power
(Kanun) yargı yetkisini kullanmak
exercise tolerance
egzersiz tahammülü
extent of a military exercise
(Askeri) askeri tatbikatın kapsamı

Tom, her sabah bazı hafif egzersizler yapmaya çalışır. - Tom tries to do some light exercises every morning.

Koşmadan önce gevşemek için birkaç egzersiz yapmayı severim. - I like to do a few exercises to loosen up before I run.

yerine getirme
controlled exercise
(Askeri) kontrollü tatbikat
yerine getirilmiş
egzersiz aleti
tatbik etme
isometric exercise
pasif jimnastik
perform a military exercise
(Askeri) tatbikat düzenlemek
writing exercise
aerobic exercise
aerobik egzersizi
anaerobic exercise
oksijensiz çalışma
calisthenic exercise
beden eğitimi
graduation exercise
mezuniyet çalışması
income of exercise
dönem kârı
leg exercise
bacak egsersizi
military training exercise
askeri çalışma
neck exercise
boyun eksersizi
stomach exercise
karın egzersizi
finger exercise
parmak egzersiz
floor exercise
zemin egzersiz
military exercise
Askerî tatbikat, savaş tatbikatı
pull-up exercise
(Bilim, İlim) A pull-up iş an upper body compound pulling exercise where the body iş suspended by extended arms, gripping a fixed bar, then pulled up until the elbows are bent and the head iş higher than the hands, utilizing an overhand (pronated) grip. A traditional pull-up relies on upper body strength with no swinging or "kipping" (using a forceful initial movement of the legs in order to gain momentum). The exercise targets mainly the Latissimus Dorsi muscle in the back along with many other assisting muscles.‎ Pull-ups are similar to chin-ups, which are distinct due to the underhand (supinated) grip. The difference iş that palms are facing away from the practitioner in pull-ups, while in chin-ups the palms face toward the practitioner
strenuous exercise
yorucu egzersiz
take exercise
jimnastik yapmak
take exercise
Egzersiz yapmak
vigorous exercise
(Spor) Ağır idman
active exercise
(Askeri) FAAL AKTİF EGZERSİZ: Hastanın, lüzumlu hareketleri, başkasının yardımına muhtaç olmadan bizzat yapması suretiyle uygulanan tıbbi egzersiz. Ayrıca bakınız, " exercise
alert exercise
(Askeri) alarm tatbikatı
allied exercise publication
(Askeri) müttefik tatbikat yayını
allied exercise publications
alternate exercise
(Askeri) yardımcı egzersiz
alternate exercise
(Askeri) ALTERNATİF YARDIMCI EGZERSİZ: Sakatlık veya havanın sertliği yüzünden belirli bazı hareketleri yapamayan bir hastanın yapacağı tıbbi egzersiz
alternate exercise
(Askeri) alternatif egzersiz
antenatal exercise
(Tıp) Gebelik esnasında, doğuma yardımcı olmak üzere karın kaslarını kasma ve gevşetme suretiyle çalıştırmayı amaçlayan egzersizler
assistive exercise
(Askeri) YARDIMCI EGZERSİZ: Hastanın, bir öğretmen veya mekanik aletler yardımıyla, belirli hareketleri yapması şeklinde tatbik olunan tıbbi egzersiz
combat exercise
(Askeri) MUHAREBE TATBİKATI: Muharebe tekniği ile ilgili olarak yapılan eğitim ve manevralar
command post exercise
(Askeri) komuta yeri tatbikatı
command post exercise
(Askeri) KOMUTA YERİ TATBİKATI: Komutanı, karargah heyetini ve karargahlar arasında haberleşmeyi içine alan bir tatbikat. Ayrıca bakınız: "exercise", "field exercise" ve "maneuver "'
conditioning exercise
(Askeri) GELİŞME EKSERSİZİ: Kas, kalp ve solunum sisteminin (musculocardio respiratory) mukavemet ve genel kudretini belirli sınırlar içinde tutmak ve belirli bir hadde kadar arttırmak maksadıyla yapılan egzersiz
conditioning exercise
(Askeri) gelişme egzersizi
contingency and exercise plan
(Askeri) muhtemel durum ve tatbikat planı
controlled exercise
(Askeri) KONTROLLU TATBİKAT: Temelinde karşılıklı etkileşim tiplerini teşvik etmek amacıyla, planlama makamları tarafından katılan birliklerin bir kısmı veya hepsi üzerinde uygulanan kısıtlamalarla tanımlanan bir tatbikat. Ayrıca bakınız: "free play exercise"
coordinated exercise
(Askeri) KOORDİNE EDİLMİŞ TATBİKAT: Bak. "JCS coordinated exercise"
crisis management exercise
(Askeri) kriz yönetim tatbikatı
developing country combined exercise program
(Askeri) ülke geliştirme birleşik tatbikat programı
direct exercise
(Askeri) DİREKT TATBİKAT: Bak. "JCS directed exercise". DIRECT FIRE (SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, SAVUNMA KURULU): GÖREREK ATEŞ: Ya toplar ya da komuta aleti ile hedefe doğrudan doğruya nişan alınarak yapılan atış: Bak. "fire"
exercise book
alıştırma defteri
(Askeri) FÜZE KONSTRÜKSİYON DENEME MAKİNASI (HV.): Bir füzenin tabi olduğu gerilme ve titreşimleri meydana getiren ve konstrüksiyon bütünlüğü bakımından füzenin denenmesinde kullanılan bir makina
field exercise
ask. kıta tatbikatı
field exercise
(Askeri) SAHRA TATBİKATI: Arazide savaş koşulları altında yapılan ve bir tarafın birliklerinin ve silahlarının gerçekten mevcut olduğu, diğer tarafınkilerin hayali olduğu bir tatbikat. Ayrıca bakınız: "command post exercise", "maneuver"
field training exercise
(Askeri) sahra eğitim tatbikatı
free play exercise
(Askeri) SERBEST OYUN ŞEKLİNDE YAPILAN TATBİKAT: Barış zamanı güvenlik nedenleri ile kısıtlanmış veya sunileştirilmiş, simule (Düzenleme) savaş zamanında kuvvetlerin imkan ve kabiliyetlerinin denenmesinin amaçlandığı bir tatbikat. Ayrıca bak. "controlled exercise"
grand joint exercise
(Askeri) genel müşterek tatbikat
heavy resistant exercise
(Askeri) AĞIR MUKAVEMET EGZERSİZLERİ: Ağır bir yüke (demir ağırlıklar, gülle vesaire kaldırmak suretiyle) mukavemet ederek yapılan egzersizler. Bak. "exercise"
joint combined exchange training; joint combined exercise for training
(Askeri) müşterek muhtelit değişim eğitimi; eğitim amaçlı müşterek muhtelit tatbikat
joint exercise
(Askeri) Ortak tatbikat (müttefiklerle)
joint exercise control group
(Askeri) müşterek tatbikat kontrol grubu
joint exercise management package
(Askeri) müşterek tatbikat yönetim paketi
joint exercise manual
(Askeri) müşterek tatbikat elkitabı
joint readiness exercise
(Askeri) müşterek hazırlıklılık tatbikatı
joint system training exercise
(Askeri) müşterek sistem eğitim tatbikatı
live exercise
(Askeri) FİİLİ TATBİKAT: Gerçek kuvvet ve birliklerin kullanıldığı tatbikat
logistics exercise
(Askeri) lojistik tatbikat
major joint exercise
(Askeri) büyük müşterek tatbikat
map exercise
(Askeri) PLAN TATBİKATI, HARİTA TATBİKATI: Muharebe durumları harita üzerinde gösterilmek ve safhaları harita üzerinde halledilmek suretiyle idare edilen taktik veya stratejik tatbikat
medical readiness training exercise
(Askeri) sıhhi hazırlılık eğitim tatbikatı
minor joint exercise
(Askeri) küçük müşterek tatbikat
mobilization exercise
(Askeri) SEFERBERLİK TATBİKATI: Seferberlik planlarının kısmen ya da tamamen uygulanması amacıyla yapılan bir tatbikat
mobilization exercise
(Askeri) seferberlik tatbikatı
muscle exercise
adele çalışması
nuclear weapon exercise
(Askeri) NÜKLEER SİLAH TATBİKATI: Ani harekat hazırlığı ile direkt ilgisi bulunmayan bir harekat. Bir silahın normal depo yerinden çıkarılmasını, kullanılmaya hazırlanmasını, kullanacak bir birliğe teslimini, ve-bir hava aracına yüklenip depoya iadesi dahil-bir eğitim tatbikat arazisindeki hareket ve intikallerini içine alır. Yukarıdaki çalışmaların hepsini veya bir kısmını kapsamakla beraber, fırlatma ve uçuş faaliyetlerini içermektedir. Tipik tatbikat şekilleri; hava aracına yükleme ve indirme tatbikatları, kara hazırlık ve taktik tatbikatları ile birliğin verilen görevi yerine getirme imkan ve kabiliyetinin değerlendirmesi amacıyla yapılan çeşitli denetlemelerdir. Ayrıca bakınız: "immediate operational readiness", "nuclear weapon maneuver"
officer conducting the exercise
(Askeri) TATBİKATI İDARE EDEN SUBAY, HAREKAT MÜDÜRÜ: Tatbikatın, kendisine verilen bir kısmında hem turuncu hem mavi durumlarını sevk ve idare eden sorumlu subay. Gerekli ek talimatları yayınlar. Bu subay, ayrıca, bir tatbikat komutanı da olabilir
officer conducting the exercise
(Askeri) tatbikat icra eden subay
officer scheduling the exercise
(Askeri) TATBİKATI PROGRAMLAYAN SUBAY: Tatbikatı başlatan ve yapılması için emir veren subay. Bu subay tatbikat sahalarının tayini, kuvvetlerin tahsisiyle ilgili temel talimatları ve gerekli koordine edici talimatları yayınlar. Aynı zamanda tatbikatı idare edecek subayları da tayin eder
passive exercise
(Askeri) YARDIMLI EGZERSİZ: Hastanın bir öğretmen veya mekanik aletler yardımıyla belirli hareketleri yapması suretiyle uygulanan tıbbi egzersiz. Bak. "exercise"
passive exercise
(Askeri) yardımlı tıbbi egzersiz
physical exercise
beden eğitimi
postnatal exercise
(Tıp) Doğumu takiben karın duvarı ve pelvis tabanı kaslarını kuvvetlendirmek, onlara tonüs kazandırmak amacıyla yapılan egzersizler
progressive exercise
(Askeri) TEDRİCİ EGZERSİZ: Hastanın mevcut kabiliyetlerinden başlayıp, bunları yüksek bir dereceye kadar geliştirmek maksadıyla, tedrici artırarak yapılan devamlı ve bir seri halindeki alıştırma hareketleri. Bak. "exercise"
progressive exercise
(Askeri) tedrici egzersiz
remedical exercise
(Askeri) TIBBİ EGZERSİZ: Hastalık veya sakatlık halinde, yapılan alıştırma hareketleri. Ayrıca bakınız: "exercise"
resistive exercise
(Askeri) DİRENCE KARŞI EGZERSİZ, MUKAVEMETE KARŞI EGZERSİZ: Hastanın el ile veya mekanik olarak yapılan hareketlere mukavemet gösterdiği egzersiz. Ayrıca bakınız: "exercise"
resistive exercise
(Askeri) dirence karşı egzersiz
resistive exercise
(Askeri) mukavemete karşı egzersiz
rifle exercise
(Askeri) tüfekli idman hareketleri
rifle exercise
(Askeri) TÜFEKLİ İDMAN HAREKETLERİ: Bu hareketlerde, tüfeğin ağırlığı kasların daha fazla kuvvet sarfetmesini gerektirir
rules of engagement exercise
(Askeri) çatışma tatbikatı kuralları
scale of an exercise
(Askeri) BİR TATBİKATIN ÇAPI (VÜSATİ): Bir tatbikatın gereken veya tahsis olunan kaynaklar açısından büyüklüğü. Bu büyük çaplı, orta çaplı ve küçük olarak NATO'da bir bütünde olduğu gibi sınıflandırılabilir
seaborne assault landing hour; specific time an operation or exercise begins
(Askeri) muhasamatın başlama saati
significant military exercise brief
(Askeri) önemli askeri tatbikat brifingi
start of exercise
(Askeri) tatbikat başlangıcı
submarine exercise area
(Askeri) denizaltı eğitim sahası
submarine exercise coordinator
(Askeri) DENİZALTI TATBİKATI KOORDİNATÖRÜ: İlgili ülkeler tarafından üzerinde anlaşmaya varılmış olan milli denizaltı tatbikat sahalarını ve sınırlarını sürekli olarak yayınlayan yetkili
synthesis exercise
(Askeri) SENTETİK TATBİKAT: Düşman ve/veya dost kuvvetlerin, elektronik veya diğer vasıtalarla, simulatör, radar skopları veya diğer eğitim cihazlarında üretildiği, gösterildiği ve hareket ettirildiği bir tatbikat
synthetic exercise
(Askeri) sentetik tatbikat
tactical exercise
(Askeri) TAKTİK TATBİKAT: Manevralar ve harita meseleleri gibi, birliklerin ve silahların muharebede kullanılışı ile ilgili tatbikat
terrain exercise
(Askeri) arazi tatbikatı
terrain exercise
(Askeri) ARAZİ TATBİKATI: Belirli bir askeri durumun hayali kıtalarla ve genellikle yazılı olarak arazide çözüldüğü bir tatbikat
tolerance exercise
(Askeri) bedeni tolerans egzersizi
tolerance exercise
(Askeri) BEDENİ TOLERANS EKSERSİZİ: Zararlı sonuçlar doğurmayacak olan eksersiz. Ayrıca bak "exercise"
triangle exercise
(Askeri) üç köşe teşkili
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
To set into action or practice

He was going to exercise the horses.

Physical activity intended to improve strength and fitness
To perform any activity designed to develop or hone a skill or ability
To take action, enforce

She is going to exercise her right to vote.

Any activity designed to develop or hone a skill or ability

The teacher told us the next exercise is to write an essay.

{v} to employ, practice, use, labor, train
{n} employment, use, a task
To exert for the sake of training or improvement; to practice in order to develop; hence, also, to improve by practice; to discipline, and to use or to for the purpose of training; as, to exercise arms; to exercise one's self in music; to exercise troops
If the option holder wants to buy (in the case of a call) or sell (in the case of a put) the underlying security at the exercise price or, in the case of a cash-settled option, to receive the cash settlement amount, the option must be exercised In order to exercise most options, option holders must give their broker exercise instructions meeting the firm's procedures prior to the firm's exercise cut-off time Option sellers must be aware of this exercise risk when the option they sold goes deep into the money, and option sellers must make sure they have the capital available to cover any such potential exercise
systematic training by multiple repetitions; "practice makes perfect"
The process by which an option holder executes his right to buy or sell
The act of exercising; a setting in action or practicing; employment in the proper mode of activity; exertion; application; use; habitual activity; occupation, in general; practice
A language exercise that is presented by the Xercise Engine system for the reader to solve The reader is awarded points depending on how well he does the exercise
Bodily exertion for the sake of keeping the organs and functions in a healthy state; hygienic activity; as, to take exercise on horseback
If you describe an activity as an exercise in a particular quality or result, you mean that it has that quality or result, especially when it was not intended to have it. As an exercise in stating the obvious, this could scarcely be faulted Think what a waste of taxpayers' money the whole exercise was
To implement the right under which the holder of an option is entitled to buy (in the case of a call) or sell (in the case of a put) the underlying asset
When you exercise, you move your body energetically in order to get fit and to remain healthy. She exercises two or three times a week Exercising the body does a great deal to improve one's health. Exercise is also a noun. Lack of exercise can lead to feelings of depression and exhaustion
physical exertion made for the sake of health
that which is assigned or prescribed for such ends; hence, a disquisition; a lesson; a task; as, military or naval exercises; musical exercises; an exercise in composition
To put in practice; to carry out in action; to perform the duties of; to use; to employ; to practice; as, to exercise authority; to exercise an office
The performance of an office, a ceremony, or a religious duty
(usually plural) a ceremony that involves processions and speeches; "academic exercises"
To set into action or practicing
put to use; "exert one's power or influence"
If something exercises you or your mind, you think or talk about it a great deal, especially because you are worried or concerned about it. This has been a major problem exercising the minds of scientists around the world. Training of the body to improve health and fitness. Different types have different purposes, including aerobics for heart and respiratory function and weight loss, weight-bearing exercise for bone strength, weight training for muscle strength, and stretching for flexibility. Specific exercises are used in physical medicine and rehabilitation. Benefits include lower blood pressure, higher HDL cholesterol, improved disease resistance, and better general well-being
the act of using; "he warned against the use of narcotic drugs"; "skilled in the utilization of computers"
That which gives practice; a trial; a test
To invoke the rights of a long option position to take a futures position
give a work-out to; "Some parents exercise their infants"; "My personal trainer works me hard"; "work one's muscles"
To implement the right under which the holder of an option is entitled to buy (in the case of a call) or sell (in the case of a put) the underlying security
A piece written specifically to improve a player's or singer's technique In the 18th-century, the word was used to describe a short composition for keyboard An exercise can also mean a work written by a composition student (e g , a harmony or counterpoint exercise)
To elect to buy or sell an underlying futures contract as defined by an option contract
Walt's Exercise Q&A Archive Existing see also Living Instinctual behavior It is involuntary, reactive, self-preservation, with the primary goal of just getting from one day to the next, without regard to the quality of life Expectorants vs Suppressants for Coughs Walt Says: Expectorants are MUCH more physiological AND much more conducive of eliminating the causes of coughs than suppressants are Coughs do not happen just to annoy you! They happen because either there is something to cough up (wet cough) OR because of an irritant in the tubes (dry cough) The expectorant loosens up the cough so that you can wash away the irritant All the suppressant does is keep it there Using the suppressant, alone, is EXACTLY like taping over the warning lights on the dashboard
The act by which the buyer/holder of an option takes up his rights to buy or sell the underlying instrument at the strike price
To elect to buy or sell, taking advantage of the right (but not the obligation) conferred by an option contract
{i} drill; practice, training; activation, use, application; gymnastics, calisthenics
Exercises are military activities and operations which are not part of a real war, but which allow the armed forces to practise for a real war. General Powell predicted that in the future it might even be possible to stage joint military exercises
the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit; "the doctor recommended regular exercise"; "he did some exercising"; "the physical exertion required by his work kept him fit"
To implement the right of the holder of an option to buy (in the case of a call) or sell (in the case of a put) the underlying security Expansion Phase of the business cycle as it climbs from a trough towards a peak
The process by which an option holder has the right to buy or sell
The exchange of the strike price (or strike asset) for the underlying asset at the terms specified in the option contract
If a movement or activity exercises a part of your body, it keeps it strong, healthy, or in good condition. They call rowing the perfect sport. It exercises every major muscle group
Exertion for the sake of training or improvement whether physical, intellectual, or moral; practice to acquire skill, knowledge, virtue, perfectness, grace, etc
An exercise is a short activity or piece of work that you do, for example in school, which is designed to help you learn a particular skill. Try working through the opening exercises in this chapter
The action taken by the holder of a call option if he wishes to purchase the underlying futures contract or by the holder of a put option if he wishes to sell the underlying futures contract
do physical exercise; "She works out in the gym every day"
Exercises are a series of movements or actions which you do in order to get fit, remain healthy, or practise for a particular physical activity. I do special neck and shoulder exercises
If you exercise something such as your authority, your rights, or a good quality, you use it or put it into effect. They are merely exercising their right to free speech Britain has warned travellers to exercise prudence and care. Exercise is also a noun. the exercise of political and economic power Leadership does not rest on the exercise of force alone
That which is done for the sake of exercising, practicing, training, or promoting skill, health, mental, improvement, moral discipline, etc
carry out or practice; as of jobs and professions; "practice law"
The right granted under the terms of a listed options contract Call holders exercise their right to buy the underlying security Put holders exercise their right to sell the underlying security There is generally an exercise limit placed by the options exchange This is to prevent a group of investors or an individual investor from cornering the market on an underlying security
The action taken by the holder of a call option if he or she wishes to purchase the underlying security, or by the holder of a put option if he or she wishes to sell the underlying security Also refers to the action taken by a rights or warrant holder
To implement the right of the holder of an option to buy (in the case of a call) or sell (in the case of a put) the underlying security
To set in action; to cause to act, move, or make exertion; to give employment to; to put in action habitually or constantly; to school or train; to exert repeatedly; to busy
The right of the buyer (holder) to buy the underlying security in the case of a call, or sell the security in the case of a put
To occupy the attention and effort of; to task; to tax, especially in a painful or vexatious manner; harass; to vex; to worry or make anxious; to affect; to discipline; as, exercised with pain
To exercise one's self, as under military training; to drill; to take exercise; to use action or exertion; to practice gymnastics; as, to exercise for health or amusement
A comprehensive performance test of the integrated capability of most aspects in the emergency management program associated with the facility Exercises test the adequacy and effectiveness of organizational command and control; implementation procedures; notifications and communications networks; emergency equipment; response organization personnel performance; and the overall emergency response program performance Exercises must be designed and conducted for maximum realism and attempt to duplicate the sense of stress inherent in an actual emergency situation (DOE Emergency Management Guide: Drills and Exercises December 1991 ) Back to Top
Action taken by an option holder that requires the writer to perform the terms of the contract
learn by repetition; "We drilled French verbs every day"; "Pianists practice scales"
a task performed or problem solved in order to develop skill or understanding; "you must work the examples at the end of each chapter in the textbook"
give a work-out to; "Some parents exercise their infants"; "My personal trainer works me hard"; "work one's muscles
Exercise means to make use of the 'rights' in a contract For instance, a buyer of a call option may exercise the right to buy the underlying asset at a particular price agreed upon when the contract was purchased [GAO] (see also option)
Exercising a call means that you elect to purchase the underlying futures contract at the option strike price Exercising a put means that you elect to sell the underlying futures contract at the option strike price
The process of converting an options contract into a futures position
{f} activate, apply, use; train; practice; instruct
exercise ball
A soft, elastic ball with a diameter of approximately 35 to 85 centimetres, used in physical therapy and exercise
exercise balls
plural form of exercise ball
exercise bicycle
a stationary exercise machine with pedals, saddle, handlebars arranged like a bicycle
exercise book
A booklet for students, containing either problems and exercises or blank pages for writing answers
exercise books
plural form of exercise book
exercise in futility
A course of action doomed to be futile
exercise machine
Any of a great variety of devices, powered either by electricity or by the user, used to improve strength or physical fitness
exercise machines
plural form of exercise machine
exercise test
(Tıp, İlaç) Any clinical method used to evaluate a person's cardiovascular responsiveness–ie, tolerance–to exercise
exercise-induced asthma
Exercise-induced asthma, or E.I.A., is a medical condition characterized by shortness of breath induced by sustained aerobic exercise. It shares many features with other types of asthma, and responds to some typical asthma medications, but does not appear to be caused by the same inflammatory reaction as the other types
exercise bicycle
n. A fitness device having a seat, handlebars, and pedals with adjustable resistance, used to simulate pedaling a bicycle. Also called stationary bicycle
exercise bike
An exercise bike is a special bicycle which does not move, so that you can exercise on it at home or at a gym. a bicycle that does not move and is used for exercising indoors
exercise bike
an exercise device resembling a stationary bike
exercise book
notebook, book for writing school exercises; booklet containing pre-written exercises
exercise book
An exercise book is a small book that students use for writing in. A booklet for use by students, usually containing problems or exercises and blank space for writing answers or practicing a lesson. a book that students use for writing in
exercise caution
be careful, be vigilant, be heedful
exercise device
a device designed to provide exercise for the user
exercise of a right
use of a privilege, exercise of that which is due one by claim
exercise of an option
buy or sell securities or commodities at a previously determined price
exercise one's influence
use one's power or authority, use one's "connections", use one's "clout", induce, persuade
exercise one's rights
use one's privileges, exercise that which is due one by claim
exercise parsimony of phrase
be concise, be terse, be brief, be to the point
exercise regimen
systematic plan for developing physical fitness, regulated workout schedule
A person who exercises
five finger exercise
Alternative spelling of five-finger exercise
five-finger exercise
An activity which is undertaken for the purpose of skill development

Batman Begins, the 2005 film that launched Nolan's series, was a mere five-finger exercise. This is the full symphony.

five-finger exercise
A musical composition for the piano, designed to require the use of all the fingers of the hand for the purpose of skill development

It was the singular room which Carlyle had constructed in the hopes that he could shut out all the noises of the universe, the crowing of cocks, and the jingling of a young lady's five-finger exercise in particular.

floor exercise
A performance on a mat covered floor using no apparatus
Attributive form of floor exercise, noun
military exercise
A large-scale activity involving military forces from multiple countries or commands, designed to demonstrate the level of alliance between those forces and their ability to coordinate, as a signal to potential military adversaries

In early November the United States and its NATO allies carried out an unusually extensive and high-level military exercise, called Able Archer 83, testing the command and communications procedures for the release and use of nuclear weapons in case of war.

Is this assessment? Perhaps the easiest definition is to regard this as LEARNER ACTIVITY
military exercise
A military exercise (also called war game in American English) is the employment of military resources in training for military operations, either exploring the effects of warfare or testing strategies without actual combat
arm exercise
exercise designed to strengthen the arm muscles
back exercise
exercise designed to strengthen the back muscles
cardiopulmonary exercise
exercise intended to strengthen the circulatory system
That may be exercised, used, or exerted
{s} capable of being operated or activated; capable of being put into practice, enforceable
past of exercise
A program element is exercised by a test case when the input value causes the execution of that element, such as a statement, branch, or other structural element [4]
had a workout
Any of many devices for use in exercising the body
sports equipment used in gymnastic exercises
One who exercises
{i} athlete, person who exercises or trains
To help you get the maximum from the Longman Interactive American Dictionary, we have included over 500 specially written exercises concentrating on each of the main sections There are exercises to: • see how well you have understood the dictionary entries • test your knowledge of vocabulary and grammar • give you practice in using words from the Common Errors section correctly • help you get the most out of the pictures • help you get the most out of the videos
third-person singular of exercise
plural of exercise
Structured activities with an outcome; the heart of experiential training Good exercises create a context where learning is easy The stages of an exercise are: design, setting up, demonstrating, coaching and processing
Practical drills and tasks done to develop skills or to explore and experience certain phenomena and learn how they work
Brings to bear or employs actively, as exercises authority or influence
present participle of exercise
the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit; "the doctor recommended regular exercise"; "he did some exercising"; "the physical exertion required by his work kept him fit"
floor exercise
An event in competitive gymnastics that consists of various tumbling maneuvers performed on a mat. Event in gymnastics competition consisting of various ballet and tumbling movements (including jumps, somersaults, and handstands) performed without apparatus. Women's routines are performed with musical accompaniment, men's routines without it. The whole routine must be performed with rhythm and harmony and must be designed to use a major portion of an area 12 m (39 ft 4 in.) square. It was included as an Olympic medal event for men in 1936 and for women in 1952
gymnastic exercise
(gymnastics) an exercise designed to develop and display strength and agility and balance (usually performed with or on some gymnastic apparatus)
isotonic exercise
exercise in which opposing muscles contract and there is controlled movement (tension is constant while the lengths of the muscles change); "the classic isotonic exercise is lifting free weights
isotonic exercise
Exercise in which isotonic muscular contraction is used to strengthen muscles and improve joint mobility
leg exercise
exercise designed to strengthen the leg muscles
live exercise
military practice using real bullets, military exercise which simulates real combat
neck exercise
exercise designed to strengthen the neck muscles
settingup exercise
Any one of a series of gymnastic exercises used, as in drilling recruits, for the purpose of giving an erect carriage, supple muscles, and an easy control of the limbs
stomach exercise
an exercise designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles
strenuous exercise
physical activity that requires a great amount of effort