A staple food, product, or activity is one that is basic and important in people's everyday lives. The Chinese also eat a type of pasta as part of their staple diet Staple goods are disappearing from the shops. Staple is also a noun. Fish is a staple in the diet of many Africans
The principal commodity of traffic in a market; a principal commodity or production of a country or district; as, wheat, maize, and cotton are great staples of the United States
Staples are small pieces of bent wire that are used mainly for holding sheets of paper together firmly. You put the staples into the paper using a device called a stapler
Short lengths of fiber that may be converted into spun yarns by textile yarn spinning processes These spun yarns are also called "staple" yarns For carpet yarns spun on the common, modified worsted systems, most staple is six to eight inches long Staple fiber may also be converted directly into nonwoven fabrics, such as needlepunched carpet