Определение easter egg в Английский Язык Английский Язык словарь
A chocolate confection in the shape of an egg, sometimes with chocolates or sweets inside
An undocumented function hidden in a program, typically triggered by a particular sequence or combination of keystrokes, such as one that displays a list of the program's developers
An Easter egg is an egg made of chocolate that is given as a present at Easter. In some countries, Easter eggs are hidden and children then look for them. A dyed or decorated egg, traditionally associated with Easter
colored egg used as a decoration and symbol of the Easter holiday; (Computers) surprise included in a web site or computer program (usually a hidden message or image)
A "bonus" found in a program or on a Web site An Easter egg isn't usually discovered until a user clicks on something and finds it This could be an animation or other special feature Back to Top
a colored hard-boiled egg used to celebrate Easter an egg-shaped candy used to celebrate Easter
A hidden "feature" in a game that is intended to be found by the player Easter eggs started out as a method of rebellion by early game programmers who were not allowed to take credit for their work Now Easter eggs are almost mandatory in a game Easter eggs can be extra "behind the scenes" content, cheat codes, a simple message to the player or entire hidden levels in a game Examples of an Easter eggs include the hidden level warp pipes in level 1- 2 of the original Super Mario Bros
Refers to a hidden treasure created by a programmer, which will either show credits of the co-programmers or be a kewl effect
An undocumented feature of a computer program which is discovered, usually by holding down a combination of keys on the keyboard whilst clicking somewhere with the mouse
An Easter egg is an unanticipated surprise which is hidden in a Web site or an application program Easter eggs often appear as messages, images, or sounds
A secret spot in a software program often a picture of the software's authors or a message that a programmer puts in as a practical joke and which is accessible only through an unpublished code
A hidden signature within an application, included by programmers to demonstrate that they wrote it Activating Easter eggs often requires a complex set of user actions
Programmers sometimes put pieces of code into an application that produce unexpected surprises Users usually won't see them unless they press a certain key combination They're usually found by word of mouth and rarely by accident
A common festive activity held at Easter, where Easter eggs are hidden outdoors (or indoors if in bad weather) for children to run around and find; this may also be a contest to see who can collect the most eggs
I was a little chunky anyway, and slow, so slow that I was once the only kid at an Easter egg hunt who didn’t get a single egg, not because I couldn’t find them but because I couldn’t get to them fast enough. — My Life by Bill Clinton.
(Oyunlar) A game during which decorated eggs, real hard-boiled ones or artificial, filled with or made of chocolate candies, of various sizes, are hidden in various places for children to find