
listen to the pronunciation of drive
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Tom geçimini sağlamak için bir kamyon sürmektedir. - Tom drives a truck for a living.

Dikkat edin! Sarhoşken araba sürmek tehlikelidir. - Take care! It's dangerous to drive drunk.


İnsan doğasındaki en güçlü dürtü, önemli olmak arzusudur. - The strongest drive in human nature is the wish to be important.

Onun düşük bir cinsel dürtüsü var. - She has a low sex drive.

araba sürmek
{f} kullanmak

Araba kullanmaktan hoşlanmıyorum. - I don't like to drive.

Tom araba kullanmak için hala çok genç. - Tom is still too young to drive.

{i} sürme

Ağabeyim araba sürmeyi bilir. - My older brother knows how to drive.

Onu dikkatli araba sürmesi için uyardı. - He urged her to drive carefully.

{f} çakmak
{f} zorlamak
(Bilgisayar) sürücüsü

Bir yarış arabası sürücüsü olmanın hayalini kurardım. - I used to dream about becoming a race car driver.

Arabada sorun yok, sadece sen kötü bir sürücüsün. - Nothing is the matter with the car. It's just that you are a bad driver.

(Arılık) sürüklemek
{i} güdü

Açlık insan güdülerinin belkide en güçlüsüdür. - Hunger is perhaps the strongest of all human drives.

(Bilgisayar) aygıt
(Askeri) büyük taarruz
(arabayla) gitmek
sürücü bilgisayar
(Mekanik) işletme mekanizması
güç sağlamak
(araba) kullanmak
(Askeri) süpürücü taarruz
araba ile gitmek
çalışmaya zorlamak
(taşıt) sürmek
(araba/vb.) çekiş
-e zorlamak
taşıtta yolculuk
durumuna getirmek
(araba/vb.ile) götürmek
{f} sür

Nasıl araba süreceğini biliyor musun? - Do you know how to drive?

Birkaç gün içinde araba sürebileceksin. - You'll be able to drive a car in a few days.

topa sert vuruş
-e güç sağlamak
{i} araba sürme

O, araba sürmeyi öğrenecek. - She is going to learn how to drive.

Onu dikkatli araba sürmesi için uyardı. - He urged her to drive carefully.

(park yerine) giriş yolu

Tom beni arabayla götürmek istedi. - Tom wanted me to drive.

Seni eve götürmekten mutlu olurum. - I'd be more than happy to drive you home.

pratik zekâ
(Mühendislik) tahrik

Yoksulluk bazen insanları suç işlemeye tahrik eder. - Poverty sometimes drives people to commit crimes.

Manyetik güç, mekanizmayı tahrik eder. - Magnetic force drives the mechanism.

şiddetle tahrik etmek
{f} önüne katmak
{f} (drove, --n)
{i} düşmanı püskürtme
{i} top sürme
{i} sürücü

Onun iyi bir sürücü olduğunu düşünüyor musun? - Do you think he is a good driver?

Sürücü ehliyetimi geçen ay yenilettim. - I had my driver's license renewed last month.

{f} acele etmek
(Nükleer Bilimler) sürgü
{f} kovalamak
{i} araba yolu

Tom araba yolundaki karı temizledi. - Tom cleared snow from the driveway.

Tom'un arabasının araba yoluna girdiğini gördüm. - I saw Tom's car pull into the driveway.

{f} gütmek
{i} hamle
{f} araba kullanmak

Ehliyetsiz araba kullanmak, çok kötü bir fikirdir. - It is a colossally bad idea to drive without a driver's license.

Araba kullanmaktan hoşlanmıyorum. - I don't like to drive.

(Tekstil) tahrik, kumanda
tazyik etmek
hızlı vurmak
{f} saplamak
{i} sürek avı
acele ettirmek
{i} araba gezintisi

Yardım fonunu yükseltmek için bir araba gezintisine başladılar. - They started a drive to raise a charity fund.

Uzun bir araba gezintisi oldu. - It's been a long drive.

(Tıp) Dürtü, içten gelen şiddetli uyarı
drive crazy
{i} sürü

Tom sürücünün yerine oturdu ve uzaklaştı. - Tom got into the driver's seat and drove off.

O benim ilk araba sürüşümdü. - That was the first time I drove a car.

drive back
drive back
arabayla geri dönmek
drive by
arabayla önünden geçmek
drive out
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- çıkarmak , kovmak 2- araba ile gitmek
drive up
yukarı çekmek
drive a
(Bilgisayar) sürücü a
drive a
(Bilgisayar) a: sürücüsü
drive away
arabayla gitmek
drive b
(Bilgisayar) sürücü b
drive b
(Bilgisayar) b sürücüsü
drive back
geri dönmek zorunda bırakmak
drive by
arabayla geçmek
drive d
(Bilgisayar) d sürücüsü
drive e
(Bilgisayar) e sürücüsü
drive f
(Bilgisayar) f sürücüsü
drive home
(deyim) anlamasını sağlamak
drive in
drive into a corner
drive off
araçla bir yerden ayrılmak
drive off
arabayla gitmek
drive off
arabayla uzaklaşmak
drive on the right
drive out
drive size
(Bilgisayar) sürücü boyutu
drive someone out of his mind
çileden çıkarmak
drive type
(Bilgisayar) sürücü türü
drive a hard bargain
sıkı pazarlık etmek
drive assembly
işletme düzeni
drive assembly
işletme takımı
drive at
ima etmek
drive at
drive at
demek istemek
drive at
demeye getirmek
drive at sth
demek istemek
drive at sth
drive away
drive away
drive back
arabayla geri götür
drive chain
tahrik zinciri
drive designator
sürücü göstergesi
drive flange
tahrik flanşı
drive identifier
sürücü harfi
drive in
gayret etmek
drive indicator
sürücü göstergesi
drive insane
drive into a corner
köşeye sıkıştır
drive letter
sürücü harfi
drive mad
drive mad
deli etmek
drive mad
drive name
sürücü adı
drive nuts
deli et
drive out
drive out
drive out
drive sb mad
deli etmek
drive sb to distraction
çılgına çevirmek
drive sb to distraction
deli etmek
drive shaft
işletme mili
drive shaft
kumanda mili
drive shaft
kardan mili
drive shaft seal
tahrik mili contası
drive shaft stub
tahrik mili başı
drive shaft tube
tahrik mili borusu
drive sth home
bir şeyi açığa kavuşturmak
drive wheel
tahrik tekerleği
drive-in bank
drive a bargain
bir pazarlık sürücü
drive a screw
Bir vida sürücü
drive across
sürücü arasında
drive around
sürücü etrafında
drive away
drive bargain
sürücü pazarlık
drive bay
(Bilgisayar) Sürücü yuvası
drive by the seat of one's pants
Tecrübesizlik veya birtakım eksiklikler yüzünden sadece içgüdülerine dayanarak idare etmek
drive crazy
drive defensively
emniyetli sürüş
drive down
Azaltmak, aşağı çekmek, düşürmek
drive line
Motorlu araçların üretildikten sonra çeşitli testlere tabi tutulduğu özel parkur
drive line
Motorlu araçlarda motordan tekerlere gücü ileten akşam
drive me nuts
Beni deli sürücü
drive nut
sürücü somun
drive over
sürücü üzerinde
drive past
sürücü geçmiş
drive round
sürücü yuvarlak
drive s.o. to distraction
birini deli etmek, birini deliye çevirmek
drive s.o. to the wall/drive s.o. up against the wall
k. dili 1. birini iflas ettirmek; birini iflasa sürüklemek; birini iflasın eşiğine getirmek. 2. birini çok zor bir duruma sokmak, birini köşeye sıkıştırmak
drive shaft
çevirme mili
drive someone ape
sürücü kimse maymun
drive someone ape
(deyim) Birini çıldırtmak, deli etmek
drive someone bananas
(deyim) Birini çıldırtmak, deli etmek
drive someone crazy
Birini deli etmek
drive someone crazy
Birisini kızdırmak, deli etmek
drive someone horny
Cinsel açıdan tahrik etmek, azdırmak
drive someone mad
(deyim) Birini sinirlendirmek, çıldırtmak
drive someone nuts
(deyim) Birini çıldırtmak, deli etmek
drive someone nuts
drive sth home
bir şeyi kesin açığa kavuşturmak, tam belirlemek
drive up the wall
duvar artırmak
drive you crazy
deli sen sürücü
Gelişigüzel, üstünkörü: "a drive-by analysis"
drive-in cinema
Araba ile girilen açık hava sineması
drive designator, drive designator
sürücü göstergesi
{s} araba kullanma

Araba kullanmak gerçekten çok basit. - Driving a car is really very simple.

Tom alkollü araba kullanma suçunu kabullendikten sonra Belediye Başkanlığı adaylığından çekildi. - Tom gave up running for mayor after pleading guilty to drunken driving.

hareket eder
{i} kalabalık
drive belt
(İnşaat,Teknik) tahrik kayışı
drive crazy
drive line
(Otomotiv) aktarma
drive off
drive off
araba kullanarak

Tom çok hızlı araba kullanarak Mary'yi etkilemeye çalıştı. - Tom tried to impress Mary by driving very fast.

Tom otobanda çok hızlı araba kullanarak Mary'yi etkilemeye çalıştı ama işe yaramadı. - Tom tried to impress Mary by driving very fast on the Autobahn, but it didn't work.


İlerleme güzel bir kelimedir. Ama onun itici gücü değişikliktir ve değişikliğin kendi düşmanları vardır. - Progress is a lovely word. But its driving force is change, and change has its enemies.


İlerleme güzel bir kelimedir. Ama onun itici gücü değişikliktir ve değişikliğin kendi düşmanları vardır. - Progress is a lovely word. But its driving force is change, and change has its enemies.


Hiç spor araba sürdün mü? - Have you ever driven a sports car?

O, onun tarafından sürülen bir arabada asla bulunmadı. - She has never been in a car driven by him.

hareket ettiren

Polis Tom'a dikkatsiz sürüşü için trafik cezası kesti. - The policeman gave Tom a ticket for reckless driving.

Yolun genişliği güvenli sürüş için yetersiz. - The width of the road is insufficient for safe driving.


Tom'un şimdiye kadar böyle küçük bir araba sürmeyi düşüneceğinden şüpheliyim. - I doubt that Tom would ever consider driving such a small car.

Araba sürmek çok eğlencelidir. - Driving a car is a lot of fun.

{f} araba sür

Araba sürmek çok eğlencelidir. - Driving a car is a lot of fun.

O kar fırtınasında araba sürmek bir kabustu. - Driving through that snowstorm was a nightmare.

{f} sür

Tom sürücünün yerine oturdu ve uzaklaştı. - Tom got into the driver's seat and drove off.

Tom birazcık hız limitinin üzerinde sürerse vaktinde havaalanına yetişebileceğini düşündü. - Tom thought he could reach the airport on time if he drove a little over the speed limit.


Like most of the lawyers that I know, Rachel is driven.

Tom azimli, değil mi? - Tom is driven, isn't he?

Tom çok azimli, değil mi? - Tom is very driven, isn't he?


Test driven development.

Sevkolunmuş, teşvik edilmiş

The mathematicians of the time was driven by curiosity.

drive away
{f} arabayla uzaklaşmak
drive away
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- kovmak , uzaklaştırmak 2- araba ile uzaklaşmak 3- dağıtmak
drive away
{f} savmak
drive by
(Fiili Deyim ) araba ile geçmek
drive crazy
deli etmek
drive in
drive in
(Fiili Deyim ) mıhlamak , çakmak
drive in
içeri girmek
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык
Magnetik elemanları yazıp okuyabilen ve CPU'nun işlem yapabilmesini sağlayan araç
Golf'te topu çukura sokmak amacıyla yapılan uzun vuruş
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
To cause (a mechanism) to operate

The pistons drive the crankshaft.

A sustained advance in the face of the enemy to take a strategic objective

Napoleon's drive on Moscow was as determined as it was disastrous.

A trip made in a motor vehicle

It was a long drive.

To compel (to do something)

Their debts finally drove them to sell the business.

To convey (a person, etc) in a wheeled motorized vehicle

My wife drove me to the airport.

To direct a vehicle powered by a horse, ox or similar animal
A ball struck in a flat trajectory
A stroke made with a driver
An apparatus for reading and writing data to or from a mass storage device such as a disk, as a floppy drive
To travel by operating a wheeled motorized vehicle

I drive to work every day.

To move forcefully
To cause animals to flee out of

The beaters drove the brambles, causing a great rush of rabbits and other creatures.

A type of shot played by swinging the bat in a vertical arc, through the line of the ball, and hitting it along the ground, normally between cover and midwicket
A mass storage device in which the mechanism for reading and writing data is integrated with the mechanism for storing data, as a hard drive, a flash drive
To move (something) by hitting it with great force

You drive nails into wood with a hammer.

To cause to become

You are driving me crazy!.

To hit the ball with a drive
To motivate; to provide an incentive for

What drives a person to run a marathon?.

A type of public roadway

Beverly Hills’ most famous street is Rodeo Drive.

A straight level shot or pass
To operate (a wheeled motorized vehicle)
Desire or interest
A motor that does not take fuel, but instead depends on a mechanism that stores potential energy for subsequent use

Some old model trains have clockwork drives.

Self-motivation; ability coupled with ambition

Crassus had wealth and wit, but Pompey had drive and Caesar as much again.

A driveway

The mansion had a long, tree-lined drive.

To herd (animals) in a particular direction
{f} impel forward; guide the direction of something (i.e. car, animal, etc.); travel in a car; transport in a vehicle; urge, compel; hit a ball very hard (Sports); work towards a goal; rush toward
{v} to force, knock, rush, go, urge, aim
{i} trip in a vehicle (usually for pleasure); impelling forward (i.e. cattle drive); type of computer hardware; combined effort to accomplish a goal (i.e. fund raiser); transmission of power to machinery; impulse, inner urge; (Computers) device that turns disks and tapes to read and write data (such as: hard drive, floppy drive, CD-ROM drive, tape drive)
A drive is a very strong need or desire in human beings that makes them act in particular ways. compelling, dynamic sex drives
If something drives a machine, it supplies the power that makes it work. The current flows into electric motors that drive the wheels
If the wind, rain, or snow drives in a particular direction, it moves with great force in that direction. Rain drove against the window. + driving driv·ing He crashed into a tree in driving rain
In type founding and forging, an impression or matrix, formed by a punch drift
cause to function by supplying the force or power for or by controlling; "The amplifier drives the tube"; "steam drives the engines"; "this device drives the disks for the computer"
a physiological state corresponding to a strong need or desire
Another name for alley or lane Also the revolving action of a ball as it contacts the pins
the trait of being highly motivated; "his drive and energy exhausted his co-workers"
a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end; "he supported populist campaigns"; "they worked in the cause of world peace"; "the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant"; "the movement to end slavery"; "contributed to the war effort"
You use drive to refer to the mechanical part of a computer which reads the data on disks and tapes, or writes data onto them. equipment such as terminals, tape drives or printers. see also disk drive
strive and make an effort to reach a goal; "She tugged for years to make a decent living"; "We have to push a little to make the deadline!"; "She is driving away at her doctoral thesis"
A machine that reads data from and writes data onto a disk A disk drive rotates the disk very fast and has one or more heads that read and write data There are different types of disk drives for different types of disks For example, a hard disk drive (HDD) reads and writes hard disks, and a floppy drive (FDD) accesses floppy disks A magnetic disk drive reads magnetic disks, and an optical drive reads optical disks (CD-ROMs)
cause someone or something to move by driving; "She drove me to school every day"; "We drove the car to the garage"
The first shot on a hole, played from the teeing ground
If you drive people or animals somewhere, you make them go to or from that place. The last offensive drove thousands of people into Thailand The smoke also drove mosquitoes away
travel or be transported in a vehicle; "We drove to the university every morning"; "They motored to London for the theater"
cause to move rapidly by striking or throwing with force; "drive the ball far out into the field"
A shot which is played from the tee, usually with a driver (a 1 wood)
In various games, as tennis, cricket, etc
(sports) a hard straight return (as in tennis or squash)
a journey in a vehicle driven by someone else; "he took the family for a drive in his new car"
proceed along in a vehicle; "We drive the turnpike to work"
so driven
To pass away; said of time
have certain properties when driven; "This car rides smoothly"; "My new truck drives well"
the act of driving a herd of animals overland
a wide scenic road planted with trees; "the riverside drive offers many exciting scenic views"
To urge on and direct the motions of, as the beasts which draw a vehicle, or the vehicle borne by them; hence, also, to take in a carriage; to convey in a vehicle drawn by beasts; as, to drive a pair of horses or a stage; to drive a person to his own door
To go by carriage; to pass in a carriage; to proceed by directing or urging on a vehicle or the animals that draw it; as, the coachman drove to my door
A memory device, such as a CD-ROM drive, hard drive, or floppy disk drive In Windows, a letter is assigned to each drive for easy management
A stroke from the tee, generally a full shot made with a driver; also, the distance covered by such a stroke
A drive is a journey in a car or other vehicle. I thought we might go for a drive on Sunday
To be forced along; to be impelled; to be moved by any physical force or agent; to be driven
That part of a computer-based system (such as a personal computer) into which floppy disks, tapes, CD-ROM's, videodiscs, other optical or magnetic media are inserted when they are being used to input, process, or output information
If you say that someone has drive, you mean they have energy and determination. John will be best remembered for his drive and enthusiasm
If you ask someone what they are driving at, you are asking what they are trying to say or what they are saying indirectly. It was clear Cohen didn't understand what Millard was driving at
A hardware device that lets you access information on various forms of media, such as hard, floppy, and CD-ROM disks, and magnetic tapes
An underground passage for exploration, development or working of an orebody It may be taken along the orebody or parallel to it
To drive someone into a particular state or situation means to force them into that state or situation. The recession and hospital bills drove them into bankruptcy He nearly drove Elsie mad with his fussing
Dedicated Road Infrastructure for Vehicle safety in Europe; a European Community program to find ways to alleviate road transportation problems through the application of advanced information and telecommunications technology
a hit executed by the batter in which he swings the bat in a long arc, much like teeing off at golf, and sends the ball in one of several possible directions
drive away
To depart by driving a vehicle
drive away
To force someone or something to leave
drive home
To emphasize (a point) with tangible or powerful demonstration

“I do what I like”, he said, and — just to drive home the point — he spat on the newly-cleaned floor.

drive home
To push to or into a target

Just as Ione began to slow, she struck Ione's sword aside and drove her own blade home.

drive off
To force to leave or go away
drive off
Alternative spelling of drive-off
drive offs
plural form of drive off an alternative spelling of drive-off
drive out
to push or to pull, i.e. to force, (someone or something) out of somewhere
drive someone crazy
to annoy or irritate
drive someone crazy
to cause to be infatuated
drive someone crazy
to cause insanity onto someone
drive someone up the wall
To make a person very angry or bored; to infuriate

There is nothing and no one that's going to shut him up. That's what makes Tucker funny. It's also what can drive you up the wall about him. - , 1998.

drive the porcelain bus
To vomit, especially while drunk or hung over
drive time
The time of the day when most people commute to work, seen as a popular time to listen to the radio

Mornings and afternoons are called drive time because that is when most people are driving. When people commute they tend to listen to the radio, thus drive time is primetime when it comes to total number of radio listeners. During drive time, radio stations have a captive audience.

drive time
The time it takes to drive between two points

I get some of my best thinking done during my drive times.

drive times
plural form of drive time
drive truck
To drive a semi truck

I drive truck for Roadway.

drive wheel
A wheel that transmits power to other elements of a mechanism
drive wheels
plural form of drive wheel
carried out from a moving vehicle
done quickly or in a cursory manner
a crime, such as a shooting, carried out from a moving vehicle
drive-by download
A download triggered by scripts etc. on a website, without prompting the user, usually for malicious purposes
drive-by downloads
plural form of drive-by download
drive-by media
Media professionals who "spray" a bunch of repetitive misstatements, mistaken and misinterpreted news reports to cause excitement and confusion. They then figuratively "drive off" leaving the cleanup of their mess and hysteria to others, to correct and properly explain and interpret
Shortened form of drive-in movie or drive-in restaurant
A business where movies are projected onto a huge outdoor screen, and patrons remain in their vehicles, listening either by a speaker or a designated radio frequency
A restaurant where patrons remain in their vehicles and order food and beverages via a speaker phone; their meal is brought to their vehicle by a waitress

The teen-agers went down to the drive-in to order some hamburgers and fries.

drive-in movie
A type of cinema where people watch films on a large screen from their automobiles
The act of leaving a gas station with the hose nozzle still inserted into the gas-tank fill spout
A place where one can conveniently pull off the road
A contest or comparison of cars or drivers
The act of leaving a gas station without paying after filling the tank
An establishment, especially a restaurant, providing drive-through service

Since I was pressed for time, I picked up burgers at a drive-through on the way home.

The window of such an establishment adapted for such purpose

Please pull forward and pay at the drive-through, said the attendant upon taking my order.

Of a feature of such an establishment (especially a window), adapted to provide such service

The restaurant's drive-through window had a turntable of bulletproof glass designed to allow transactions while preventing robberies.

Of an establishment, providing service to occupants of automobiles while still in their still-running vehicle

I switched banks so that I could use a drive-through branch near my home.

The location at such an establishment, where clients conduct their business from their vehicles
An establishment, such as a fast-food restaurant or bank, where clients may drive up to a window and conduct exchanges while remaining in their automobiles
Alternative spelling of drive time
drive carefully
drive safely, take care as you drive
drive home
(deyim) To argue convincingly; make a strong point

The doctor's convincing arguments and explanation of his X-ray pictures drove home the point to Max that he needed surgery.

drive someone ape
(deyim) Excite someone to the point that he or she goes out of his or her mind; to drive someone crazy

You're driving me nuts with that kind of talk!.

drive someone bananas
(deyim) Excite someone to the point that he or she goes out of his or her mind; to drive someone crazy

You're driving me bananas with that kind of talk!.

drive someone nuts
(deyim) Excite someone to the point that he or she goes out of his or her mind; to drive someone crazy

You're driving me nuts with that kind of talk!.

done or made in a quick or cursory manner: "a drive-by analysis"
carried out from a moving vehicle: "a drive-by shooting"
(noun) A drive-through establishment, especially a restaurant
(adjective) Relating to or conducting exchanges with clients who drive up to a window and remain in their automobiles: drive-thru banking
(noun) A window at such an establishment, from which business is conducted
1. (adj.) Relating to or conducting exchanges with clients who drive up to a window and remain in their automobiles: "drive-thru banking"2. (adj.) drive-through Performed or provided quickly and routinely: "a drive-through delivery in a hospital"3. (noun) A drive-through establishment, especially a restaurant.4. (noun) A window at such an establishment, from which business is conducted
Capable of being driven on safely or successfully (as a road or other surface)
Capable of being driven (as a vehicle)
Capable of being driven on safely or successfully (as a road or other surface)
Past participle of drive
: That drives forcefully; strong; forceful; violent
In particular, the action of operating a motor vehicle

In European Union, driving on the right is practiced everywhere except in the British Isles, Malta and Cyprus, where driving on the left is practised.

The action of the verb to drive in any sense
Present participle of drive
That drives (a mechanism or process)
A large number of people on the move (literally or figuratively)
A number of cattle driven to market or new pastures
to herd cattle; particularly over a long distance
{a} of to drive
{n} a herd of cattle, crowd of people, number
1. Piled up or carried along by a current: driven snow.2. Motivated by or having a compulsive quality or need: a driven person.3. Caused, sustained, or stimulated: an export-driven economic recovery.4. Powered, operated, or controlled: a piston-driven airplane; a menu-driven software program
drive away
{f} travel in a car away from the place; cause to flee, put to flight, route; remove all worries and doubt; chase away, force to go away
drive away
To drive people away means to make them want to go away or stay away. Patrick's boorish rudeness soon drove Monica's friends away Increased crime is driving away customers
drive away
force to go away; used both with concrete and metaphoric meanings; "Drive away potential burglars"; "drive away bad thoughts"; "dispel doubts"; "The supermarket had to turn back many disappointed customers"
drive belt
Also called a fan belt or serpentine belt, drive belts are used to drive the engine's accessories, such as the alternator, power steering pump, and air conditioning compressor A serpentine belt is a wide single drive belt that drives several the engine's accessories at once
drive crazy
make someone lose their sanity; irritate someone; infuriate someone
drive home
return to one's house by car; transport someone to their house by car; convince, persuade
drive home
make clear by special emphasis and try to convince somebody of something; "drive home a point or an argument"; "I'm trying to drive home these basic ideas
drive in
cause to penetrate, as with a circular motion; "drive in screws or bolts"
drive in
arrive by motorcar; "The star and her manager drive in today from their motor tour across the country"
drive in
eating establishment in which customers place their orders and are served while remaining in their vehicles
drive in
arrive by motorcar; "The star and her manager drive in today from their motor tour across the country
drive in
cause a run or runner to be scored; "His line double drove in Jim Lemon with the winning run"
drive in
knock in, bang in, hammer in (nail, wedge, etc.)
drive into
drive line
– long lines of stone piles that marked a path used to channel the bison in the proper direction during a hunt The drive lines caused the animals to move toward a jump-off or corral location
drive line
mechanism that transmits power from the engine to the driving wheels of a motor vehicle
drive line
The parts that transfer power from the transmission to the drive wheels
drive me crazy
make me nuts, drive me insane
drive off
If you drive someone or something off, you force them to go away and to stop attacking you or threatening you. The government drove the guerrillas off with infantry and air strikes Men drove off the dogs with stones
drive off
force to go away; used both with concrete and metaphoric meanings; "Drive away potential burglars"; "drive away bad thoughts"; "dispel doubts"; "The supermarket had to turn back many disappointed customers"
drive out
clear out the chest and lungs; "This drug expectorates quickly"
drive out
drive away, expel, oust, eject, throw out, banish
drive out
To drive out something means to make it disappear or stop operating. He cut his rates to drive out rivals
drive out
force to go away; used both with concrete and metaphoric meanings; "Drive away potential burglars"; "drive away bad thoughts"; "dispel doubts"; "The supermarket had to turn back many disappointed customers"
drive out
force or drive out; "The police routed them out of bed at 2 A M "
drive up
{f} come close while driving; approach while driving
drive up
{s} accessible to clients who drive up in cars; designed in a manner that people can remain in their cars while served (drive-up hamburger place; drive-up window at a bank)
drive up
approach while driving; "The truck entered the driveway and drove up towards the house
drive up
approach while driving; "The truck entered the driveway and drove up towards the house"
Capable of being driven (as a vehicle)
urged or forced to action through moral pressure; "felt impelled to take a stand against the issue" compelled forcibly by an outside agency; "mobs goaded by blind hatred
Also adj
Driven is the past participle of drive. the past participle of drive. trying extremely hard to achieve what you want
compelled forcibly by an outside agency; "mobs goaded by blind hatred
urged or forced to action through moral pressure; "felt impelled to take a stand against the issue"
{s} urged forward; compelled by an inner urge; carried or blown by the wind (i.e. snow or feathers); guided in a particular direction
of Drive
compelled forcibly by an outside agency; "mobs goaded by blind hatred"
strongly motivated to succeed
A term depicting the external electrical components to run a Stepper Motor System This will include power supplies, logic sequencers, switching components and usually a variable frequency pulse source to determine the step rate
States of deprivation which supposedly energize behavior in an organism (Anderson)
Floppy Drive - The disk drive you use for external floppy disks ususally 5 25" or 3 5" in size Various models of these would store from 160Kilobytes to 2 88Megabytes of computer information There are newer disks, such as the LS120 which are slightly larger than 3 5" and hold up to 120Megabytes of information There are also several models of the Zip Drive They can hold either 100 or 250Mbytes of information Hard Disk Drive - Storage device inside your computer which stores all your Disk Operating System (DOS, Windows, etc ), software programs, games, etc These drives have many sizes
plural of drive
third-person singular of drive
Slots in your computer that allow you to put "disks" that have information on them, written in your computers language
a device that can read or write to removable media such as an optical disk or CD A library has at least one drive
Communicating force; impelling; as, a driving shaft
having the power of driving or impelling; "a driving personal ambition"; "the driving force was his innate enthusiasm"; "an impulsive force"
The driving force or idea behind something that happens or is done is the main thing that has a strong effect on it and makes it happen or be done in a particular way. Consumer spending was the driving force behind the economic growth in the summer see also drive. the activity of driving a car, truck etc
1 jumping into a new life experience, perhaps not as carefully as it should be done
Having great force of impulse; as, a driving wind or storm
acting with vigor; "responsibility turned the spoiled playboy into a driving young executive"
acting with vigor; "responsibility turned the spoiled playboy into a driving young executive
{s} vigorous, energetic; transferring power; used when operating a vehicle
the act of controlling and steering the movement of a vehicle or animal having the power of driving or impelling; "a driving personal ambition"; "the driving force was his innate enthusiasm"; "an impulsive force"
hitting a golf ball off of a tee with a driver; "he sliced his drive out of bounds"
the act of controlling and steering the movement of a vehicle or animal
The skill is used for all land based vehicles, whether skimmers, trucks or bikes As well as normal travel, the skill is used to cover evasive manoeuvres, "trick" manoeuvres and so on For more information about the use of the driving skills, see Skill Use and Attribute Rolls It is a Technical skill
Taking over a scene and not letting other performers influence its direction Makes you an unpopular improvisor
Strong; forceful; violent
{i} act of operating a vehicle
Tendency; drift
The act of forcing or urging something along; the act of pressing or moving on furiously
of Drive
A crowd of people in motion
The grooved surface of stone finished by the drove chisel; called also drove work
simple past of drive
Any collection of irrational animals, moving or driving forward; as, a finny drove
To drive, as cattle or sheep, esp
A road or track along which cattle are habitually driven
A collection of cattle driven, or cattle collected for driving; a number of animals, as oxen, sheep, or swine, driven in a body
To finish, as stone, with a drove or drove chisel
on long journeys; to follow the occupation of a drover
A road for driving cattle; a driftway
A broad chisel used to bring stone to a nearly smooth surface; called also drove chisel
a moving crowd
A narrow drain or channel used in the irrigation of land
a stonemason's chisel with a broad edge for dressing stone a moving crowd a group of animals (a herd or flock) moving together
a group of animals (a herd or flock) moving together
a stonemason's chisel with a broad edge for dressing stone
{i} herd or flock; crowd or multitude
Drove is the past tense of drive. Past tense of drive. the past tense of drive
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