The DOS command to list filenames This command accepts several switches and parameters For example, dir/w lists filenames in five columns across the screen Type "help dir" at a DOS prompt to see a list of the switches and parameters
Dos command to list (give a directory listing) files on a disk Depending on the wildcards used this may be a very restrictive listing or a very robust listing Dir * * lists every file for a given directory
VA FileMan's general purpose reader routine that can be used to issue a prompt, interactively read input, do syntax checking on input, issue error messages or help text, and return input in a processed form
(Internal) DIR [d: ][path][filename] [/A: (attributes)] [/O: (order)] [/B][/C][/CH][/L][/S][/P][/W] Displays directory of files and directories stored on disk
"Doing it Right", the mantra of WKPP divers and GUE training Refers to a specific diving equipment configuration and way of diving, that the WKPP and GUE group feel is the "right" way to scuba dive This philosophy is mostly related to technical diving