Определение diff в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь
(Bilgisayar) Bilgisayar ile hesaplamada bir dosya karşılaştırma yardımcı programıdır ve iki dosya arasındaki farkları bulmaya yarar. Program text dosyalarındaki her bir satırda yapılan değişiklikleri gösterir. Modern implementasyonlar binary dosyaları da destekler. Diff programının çıktısı diff ya da daha yaygın şekliyle -çıktıları patch adlı unix programı ile patch olarak uygulanabildiği için- patch olarak adlandırılır. Aynı zamanda diff bilgisayar jargonunda dosya üzerindeki herhangi bir değişikliği hesaplama anlamında bir fiil olarak kullanılır
Any program which compares two files or sets of files and outputs a description of the differences between them
A program, historically part of the Unix operating system, which compares two files or sets of files and outputs a description of the differences between them
Abbreviation of differential: differential of types of white blood cell in a complete blood count
(Bilgisayar) In computing, diff is a file comparison utility that outputs the differences between two files. The program displays the changes made per line for text files. Modern implementations also support binary files. The output is called a diff or more commonly a patch since the output can be applied with the program patch. The output of similar file comparison utilities are also called a "diff". Like the use of the word "grep" for describing the act of searching, the word diff is used in jargon as a verb for calculating any difference
A program, historically part of the Unix operating system, which compares two files or sets of files an outputs a description of the differences between them
The difference between a team's actual wins and expected wins, also called 'luck'
The part of the drive train which allows powered wheels (front or rear) to rotate at different speeds This is important since, when turning, the outside wheel travels farther and faster than the inside wheel
Any program which compares two files or sets of files an outputs a description of the differences between them