n (den-DRIH-tik cell) A special type of antigen-presenting cell that activates T cells
also known as interdigitating reticular cells, are found in T cell areas of lymphoid tissues They have a branched or dendritic morphology and are the most potent stimulators of T cell response Non-lymphoid tissues also contain dendritic cells but these do not seem to stimulate T cell responses until they are activated and migrate to lymphoid tissues The dendritic cell derives from bone marrow precursors It is distinct from the follicular dendritic cell that presents antigen to be cells
an immune cell with thread-like tentacles called dendrites that "capture" antigen and present it to T-cells Examples of dentritic cell types include Langerhans cells, found in the skin, and follicular dendritic cells, found in lymphoid tissues
a type of immune system cell with many branches Dendritic cells are found in the skin and mucosal membranes They are typically the first to arrive at sites of injury or infection, where they bind to invaders and transport them to the lymph nodes where the cell-mediated immune response is initiated Dendritic cells carry the CD4 surface marker, and may be among the first cells to be infected by HIV
immune cell with threadlike tentacles called dendrites used to enmesh antigen, which they present to T cells Langerhans cells, found in the skin, and follicular dendritic cells, found in lymphoid tissues, are both types of dendritic cells (See also antigen-presenting cell )