
listen to the pronunciation of contractor
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Beş farklı müteahhit tadilat yaptı. - Five different contractors made the renovations.

Ben müteahhitlerle konuşuncaya kadar nihai maliyeti hesaplayamam. - I cannot calculate the final cost until I talk with our contractors.

(Askeri) MÜTEAHHİT: Bir sözleşmeye göre malzeme veya hizmet temin eden şahıs
(Ticaret) sözleşme tarafı
(Ticaret) müteahit

Düşündüğüm gibi, yüklenici bugün daha fazla zaman isteyerek geri döndü. - Just like I thought, the contractor came back today, begging for more time.

kısaltan şey daraltan şey büzen şey
{i} doğumda kasılan adaleler
çeken şey
mukavele yapan kimse
{i} anlaşmalı taraf
(Tıp) Kasıcı, kısaltıcı, çekici
{i} kasan şey
{i} taraf
contractor company
yüklenici firma
contractor acquired property
yükleniciden temin özelliği
contractor safety provision
yüklenici güvenlik provizyonu
contractor site supervisor
yüklenici alan denetleyicisi
contractor evaluation
(Nükleer Bilimler) müteahhit değerlendirmesi
contractor furnished equipment
contractor inspection system
(Askeri) MÜTEAHHİT MUAYENE SİSTEMİ: Şartnameye uygun olarak yerine getirilmekle beraber sadece müteahhit tarafından kabule şayan telakki edilen malzemeyi göstermek maksadıyla yapılan ve sonuç kayıtlarını da içine alan muayeneden ibarettir. Böyle bir muayene sistemi, beğenilenin alınması demek olan tasnif (sorting) işlemine herhalde engel teşkil etmez
contractor inspection system
(Askeri) müteahhit muayene sistemi
contractor inventor
(Askeri) müteahhit mal sayımı
contractor inventory
(Askeri) MÜTEAHHİT MAL SAYIMI: Bir işin bitiminden önce şartname veya projelerdeki dolayısıyla veya yapılan ana ya da tali sözleşmenin feshedilmesi nedeniyle hükümetçe görülen lüzum üzerine hükümetin teslim almaya mecbur olduğu malların sayımı
contractor of enlistment
(Askeri) gönüllü asker sözleşmesi
contractor of enlistment
(Askeri) GÖNÜLLÜ ASKER SÖZLEŞMESİ: A. B. D. Ordusunda, gönüllü olarak askere giderken ordu ile şahıslar arasında akdedilen mukavele
contractor quality control system
(Askeri) MÜTEAHHİT NİTELİK KONTROL SİSTEMİ: İkmal maddeleri ve hizmetlerin sözleşme icaplarına uygun olarak yapılmasını temin eden kontrol sistemi. Bu sistemden maksat; elverişsiz malzeme oranını imalatta asgari hadde tutmaktır. Müteahhit nitelik kontrol sistemi bir iş sonu ıslah vasıtası (after the fact corrective tool) kabul edilebilecek müteahhit muayene sistemi (contractor inspection system) 'nin aksine önleyici bir vasıtadır
contractor vehicle
(Askeri) MÜTEAHHİT EMRİNE VERİLEN ASKERİ ARAÇ: Askeri bir araca benzemeyecek veya böyle bir işaret taşımayacak ve ABD ordusu plakası altında çalıştırılmayacak olan hizmet aracı. Bu araç bir müteahhide, ait tesis veya faaliyet sahasında kullanılmak üzere müteahhide devredilir. Orduya aidiyetini muhafaza için ABD ordusuna mahsus plaka numarası motor kaputunun içine konur
contractor's estimate
(İnşaat) müteahhit keşfi
contractor's estimate
(İnşaat) yüklenici keşfi
contractor's plant
(Askeri) MÜTEAHHİT ATÖLYESİ: Bir tek bina veya birbirine bitişik binalar grubu
contractor's plant
(Askeri) müteahhit atölyesi
contractor's profit
(İnşaat) müteahhit karı
contractor's proposal
(İnşaat) müteahhit teklifi
construction contractor
inşaat müteahhit
associate contractor
(Askeri) ortak müteahhit
prime contractor
(Askeri,İnşaat,Teknik) ana yüklenici
prime contractor
(Askeri) esas müteahhit
sub contractor
(Ticaret) alt müteahhit
building contractor
building contractor
building contractor
sub contractor
mukavele yapan
term contractor
yüklenici terimi
bidding Contractor
ihaleye giren taşeron
building contractor
İnşaat müteahhiti
accredited contractor
(Mimarlık) yeterlilik belgeli müteahhit
associate contractor
(Askeri) ORTAK MÜTEAHHİT: Hava kuvvetleri tarafından hazırlanmış veya onaylanmış şartname hükümlerini karşılayan tali sistem, teçhizat veya aksamın geliştirilmesi veya imali ile ilgili Hava kuvvetleri esas müteahhidi. Komple bir silah sistemini hep birlikte geliştiren veya imal eden bir müteahhitler grubunun bir üyesi
carrying contractor
(Ticaret) taşıma müteahhidi
electrical contractor
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektrik müteahhidi
formwork contractor
(İnşaat) kalıp müteahhidi
independent contractor
bağımsız yüklenici
independent contractor
bağımsız müteahhit
integrating contractor
(Askeri) ORTAK SORUMLU MÜTEAHHİT (HV.): Ortak müteahhit faaliyet teçhizatının zaman bakımından planlanmasıyla sistem kontrolü ve müteahhitlerden bir kaçı arasında müşterek belirli destek hizmetlerinin temini sorumluluğu verilmiş müteahhit
obligations of contractor
(Kanun) müteahhidin borçları
prime contractor
(Askeri) ESAS MÜTEAHHİT: Esas sözleşmeyi yapan müteahhit
structural contractor
(İnşaat) strüktür müteahhidi
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A person or company that performs specific tasks like electrical or plumbing work in construction projects
A person who executes the building or improving of buildings
A person or company hired to maintain existing facilities like air conditioning systems, groundskeeping, etc
{n} one who makes bargains or agrees
a company which has been contracted to produce and distribute material for GPO Usually microfiche is contracted
A properly licensed individual of company that contracts to perform a defined scope of work on a construction project and agrees to furnish labor, materials, equipment and associated services to perform the work as specified for a specified price
The organization that conducts the study in accordance with the statement of work and as contractually directed by the lead agency
An individual, partnership, company, corporation, association or other service, having a contract with an acquirer for the design, development, manufacture, maintenance, modification, or supply of items under the terms of a contract
A party who agrees to provide supplies or services in accordance with a valid and legal contract
{i} person who makes a contract; person who contracts to do a job (as in building project); something that contracts (like a muscle)
A non-government organization or individual acting as an agent of USAID and carrying out a scope of work specified by USAID (Chapter 102) The seller of the goods and/or services It includes both organizations and individuals
A private individual, sole proprietor, partnership or corporation that is contractually bound to DHS through a written agreement See DAS definition to distinguish Independent Contractor from Employee
One who contracts; one of the parties to a bargain; one who covenants to do anything for another; specifically, one who contracts to perform work on a rather large scale, at a certain price or rate, as in building houses or making a railroad
The term Contractor, is normally used to identify the party which has been contracted to provide a service, facility or equipment to the customer In some instances a prime contractor who sub-contracts work, the sub-contractor takes on the role of the contractor and the prime contractor takes on the role of the customer
someone (a person or firm) who contracts to build things (law) a party to a contract the bridge player in contract bridge who wins the bidding and can declare which suit is to be trumps
A person, firm, corporation or other legal entity obligated under the contract with the Agency
In this glossary, the contractor is the builder that has entered into an agreement with the owner to build a project Since the contractor may bring in subcontractors to construct portions of the project, he/she may also be referred to as "the general contractor" or "the general"
An individual and/or firm used in performing work on construction projects There are different classes of contractors, which are normally listed under the heading of subcontractors The function of the subcontractor is to perform a particular task only under the direction and coordination of the general contractor, who takes on the responsibility of managing the project in accordance with the construction documents The general contractor is normally selected through bidding procedures and is totally responsible for completion of the project in a skillful manner that is acceptable to both architect and owner However, the general contractor may be pre-selected to handle all work within a particular project This is usually the case for multistory office buildings where the general contractor is the same for all tenant space construction The contractor also could be contracted on a time-and-material basis, which may or may not have an upset maximum
Bidder with whom the State has successfully executed a contract Within the context of operations, "Fiscal Agent" may refer to contractor
A person or organisation which, as a party to a contract, is responsible for the organisation, management, and execution of that construction comprised in the contract with the employer
someone (a person or firm) who contracts to build things
The organization responsible for construction of a facility, typically under contract to an owner
A company that contracts to perform work, build structures or provide supplies A general contractor has responsibility for an entire project A subcontractor is hired by the contractor to perform a specific portion of a project or supply materials
one who contracts to perform work or furnish materiels in accordance with a contract
(law) a party to a contract
A person or company who contracts to construct buildings or portions of the project There are contractors for each phase of construction: site preparation, framing, electrical, plumbing, heating and air conditioning, etc
sometimes called the general contractor or the builder, this person or company is responsible for the construction of a home, as well as negotiating with and overseeing the work of subcontractors
A company licensed to perform certain types of construction activities In most states, the generals contractor's license and some specialty contractor's licenses don't require of compliance with bonding, workmen's compensation and similar regulations Some of the specialty contractor licenses involve extensive training, testing and/or insurance requirements There are various types of contractors
An individual responsible for having all the work described in the contract carried out The contractor is responsible for having the appropriate insurances, for paying the suppliers and workers, and for supervising the quality of all work performed
the bridge player in contract bridge who wins the bidding and can declare which suit is to be trumps
The individual, firm, corporation, or entity awarded the contract to furnish OUS or any of its institutions the goods, services, or work procured through a competitive process
A contractor is a person or company that does work for other people or organizations. a major US defense contractor. a person or company that agrees to do work or provide goods for another company
In the construction industry, a contractor is one who contracts to oversee the construction of a building There are also contractors for each phase of construction, such as heating, electrical, plumbing, air conditioning, etc
The contractor is the individual, company, corporation, firm, or combination thereof the PD develops a contract for the purchase of goods/services
a bodily organ that contracts
In the construction industry, a contractor is one who contracts to erect buildings or portions of them There are also contractors for each phase of construction: heating, electrical, plumbing, air conditioning, road building, bridge and dam erection, and others
One who undertakes responsibility for the performance of construction work, including the provisions of labor and materials, in accordance with plans and specifications and under a contract specifying cost and schedule for completion of the work
contractor combatant
A civilian in a war zone who performs the tasks of an armed soldier under Geneva Convention
contractor company
company that takes full responsibility for implementing a job
contractor's liability
legal responsibility of a contractor for the quality of work which he produces
contractor's workers
employees of a person who is under contract to provide a certain service
construction contractor
one who is hired to execute building projects
general contractor
A contractor hired to manage a project and to hire subcontractors. (If a customer serves as their own general contractor then this means they undertake the management tasks and the hiring of subcontractors.)
independent contractor
A person working independently, under a contract; a self-employed person
building contractor
{i} person or company who contracts to build
building contractor
someone whose job is to organize the building of a house, office, factory etc
building frame contractor
one contracted to construct the frame of a building
plural of contractor
defense contractor
a contractor concerned with the development and manufacture of systems of defense
independent contractor
Someone who does work for the employer but is not an employee and therefore is not covered by the employer’s benefits plans
independent contractor
One free from the influence, guidance, or control of another or others and does not owe a "fiduciary duty" e g , an architect, engineer, prime or main contractor, construction manager at-risk
independent contractor
A person who is hired by a company, but works for himself/herself The company is a client, rather than an employer
independent contractor
The term is most important as used to describe the relationship of broker and salesperson, employee or independent contractor If employee, the broker must withhold income tax and pay social security, provide workmen's compensation, and may be liable for some negligent acts of the salesperson while on the job All of this is avoided by the broker if salesperson is an indepent contractor
independent contractor
or "person who independently contracts" means any person that: Expressly or impliedly contracts to perform mortgage broker activities for a licensee; with respect to its manner or means of performing the activities, is not subject to the licensee's right of control; and is not treated as an employee by the licensee for purposes of compliance with federal income tax laws (per WAC 208-660-010) any person that expressly or impliedly contracts to perform mortgage brokering services for another and that with respect to its manner or means of performing the services is not subject to the other's right of control, and that is not treated as an employee by the other for purposes of compliance with federal income tax laws (per RCW 19 146 010)
independent contractor
A person who con- tracts to do work for another by using his or her own methods and without being under the control of the other person regarding how the work should be done Unlike an employee, an independent contractor pays all of his or her expenses, personally pays income and social security taxes and receives no employee benefits Many real estate salespeople are independent contractors
independent contractor
– People such as lawyers, contractors, subcontractors, public stenographers, and auctioneers who follow an independent trade, business, or profession in which they offer their services to the public, are generally not employees However, whether such people are employees or independent contractors depends on the facts in each case The general rule is that an individual is an independent contractor if you, the payer, have the right to control or direct only the result of the work and not the means and methods of accomplishing the result Back to Top
independent contractor
An Independent Contractor provides services to a company, but is not an employee of that company The company pays the Independent Contractor without withholding payroll taxes or paying the employer's share of payroll taxes An independent contractor has the right to decide how the work will be done and may hire others to assist or do the work Independent contractors also do not receive wages Independent Contractors are under intense scrutiny from the IRS and states because of abuses costing billions of dollars of taxes
independent contractor
The term is most important as used to describe the relationship of broker and salesperson, employee or independent contractor   If employee, the broker must withhold income tax and pay social security, provide workmen's compensation, and may be liable for some negligent acts of the salesperson while on the job   All of this is avoided by the broker if salesperson is an independent contractor  
independent contractor
This usually appears in a contract to identify the creator as a non-employee Work produced as an independent contractor is considered freelance work
independent contractor
One who agrees to perform according to a contract and who is not an employee
independent contractor
A legal term for a person who is hired to do work for another person but who is not an employee or agent of that person The hiring person is not responsible for the actions of the Independent Contractor nor does she owe that Independent Contractor the same legal duties owed by an Employer to an Employee under labor and employment laws
independent contractor
A person to whom the named insured provides a 1099 form for income tax purposes
independent contractor
An individual, who is self-employed, and is free from the direction and control of an employer covered under state and federal unemployment laws The Internal Revenue Service uses certain guidelines to determine the independent contractor relationship Many states utilize the same guidelines Upon termination of the independent contractor's services, the individual may attempt to collect unemployment benefits The company should be prepared to prove to the state that the contracted individual was not an employee within the meaning of the law
independent contractor
One who is retained to perform a certain act, but who is subject to the control and direction of another only as to the end result and not as how he performs the act The critical feature, and what distinguishes an independent contractor and an employee or agent, is the right to control
independent contractor
A person who agrees to perform and complete a specific job or task and determines the ways and methods of achieving that job or task
independent contractor
The salesperson is either an employee or independent contractor If the Salesperson is an employee, the broker must withhold income tax and pay social security, provide workmen's compensation, and may be liable for some negligent acts of the salesperson while on the job This is avoided by the broker if salesperson is an independent contractor Many salespeople are both salespeople and broker
independent contractor
A taxpayer who contracts to do work according to his own methods and who is not subject to control except as to the results of such work An employee, by contrast, is subject to the control of the employer as to the methods to be used to obtain the desired results
independent contractor
One who agrees to perform services or supply commodities under a contract In carrying out his/her contract, he/she is not under the control of, or an employee, of the party with whom he/she contracts
independent contractor
One who agrees to perform according to a contract and who is not an employee (G)
independent contractor
the test which distinguishes an independent contractor from an agent is the degree of control which the contractor is entitled to exercise, i e existence of the right of control over the agent in respect of the manner in which the work is done An independent contractor is one who exercises discretion as to the mode and time of doing the work The contractor is bound by its contract, not by the orders of the party for whom the contract is being performed
independent contractor
someone who is self-employed
independent contractor
A person hired to do a particular job, subject to the direction of a supervisor An independent contractor pays for his or her own expenses and taxes, and receives no employee benefits Most real estate agents are independent contractors
independent contractor
One who is retained to perform a certain act, but who is subject to the control and direction of another only as to the end result and not as to how he/she performs the act
plumbing contractor
plumber who hires a suitable group of workers to work for him on a project
A person or company who undertakes (or 'sub-contracts') to complete part of another contractor's contract
The Sub-Contractor is an entity which performs any or all of the Primary Contractor's responsibilities
a gambler who never gets to shuffle, cut or deal
vote contractor
one who offers payment in return for a vote for a specific candidate

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    /ˈkänˌtraktər/ /ˈkɑːnˌtræktɜr/


    ... Well, not taking over NASA-- being a contractor for NASA. ...