(Ticaret) (CIM) The use of computer systems in manufacturing that fulfill specific functional requirements and are integrated with the base ERP and supporting systems. CIM may involve the use of automatic data collection, CAD/CAM, automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS), robotics, machine vision, automated test equipment and many other systems
The use of computer systems in manufacturing that fulfill specific functional requirements and are integrated with the base ERP and supporting systems CIM may involve the use of automatic data collection, CAD/CAM, automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS), robotics, machine vision, automated test equipment and many other systems
Data-driven automation that affects all systems or subsystems within a manufacturing environment: design and development, production (see CAD/CAM), marketing and sales, and field support and service. Basic manufacturing functions as well as materials-handling and inventory control can also be simulated by computers before the system is built in an attempt to eliminate wastage. See also artificial intelligence, expert systems, robotics
The computer integrated enterprise of manufacturing including the management of required resources; people, organization, material, energy, data, computer technology and automation equipment