A document submitted by the plaintiff, usually prepared by an attorney, which lists and describes (1) alleged offenses committed by the defendant; (2) ramifications, and (3) the desired conditions for correction of such offenses
Anyone who raises a concern inside or outside their organization about something that he believes to be amiss The term does not have the negative connotation of "complainer " The complainant is one who speaks up in some way about a problem This speaking up may or may not include filing a formal charge See also Whistle-Blower
Person that wants to start a court case against another person In a civil case, the complainant is the plaintiff In a criminal case, the complainant is the state
A person who seeks to initiate court proceedings against another person In a civil case the complainant is the plaintiff; in a criminal case the complainant is the state
* Anyone who raises a concern inside or outside their organization about something that he believes to be amiss The term does not have the negative connotation of " complainer " The complainant is one who speaks up in some way about a problem This speaking up may or may not include filing a formal charge
An employee, former employee, or applicant for employment who files a formal complaint of discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, or sex
A current ASU student or employee who believes he or she has been the victim of unlawful discrimination and files a complaint alleging unlawful discrimination, or a member of the public who files a complaint of disability discrimination under the Americans With Disabilities Act See also “Complaint ”