Any integer that is a common multiple of the denominators of two or more fractions
an attribute that is common to all members of a category an integer that is a common multiple of the denominators of two or more fractions
In mathematics, a common denominator is a number which can be divided exactly by all the denominators in a group of fractions
lowest number that is a multiple of all the denominators of a given group of fractions (Mathematics)
A common denominator is a characteristic or attitude that is shared by all members of a group of people. I think the only common denominator of success is hard work. see also lowest common denominator
The group having such taste, sensibility, or opinion: “The press can resist the standard of the lowest common denominator, the rationalization that all news is fit to print that has appeared anywhere else” (Edward M. Kennedy)
the smallest number that can be evenly divided by all denominators in the problem -- " find the least common multiple of the denominators (called the least common denominator or LCD) " (167)
The LCM is the smallest number that can be divided by each of the denominators of a set of fractions The steps to find the LCD are as follows: Write down each of the different denominators that appear in the given fractions Factor each of these denominators completely Form a product using each of the different factors obtained in step 2 Use each different factor the greatest number of times it appears in an single denominator The product formed by multiplying the different factors is the LCD For example, if the denominators of three fractions are 24, 18, and 36: 24 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 18 = 2 x 3 x 3 36 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 LCD = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 = 72
disapproval If you say that something is designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator, you are critical of it because it is designed to be liked by the majority of people. Tabloid newspapers pander to the lowest common denominator
disapproval If you describe a plan or policy as the lowest common denominator, you are critical of it because it has been deliberately made too simple so that nobody will disagree. Although the plan received unanimous approval, this does not mean that it represents the lowest common denominator
In mathematics, the lowest common denominator is the smallest number that all the numbers on the bottom of a particular group of fractions can be divided into