
listen to the pronunciation of class
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Bu sınıf 15 erkekten ve 28 kızdan oluşuyor. - This class consists of 15 boys and 28 girls.

Bu sınıfta kırk öğrenci var. - There are 40 pupils in this class.

{i} ders

Matematik dersi iyidir. - The mathematics class is good.

Ders esnasında Japonca konuşmamalısınız. - You must not speak Japanese during the class.

{i} klas olma
{f} saymak
{f} kategorize etmek
{f} sınıflandır

Ben nesneleri sınıflandırmada iyi değilim. - I'm not good at classifying things.

Ceza hukuku, ceza yasası olarak da bilinen, bir suç olarak sınıflandırılmış olan bir hareket için takibat gerektirir. - Criminal law, also known as penal law, involves prosecution for an act that has been classified as a crime.

{i} kalite
{i} dershane
{f} -i (belirli bir grubun içinde) saymak
{i} kurs

Bu yarıyıl tatilinde hangi dilin kursunu alacaksın? Arapça 5. seviye. - Which language class are you taking this semester? Arabic Level 5.

İlk İtalyanca kursumuza hoş geldiniz. - Welcome to our first class in Italian.

{i} kur

Tom sınıfta hayal kuruyordu. - Tom was daydreaming in class.

Tom yüzme kursundaki başka birinden daha hızlı yüzebilir. - Tom can swim faster than anyone else in his swimming class.

{i} çeşit

Ne kadar pahalı olursa olsun, o klasik arabayı almak istiyorum. - I want to get that classic car no matter how expensive it is.

Ben klasik müziği çok severim. - I like classical music very much.

kategorilere ayırmak
toplumsal sınıf

Burada yaşayan insanlar üst tabakaya aittir. - The people living here belong to the upper class.

Ben orta tabaka değilim. - I'm not middle class.

(okul) sınıf

Her zaman sınıf arkadaşlarına gösteriş yapan türde bir çocuktu. - He was the kind of kid who was always showing off to his classmates.

O klasik ya da folk, her türlü enstrümanı çalabilir. - She can play all kinds of instruments, classical or folk.

bir okulda aynı yılda mezun olacak toplam
{i} bölüm
{i} class
{i} derslik

Sami derslikten çıktı. - Sami came out of the classroom.

{i} kast
{i} öğrenciler (aynı yıl mezun olan)
(Tıp) Sınıf, takım (order)'ların biraraya gelmesiyle oluşan canlı sınıfı
{f} -i
{i} mükemmellik
{i} mevki

Ben hiç birinci mevkide uçmadım. - I've never flown first class.

(Diş Hekimliği) Canlıların sınıflandırılmasındaki en üst bölüm; bir alt bölüm olan takımlara ayrılır
{i} takım, grup
yerine oturtm
{i} cins

Tom cinsel eğitim dersi sırasında uykuya daldı. - Tom fell asleep during sex ed class.

Ders başlamadan önce sana sarılmak istedim ama bir eş cinsel gibi görünmek istemedim. - I wanted to hug you before class started, but I didn't want to look like a lesbian.

sınıf,v.sınıflandır: n.sınıf
{i} üstünlük
{i} grup

Tek başına mı yoksa bir grupla birlikte mi egzersiz yapmayı seversin? - Do you like to exercise alone or with a class?

Coca-Cola'nın üretildiği ilk yıllarda, o kokain içeriyordu. 1914'te, kokain bir uyuşturucu olarak gruplandırıldı ve sonra Coca-Cola'nın üretimi için kokain yerine kafein kullandılar. - In the first years that Coca-Cola was produced, it contained cocaine. In 1914, cocaine was classified as a narcotic, after which they used caffeine instead of cocaine in the production of Coca-Cola.

mevki kura
ders okutulan yer
class action lawsuit
(Fizik) Toplu dava açma
class captain
Sınıf başkanı
class conflict
sınıf mücadelesi
class a amplifier
a sınıfı amplifikatör
class a modulator
a sınıfı modülatör
class a oscilloscope
a sınıfı osiloskop
class b amplifier
b sınıfı amplifikatör
class b modulator
b sınıfı modülatör
class b oscilloscope
b sınıfı osiloskop
class book
yoklama defteri
class book
okul kitabı
class code
sınıf kodu
class consciousness
sınıf bilinci
class distinction
sınıf farkı
class interval
sınıf aralığı
class of symmetry operations
simetri işlemleri sınıfı
class price
en yüksek fiyat
class struggle
sınıf mücadelesi
class war
sınıf mücadelesi
class 8
sınıf 8
class action lawsuit
(Kanun) kolektif dava, toplu dava
class action suit
grup davasıyla
class conscious
sınıf bilinçli
class for itself
kendi için sınıf
class in itself
kendiliğinden sınıf
class mark
sınıf işareti
class mates
sınıf arkadaşları
class monitor
Sınıf başkanı
class of risk
riziko sınıfı
class reunion
Eski sınıf arkadaşlarının bir araya geldiği toplantısı
class rules
sınıf kuralları
class year
Bulunduğunuz eğitim kurumundan mezun olduğunuz ya da mezun olmayı beklendiğiniz yıl
class: ~
sınıf: ~
Class IV
(Askeri) 4 ncü sınıf hava ikmal maddeleri: Teşkilat ve malzeme kadrolarında tahsisleri belirtilmemiş ve bir tasnife tabi tutulmamış veya haklarında özel tedbirler alınması ve kontrolü gerektiren hava ikmal maddeleri ve teçhizatı
Class IX
(Askeri) bütün teçhizatlara bakım desteği vermek için gerekli olan alet takımları, komple montaj parçaları ve tali parçalar (tamir edilebilen veya edilemeyen) gibi tamir parçaları ve bileşenler
Class VII
(Askeri) Son ana malzemeler (rampalar, tanklar, seyyar makina onarım atelyeleri ve araçlar dahil)
Class VIII
(Askeri) tıbbi malzemeler (tıbbi teçhizata özgü onarım parçaları ve kan yönetimi dahil)
class A operation
A sinifi isletme (yukseltec)
class a agent officer
(Askeri) A SINIFI MUTEMET: Tahsis emrinde belirtilmiş ödemeleri yapması için kendisine devlet gelirleri emanet edilmiş subay veya astsubay
class a industrial property
(Askeri) A SINIFI ENDÜSTRİ MALLARI: Sözleşme gereğince müteahhit ihtiyaçlarını ikmal için temin edilen devlet malı arazi, bina, yapı, yol, köprü, menfez yaya kaldırım, demiryolu, fenni ve sıhhi tesisler ile fenni ve sıhhi tesis atölyeleri
class a pay reservation
(Askeri) A SINIFI TAHVİL KESENEĞİ: Kara kuvvetleri mensubu bir sivil memurun; ABD Tasarruf Tahvilleri alınması için maaşından yapılmasına muvafakat ettiği kesinti
class a property
(Askeri) A SINIFI ORDU MALI: Yeni veya kullanılmamış ordu malı
class access
Sınıf Erişimi
class action
grup davası
class allegiance
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) sınıf ittifakı
class b 1 allotment
(Askeri) B-1 SINIFI TAHVİL KESENEĞİ: Askeri personelin, takvim yılı her üç ayında bir, bir adet ABD Tasarruf Tahvilinin taksitle satın alınması için, maaşlarından yapılmasına muvafakat ettikleri kesinti
class b agent officer
(Askeri) B SINIFI MUTEMET: Sayman tediye subayının bir mutemedi olarak, tahsilat ve tediyatta bulunması için, bu subay tarafından kendisine belirli bazı tahsisat teslim edilmiş subay veya astsubay. B sınıfı mutemet yalnız belirli tahsilat ve tediyatı yapmakla sınırlandırılmış olup, kendisine, sayman nam ve hesabına hareket etmesi içinde gerekli yetki verilir
class b allotment
(Askeri) B SINIFI TAHVİL KESENEĞİ: Askeri personelin; her ay bir veya daha çok ABD Tasarruf Tahvillerinden taksitle satın alınması için, maaşlarından yapılmasına muvafakat ettikleri kesinti
class b industrial property
(Askeri) B SINIFI ENDÜSTRİ MALLARI: Müteahhitlerin ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere, Devletçe temin edilen A ve C sınıfları haricinde ve, kolayca tespit edilebilen büyük birimlerden kataloglanmış devlet malları. Bu sınıfta; makina, motor, lokomotif, vinç, traktör, otomobil, platform kantarı vesaire gibi malzeme vardır. Bak. "classification of industrial property"
class b property
(Askeri) B SINIFI ORDU MALI: Kullanılmış veya kullanılmış hale getirilmiş ve halen kullanılmakta olan ordu malı
class b status material
(Askeri) B SINIFI SABİT MALZEME: Kullanılacakları yerde depo edilen çakılı silah, tahkimat, kazamat, ateş idare ve ölçme malzemesi, güç kaynakları ve topçu malzemesi. Bu çeşit malzeme, muharebeye elverişlilik derecelerinin tespiti için, belirli zamanlarda çalıştırılır ve kontrol edilir
class book
ders kitabı [brit.]
class book
yoklama defteri [amer.]
class c industrial property
(Askeri) C SINIFI ENDÜSTRİ MALLARI: Müteahhitlerin ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere kataloglanmamış devlet malları. Bütün ham maddelerle parça, aksam, komple parça, tali komple parçalar ve imalat, işletme, bakım, büro, kafeterya, laboratuar, yatakhane, hastahane ikmal maddeleri bu sınıfa dahildir. Bak. "classification of industrial property"
class c property
(Askeri) C SINIFI ORDU MALI: Kullanılmayacak halde olmakla beraber kullanılabilir duruma getirilebilecek ordu malı
class conscious
seviyesini bilen
class conscious
sınıf farkı gözeten
class consciousness
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) sınıf mücadelesi
class container
Sınıf Kapsayıcısı
class d allotment
(Askeri) I NCI DÜNYA HARBİ HAYAT SİGORTASI KESENEĞİ: I nci Dünya Harbinde çıkarılan ABD Hükümeti Hayat Sigortası ücretleri karşılığı bir askeri şahsın maaşından yapılmasına muvafakat ettiği kesinti
class description
(Politika, Siyaset) sınıf tasviri
class driver list
Sınıf Sürücü Listesi
class e allotment
(Askeri) ÖZEL KESİNTİ: Banka, sigorta şirketleri gibi müesseselere ve şahıslara ödenmek üzere, bir askeri şahsın maaşından yapılmasına muvafakat ettiği kesinti
class f allotment
(Askeri) AİLE YARDIM KESENEĞİ: Bak. "class F deduction" ve "class Q allotment"
class f deduction
(Askeri) AİLE YARDIM KESENEĞİ: Bak. "class Q allotment"
class hatred
sınıf nefreti
class i activity
(Askeri) 1 NCİ SINIF FAALİYET MERKEZİ: ABD Anayurt Ordu Komutanlığının emir ve komutası altındaki tesis
class i installation
(Askeri) I NCİ SINIF ASKERİ TESİS: ABD Anayurdu Ordu Komutanlığının emir ve komutası altındaki tesis
class i supplies
(Askeri) I NCİ SINIF İKMAL MADDELERİ: Her türlü şartlar altında değişmeyen bir ortalama günlük nispet dahilinde tüketilen rasyon, yem ve kantin ikmal maddeleri nevinden ikmal maddeleri. Ayrıca bakınız: "supplies"
class ii activity
(Askeri) II NCİ SINIF FAALİYET MERKEZİ: ABD Anayurdu ordu komutanlığının emri altında bulunmayan ABD Anayurdu askeri faaliyet merkezi
class ii installations
(Askeri) II NCİ SINIF ASKERİ TESİS: ABD Anayurdu Ordu Komutanlığının emri altında bulunmayan ABD Anayurdu askeri tesisleri
class ii supplies
(Askeri) (A) II NCİ SINIF HAVA İKMAL MADDELERİ: Birliklere ilk dağıtım tahsisi, ilgili istihkak çizelgeleri listeleriyle emredilmiş hava ikmal maddeleri ve teçhizatı. Ayrıca bakınız: "supplies"
class ii supplies
(Askeri) II NCİ SINIF İKMAL MADDELERİ: Şahıslara ve birliklere ilk dağıtım tahsisi istihkak çizelgeleri, teşkilat ve malzeme kadroları ve diğer ilgili liste ve çizelgelerle tespit edilmiş bulunan II nci sınıf (A), IV nci sınıf, IV ncü sınıf (A) ikmal maddeleri arasında bulunmayan giyecek, birlik malzeme ve teçhizat ve araçları ile yedek parçaları. Ayrıca bakınız: "supplies"
class iii supplies
(Askeri) (A) III NCÜ SINIF HAVA İKMAL MADDELERİ: Uçak benzin ve yağları. Ayrıca bakınız: "supplies"
class iv supplies
(Askeri) (A) 4 NCÜ SINIF HAVA İKMAL MADDELERİ: Teşkilat ve malzeme kadrolarında tahsisleri belirtilmemiş ve bir tasnife tabi tutulmamış veya haklarında özel tedbirler alınması ve kontrolü gerektiren hava ikmal maddeleri ve teçhizatı. Ayrıca bakınız: "supplies"
class iv supplies
(Askeri) 4 NCÜ SINIF İKMAL MADDELERİ: Teşkilat ve malzeme kadrolarında tahsisleri tespit ve tasnif edilmemiş ikmal maddeleri ve teçhizat. Normal olarak, tahkimat ve inşaat malzemesi, özel makine ve iş makineleri ile diğer özel ikmal maddeleri ve ilk dağıtım yetkisi verilmiş maddelerden ek dağıtım miktarları bu ikmal maddelerine dahildir. Ayrıca bakınız: "supplies"
class limits
sinif sinirlari
class module
Sınıf Modülü
class n allotment
(Askeri) ASKERİ HAYAT SİGORTASI KESENEĞİ: Milli Hizmet Hayat Sigortası ücreti karşılığı olarak, bir askeri şahsın, maaşından yapılmasına muvafakat ettiği kesinti
class object
Sınıf Nesnesi
class of beings
class probability
sinif olasiligi
class q allotment
(Askeri) AİLE, YARDIM KESENEĞİ: Aile fertlerine verilmek üzere, bir erin, maaşından kesilmesine muvafakat ettiği para; aylık mesken bedeline müstehak evlere, kanunen verilmesi gereken para
class reunion
mezunlar günü
class reunion
mezunlar toplantısı
class store
Sınıf Deposu
class store path
Sınıf Deposu Yolu
class v supplies
(Askeri) 5 NCİ SINIF İKMAL MADDELERİ: Her tipten mühimmat (kimya dahil) infilak maddeleri, tanksavar ve antipersonel mayınlar, tapalar, detonatörler, işaret ve aydınlatma mühimmatı. Ayrıca bakınız: "supplier"
class v supplies
(Askeri) (A) 5 NCİ SINIF HAVA İKMAL MADDELERİ: Uçak mühimmat ve bombaları, roketler, aydınlatma ve işaret fişekleri ile benzeri sarf edilebilir müteferrik aksam. Ayrıca bakınız: "supplies"
class war
sosyal sınıflar arası savaş
class war
sınıf savaşı
class with
benzetme yapmak
class with
class with
(Bilgisayar) sınıf/dersler
closed class
(Dilbilim) kapalı küme
ruling class
(Politika, Siyaset) üst sınıf
working class
işçi sınıfı

Komünist Parti, işçi sınıfının öncüsüdür. - The Communist Party is the vanguard of the working class.

Sadece ikinci turda Komünist Partisi, işçi sınıfının söyledi: sağ kanada oy vermeyin. - Only in the second round the Communist Party told to the working class: Do not vote the right wing.

accuracy class
(Bilgisayar,Teknik,Ticaret) doğruluk sınıfı
(Argo) soysuz
sınıfsız (toplum)
concrete class
beton sınıfı
concrete class
beton mukavemet sınıfı
content class
(Bilgisayar) içerik sınıfı
device class
(Bilgisayar) aygıt sınıfı
edit class
(Bilgisayar) sınıf düzenle
efficient class environment
etkin sınıf ortamı
evening class
akşam sınıfı
event class
(Bilgisayar) olay sınıfı
form class
(Dilbilim) eşbiçim kümesi
leisure class
aylak sınıf
lower class
alt sınıflar
nursery class
ana sınıfı
nursery class
(Eğitim) anasınıfı
parent class
(Bilgisayar) ana sınıf
parent class
(Bilgisayar) üst sınıf
prep class
hazırlık sınıfı
protection class
koruma sınıfı
recipient class
(Bilgisayar) alıcı sınıfı
second class
sergeant first class
(Askeri) astsubay kıdemli çavuş
simply in a class of its own
sadece kendi türünde
soil class
zemin sınıfı
source class
(Bilgisayar) kaynak sınıfı
special class
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) özel sınıf
vendor class
(Bilgisayar) satıcı sınıfı
word class
(Dilbilim) sözcük türü
working class
(Ticaret) çalışanlar sınıfı
working class
çalışan sınıf
working class
working class
emekçi sınıf
world class
(Ticaret) dünya standartlarında
age class
yaş sınıfı
age class distribution
yaş sınıfı dağılımı
cabin class
ikinci mevki
sınıf farkı olmayan
hiç bir özel ya da toplumsal sınıfa bağlı olmayan
(toplum) sınıfsız
danger class
tehlike sınıfı
economy class
ekonomik mevki
first class
birinci mevki

Ben hiç birinci mevkide uçmadım. - I've never flown first class.

first class mail
birinci sınıf posta
first class ticket
birinci mevki bileti
high class
yüksek sınıf
homotopy class
homotopi sınıfı
low class
alt sınıf
lower class
işçi sınıfı
lower class
alt tabaka
middle class
orta tabaka halk
middle class
orta sınıf

O parti her zaman orta sınıfı kötülüğe teşvik ediyor. - That party is always pandering to the middle class.

Tom orta sınıf bir mahallede büyüdü. - Tom grew up in a middle class neighborhood.

privilege class
ayrıcalık sınıfı
privileged class
ayrıcalıklı sınıf
second class
ikinci sınıf
second class
ikinci sınıf posta
second class
(tren/vb.) ikinci mevki
secondary class
ikinci sınıf
third class
üçüncü sınıf
tourist class
turist sınıfı
tourist class
turistik mevki
tree class
ağaç sınıfı
upper class
zenginler sınıfı
upper class
üst sınıf

Bay Brown üst sınıfa aittir. - Mr Brown belongs to the upper class.

Burjuva terimi hem orta hem de üst sınıflara bir hakaret olarak kullanılabilir. - The term bourgeois can be used as an insult by both the lower and the upper classes.

upper class
yüksek sınıf
word class
kelime sınıfı

İkinci sınıflara İngilizce öğretirim. - I teach English to the second year classes.

Tom korkunç bir ağrısına rağmen bugün bütün sınıflarına öğretti. - Tom taught all his classes today, even though he had a terrible headache.

ders alan
üst tabaka
yukarı sınıflar
{s} sınıflara ayrılmamış
le fort fracture; class I, class II, class III
(Diş Hekimliği) maksillo - fasiyel kırıkların üç ana sınıfından biri
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Admirable behavior; elegance

Apologizing for losing your temper, even though you were badly provoked, showed real class.

A group, collection, category or set sharing characteristics or attributes

This word has a whole class of metaphoric extensions.

A rank in the classification of organisms, below phylum and above order; a taxon of that rank

Magnolias belong to the class Magnoliopsida.

A group of people subject to be conscripted in the same military draft, or more narrowly those persons actually conscripted in a particular draft
A category of seats in an airplane, train or other means of mass transportation

I used to fly business class, but now my company can only afford economy.

Best of its kind

It is the class of Italian bottled waters.

A set of objects having the same behavior (but typically differing in state), or a template defining such a set
To assign to a class

I would class this with most of the other mediocre works of the period.

A collection of sets definable by a shared property

The class of all sets is not a set.

A group of students who commenced or completed their education during a particular year. A school class

The class of 1982 was particularly noteworthy.

A social grouping, based on job, wealth, etc. In Britain, society is commonly split into three main classes; upper class, middle class and working class
great; fabulous
A group of students in a regularly scheduled meeting with a teacher

The class was noisy, but the teacher was able to get their attention with a story.

The division of society into classes

Jane Austen's works deal with class in 18th-century England.

A series of classes covering a single subject

I took the cooking class for enjoyment, but I also learned a lot.

{v} to range or set in classes, to regulate
{n} a rank, order, degree, set, form
elegance in dress or behavior; "she has a lot of class"
a basic building block of object-oriented programming Classes define types of objects by specifying their properties (data) and the procedures ("methods") they support Classes are more powerful than normal programs, because they are flexible blueprints for generating programs Unlike programs, a new class can be derived easily from a an existing class and inherit its properties and functions ("sub-classing"), with additional programming only to the extent that the classes actually differ Classes make it possible to decompose large, complex programs into much more manageable, maintainable pieces of logic, which leads to more dependable applications
In C++, a class is the basic construct for defining a self-contained object Classes have their own member functions and data
{f} classify; attribute, ascribe
A class of things is a group of them with similar characteristics. the division of the stars into six classes of brightness
A group of individuals ranked together as possessing common characteristics; as, the different classes of society; the educated class; the lower classes
To grouped or classed
(biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders a body of students who are taught together; "early morning classes are always sleepy"
[M206] As with real-world classification, a class groups together objects that the programmer considers to be similar The class gives the description of a set of objects with similar characteristics and attributes One class description serves to describe all instances (members) of that class The class describes the common protocol followed by the individual members (instances) Objects of the same class respond to the same set of messages (the instance protocol), have the same attributes and respond in the same way to each message
—In NET languages, classes are templates used for defining new types Classes describe both the properties and behaviors of objects Properties contain the data that are exposed by the class Behaviors are the functionality of the object, and are defined by the public methods (also called member functions) and events of the class Collectively, the public properties and methods of a class are known as the object interface Classes themselves are not objects, but instead they are used to instantiate (i e , create) objects in memory See structure
A set; a kind or description, species or variety
A Class is the "Mold" from which objects are stamped out Objects are instances of a class Class can be thought of as a blueprint for an object
Some prophetic pictures in the Bible represent entire groups of people by a singular image Thus we speak of the faithful and discreet slave class, the heavenly bride class, the earthly class, the Lazarus class, the rich-man class, the John class, the clergy class, the sheep class, the priestly class, the kingdom class, the laity class, the Jehonadab class, and so on 2 [obs] Many years ago class was used rather than {meeting}
A programming language concept that allows data and methods to be grouped together The class concept is fundamental to the notion of an object-oriented programming language The methods of a class define the set of permitted operations on the class's data (its attributes) This close tie between data and operations means that an instance of a class - an object - is responsible for responding to messages received via its defining class's methods
A template for defining objects that specifies variables, and procedures that operate on those variables In the context of the NCAR HLU library, the class variables are called resources and the class procedures are called support functions Objects are members, or instances, of a class formed by assigning specific values to the variables in the class
elegance in dress or behavior; "she has a lot of class" people having the same social or economic status; "the working class"; "an emerging professional class" a collection of things sharing a common attribute; "there are two classes of detergents" (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders a body of students who are taught together; "early morning classes are always sleepy" a body of students who graduate together; "the class of '97"; "she was in my year at Hoehandle High" a league ranked by quality; "he played baseball in class D for two years"; "Princeton is in the NCAA Division 1-AA
a collection of things sharing a common attribute; "there are two classes of detergents"
A class defines an object's interface and implementation It specifies the object's internal representation and defines the operations that the object can perform [Gamma+ 95]
A class is a course of teaching in a particular subject. He acquired a law degree by taking classes at night I go to dance classes here in New York. = lesson
The students in a school or university who finish their course in a particular year are often referred to as the class of that year. These two members of Yale's Class of '57 never miss a reunion
To arrange in classes; to classify or refer to some class; as, to class words or passages
A comprehensive division of animate or inanimate objects, grouped together on account of their common characteristics, in any classification in natural science, and subdivided into orders, families, tribes, genera, etc
One of the sections into which a church or congregation is divided, and which is under the supervision of a class leader
approval If you say that someone or something has class, you mean that they are elegant and sophisticated. He's got the same style off the pitch as he has on it -- sheer class. see also business class, first-class, second-class, third-class, top-class, world-class
{i} classroom; status; section, department; data structure which also contains the procedures for processing the data (Computers)
A template used to create user-defined objects A class defines an object's properties and methods All instances created from the class use the properties and methods defined by the class
The formal definition of an object The class acts as the template from which an instance of an object is created at run time The class defines the properties of the object and the methods used to control the object's behavior
Class refers to the division of people in a society into groups according to their social status. the relationship between social classes the characteristics of the British class structure. see also chattering classes, middle class, upper class, working class
If someone or something is classed as a particular thing, they are regarded as belonging to that group of things. Since the birds inter-breed they cannot be classed as different species I class myself as an ordinary working person I would class my garden as medium in size Malaysia wants to send back refugees classed as economic migrants
If someone is in a class of their own, they have more of a particular skill or quality than anyone else. If something is in a class of its own, it is better than any other similar thing. As a player, he was in a class of his own. to consider people, things etc as belonging to a particular group, using an official system = classify class sb/sth as sth
An abstract representation of a concept in a domain as a collection of related classes For example, a medical model might have protocol, guidelines, and patient data as classes A class appears with one of the following icons in Protégé-2000: , , or A class can have a set of slots that represent the attributes of the class
A set of objects possibly differing in state but not behavior
A number of students in a school or college, of the same standing, or pursuing the same studies
In Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript), the formal definition of an object The class acts as the template from which an instance of an object is created at run time The class defines the properties of the object and the methods used to control the object's behavior See also Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition
To divide into classes, as students; to form into, or place in, a class or classes
a body of students who are taught together; "early morning classes are always sleepy"
A class is a group of pupils or students who are taught together. He had to spend about six months in a class with younger students Reducing class sizes should be a top priority
arrange or order by classes or categories; "How would you classify these pottery shards--are they prehistoric?"
(biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders
n 1 an object that uniquely determines the structure and behavior of a set of other objects called its direct instances, that contributes structure and behavior to a set of other objects called its indirect instances, and that acts as a type specifier for a set of objects called its generalized instances {"The class integer is a subclass of the class number "} (Note that the phrase "the class foo" is often substituted for the more precise phrase "the class named foo"---in both cases, a class object (not a symbol) is denoted ) 2 (of an object) the uniquely determined class of which the object is a direct instance See the function class-of {"The class of the object returned by gensym is symbol "} (Note that with this usage a phrase such as "its class is foo" is often substituted for the more precise phrase "its class is the class named foo"---in both cases, a class object (not a symbol) is denoted )
In Microsoft® Visual Basic®, Scripting Edition (VBScript), the formal definition of an object The class acts as the template from which an instance of an object is created at run time The class defines the properties of the object and the methods used to control the object's behavior
A template for defining objects that specifies variables and procedures that operate on those variables In the context of NCAR Graphics software, the class variables are called resources and the class procedures are called support functions
a league ranked by quality; "he played baseball in class D for two years"; "Princeton is in the NCAA Division 1-AA
a league ranked by quality; "he played baseball in class D for two years"; "Princeton is in the NCAA Division 1-AA"
(1) (n ) A grouping of data having similar characteristics See widget class (2) (n ) In the JavaTM programming language, a type that defines the implementation of a particular kind of object A class definition defines instance and class variables and methods, as well as specifying the interfaces that the class implements and the immediate superclass of the class If the superclass is not explicitly specified, the superclass is implicitly Object
If you do something in class, you do it during a lesson in school. There is lots of reading in class
people having the same social or economic status; "the working class"; "an emerging professional class"
An abstraction that captures the common structure and common behavior of a set of objects It is a category that defines an object or group of objects and how the objects are to behave In other words, the class is a template for defining the methods and variables for a particular type of object All objects in a given class are identical in form and behavior but contain different data in their variables
Class is a template or blueprint that defines the characteristics of an object and describes how the object should look and behave See "Implementation of TObject" in the Articles Section for more information
The prototype for an object in an object-oriented language; analogous to a type in a procedural language A class may also be considered to be a set of objects which share a common structure and behavior The structure of a class is determined by the variables which represent the state of an object of that class and the behavior is given by a set of methods, or member functions, associated with the class The collection of methods in a class defines its interface Classes are related in a class hierarchy One class may be a specialization (a "subclass") of another or it may be composed of other classes or it may use other classes in a client-server relationship In C++ a class is a user-defined type, syntactically a struct with member functions Constructors and destructors are member functions called to create or destroy individual objects
In the Java language, a type that defines the implementation of a particular kind of object A class definition defines instance and class variables and methods, as well as specifying the interfaces the class implements and the immediate superclass of the class
a body of students who graduate together; "the class of '97"; "she was in my year at Hoehandle High"
One of the key concepts in object-oriented programming, a class is the most general kind of user-defined type, defining both the state information used by objects of the class (data members) and their behavior (member functions) Classes may be related to one another via inheritance relationships, wherein base classes define portions of the interface and/or implementation of derived classes
class act
Used sarcastically, a person, entity, event, or action entity exhibiting the opposite of the above characteristics, i.e., boorish, unprincipled, and/or bungling behaviorDid you hear about Peter's "milk-milk-lemonade" toast to Lois at their wedding reception? After a class act like that, I'm surprised that anyone in the Pewterschmidt family is still speaking to him
class act
An entity exhibiting high class (q.v.) esp. through refinement of demeanor, conscientiousness of behavior, and/or skillfulness in performance; or an exhibition of high class esp. of one or more of those types:

A display of the above characteristics, e.g., an event or an individual or collective action.

class action
a lawsuit brought by a single plaintiff as a representative of a large group of others having a common interest
class action lawsuit
A type of lawsuit in which the claims and rights of many people are decided in a single case
class action lawsuits
Lawsuits in which the claims and rights of many people are decided in a single case. Specific plaintiffs are named in the lawsuit to assert the claims of the entire class so that everyone with the same complaint or injury doesn't have to file their own separate lawsuit
class acts
plural form of class act
class break
A security breach that is the first of its kind, and leads to others of the same class
class breaks
plural form of class break
class clown
A student who frequently makes jokes or pokes fun; a wiseacre

He was always the class clown, constantly making jokes and attracting everyone's attention in school.

class clowns
plural form of class clown
class diagram
A type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, and the relationships between the classes
class of
a group of alumni who graduated from the same school or college in the same year
class reunion
A planned event at which members of a past school class meet

The class of 1986 is having its 20th class reunion before too long.

class reunions
plural form of class reunion
class ring
A ring (for one's finger) that shows what school one attended and one's year of graduation
class secretary
A person in a school's student council who takes minutes at meetings etc
class struggle
conflict between social or economic classes (especially between the capitalist and proletariat classes); the active expression of a theoretical class conflict looked at from any kind of socialist perspective

Thenceforth, the class-struggle, practically as well as theoretically, took on more and more outspoken and threatening forms.

Of or pertaining to a class action
Stratified into such classes
Aware of the socioeconomic class of oneself and others
Class 8
Class 8 - Heavy Duty Trucks as defined by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
class action lawsuit
A "class action" is a civil suit brought by one or more people on behalf of themselves and others who are similarly situated. In other words, the others are in a substantially similar circumstance where the common issues are the most critical to the lawsuit
class reunion
A class reunion is a meeting of former classmates, typically organized at or near their former school by one of the class on or around an anniversary of their graduation
class act
One of distinctive and superior quality: "Academy members... tend to favor films that will make Hollywood seem a class act instead of a hotbed of money-grubbing vulgarians" (Jay Carr)
class act
someone who shows impressive and stylish excellence
class action
a legal proceeding initiated by one or more individuals representing the interests of a large number of people or group
class action
A class action is a representative lawsuit that allows a representative or named plaintiff to sue a defendant or defendants on behalf of other people who have suffered the same type of harm A class action is filed when the issues in a case apply to a larger number of people and it is not practical for all of them to file their own individual actions
class action
A civil action filed in a court on behalf of a named plaintiff and on behalf of other individuals similarly situated
class action
a civil law suit in which a number of people (called plaintiffs) take someone or an organisation to court together rather than each one individually acting in a number of different cases
class action
A legal claim filed on behalf of a specified group of people
class action
A civil lawsuit brought against a company by a group of persons (the class) similarly affected by the alleged misconduct of corporate officers and directors Any recovery, less legal fees, is divided among all members of the class in proportion to their losses Class action suits often allege false and misleading corporate statements, securities fraud or other breaches of directors' duties to the shareholders Topic areas: Governance, Accountability and Evaluation, Operations Management and Leadership
class action
a lawsuit brought by a representative member on behalf of a large group of persons or members of the group
class action
A law suit filed or defended by an individual acting on behalf of a group
class action
A claim brought up on behalf of a group of people
class action
A court action brought by one or more individuals on behalf of themselves and all others who have a similar interest in a particular issue
class action
When different persons combine their lawsuits because the facts and the defendant are so similar This is designed to save Court time and to allow one judge to hear all the cases at the same time and to make one decision binding on all parties Class action lawsuits would typically occur after a plane or train accident where all the victims would sue the transportation company together in a class action suit
class action
A legal complaint filed by a lawyer or group of lawyers for a group of petitioners with an identical grievance, often with an award proportionate to the number of shareholders involved
class action
a lawsuit brought by a representative member of a large group of people on behalf of all members of the group
class action
A suit brought by one or more individuals on behalf of themselves and all other persons similarly situated In partnership cases, the action typically is brought on behalf of all limited partners who purchased partnership units during a given period ("Class Period") or who currently own partnership units
class action
Constructive trust
class action
a lawsuit or grievance initiated by one or more member(s) of a larger group of persons on behalf of all the members of the group
class action
A lawsuit brought by one or more persons on behalf of a larger group Individuals seeking to maintain a class action must file a formal motion requesting certification of the class; a judge may then choose to certify the proposed class pursuant to Fed R Civ P 25
class action
A legal proceeding which presents the related or similar claims of an identifiable group against a single or group of defendants, usually by using one representative claimant to assert the claims on behalf of the group
class action
A lawsuit brought by one or more persons on behalf of a larger group
class action
lawsuit brought on behalf of a large group
class action
A class action is a legal case brought by a group of people rather than an individual. a lawsuit arranged by a group of people for themselves and other people with the same problem. In law, an action in which a representative plaintiff sues or a representative defendant is sued on behalf of a class of plaintiffs or defendants who have the same interests in the litigation as their representative and whose rights or liabilities can be better determined as a group than in a series of individual suits. Class-action suits that received national attention in the U.S. include a suit brought against manufacturers of Agent Orange by Vietnam veterans exposed to the herbicide (settled in 1984) and a suit concerning the effects of passive smoking brought against tobacco firms (settled in 1997)
class action
A civil lawsuit where the plaintiffs ask the court for permission to serve as representatives of a large group of individuals with common claims against one or more defendants
class action
A civil dispute where many plaintiffs are claiming to be harmed by the negligence of one defendant A judgement for one is then able to flow on to many others
class action
An action where a large group of persons are interested in a matter One or more may sue or be sued as representatives of the class without the need to join every member of the group
class consciousness
awareness of the differences between the classes (lower class, upper class, etc.)
class consciousness
knowledge and understanding of the class system, and of your own and other people's social class
class cyanobacteria
photosynthetic bacteria found in fresh and salt water, having chlorophyll a and phycobilins; once thought to be algae: blue-green algae
class day
In American colleges and universities, a day of the commencement season on which the senior class celebrates the completion of its course by exercises conducted by the members, such as the reading of the class histories and poem, the delivery of the class oration, the planting of the class ivy, etc
class differences
differences between social classes, disparity of status
class divisions
{i} strategy of dividing school student into sub-groups for personalized learning
class feeling
feelings of envy and resentment of one social or economic class for toward another
class fellow
an acquaintance that you go to school with
class hierarchy
organized structure of all classes and subordinate sub-classes (in object-oriented programming)
class list
a list issued by examiners that categorizes students according to the class of honours they achieved in their degree examinations
class mark
grades comprised by weighing final high school scores with that of a preliminary exam
class meeting
gathering on a whole school class
class number
{i} series of letters or numbers on a book in a library identifying the book
class party
celebration for an entire school class
class photograph
picture of an entire school class
class picture
photograph of an entire school class
class reunion
meeting of colleagues after an extended separation (usually at specific intervals)
class structure
the organization of classes within a society
class struggle
conflict between social or economic classes (especially between the capitalist and proletariat classes)
class struggle
in Marxist theory, political opposition and the fight for economic power between capitalists (=the owners of property, factories etc) and the proletariat (=the workers)
class struggle
fight between social classes, dispute between members of the upper and lower classes
class tutor
extra educator for a school class (in addition to the regular teacher)
class war
conflict between social or economic classes (especially between the capitalist and proletariat classes)
class warfare
clash or quarrel between social or economic classes
class-action suit
united legal suit filed by multiple parties
(used of society) socially hierarchical; "American society is becoming increasingly stratified
Someone who is class-conscious is very aware of the differences between the various classes of people in society, and often has a strong feeling of belonging to a particular class. Nineteenth-century Britain was a class-conscious society. + class-consciousness class-consciousness There was very little snobbery or class-consciousness in the wartime navy
club class
a part of some planes where each seat has more space and more comfort than the usual seat, but is more expensive = business class
Aegis class cruiser
A cruiser equipped with sophisticated defenses against missile and air attack
Aegis class cruisers
plural form of Aegis class cruiser
business class
A high-quality class of travelling (especially in airlines), higher than economy class or budget, lower than first class
character class
One of a number of pre-determined groups into which characters in role-playing games are grouped, based on the focus of their skills
chief petty officer first class
A warrant officer in the Canadian Forces Maritime Command, ranking above chief petty officer second class
chief petty officer second class
A warrant officer in the Canadian Forces Maritime Command, ranking above petty officer first class and below chief petty officer first class
chief petty officers first class
plural form of chief petty officer first class
chief petty officers second class
plural form of chief petty officer second class
Not divided into societal or economic groups

We lived in a classless state, where all were equal.

economy class syndrome
deep vein thrombosis
equivalence class
Any one of the subsets into which an equivalence relation partitions a set, each of these subsets containing all the elements of the set that are equivalent under the equivalence relation
first class
Of, or relating to the most luxurious and expensive class of accommodation on a train, ship etc
first class
Of, or relating to a class of mail to be delivered before second class
first class
Belonging to the best or top group in a system of classification
first class
Of, or relating to a first class match
first class match
A three- or five-day cricket match, with two innings per side, played under a set of conditions specified and officially recognised by an official governing body of cricket
form class
A collection of organisms that is given formal recognition at the rank of class with a taxonomic name, but which is known to be an artificial group rather than a natural one

All fungi for which sexual reproduction is unknown are assigned to the form class Deuteromycota until such reproduction is discovered in that species.

A former class of mail consisting mostly of heavier printed matter
Describing something recognized for its quality

She's nothing but a high-class prostitute, but she is earning $2000 a night.

interval class
: An interval measured by the distance between its two pitch classes ordered so they are as close as possible
life class
A teaching session in which art students practice drawing or painting the human figure using a live (often naked) model
lower class
A class of people in a society characterized by low income, low level of education, high unemployment and, as a result of these, a low social status

His lower-class tastes tended to run to three-stooges movies and cheap drink.

Not of the elite, of the peasantry or working-class

The lower-class people have little chance of advancement.

mapping class group
The group of self-homeomorphisms of a topological space, modulo homotopy
mapping class groups
plural form of mapping class group
master class
A class, typically in a performing art such as music or drama, in which a teacher listens to and critiques the performance of individual students, one at a time, while the other students look on
middle class
The groups in society composed of professionals, semi-professionals, and lower-to-middle managerial level workers
middle class
A social and economic class lying above the working class and below the upper class
occupying a position between the upper class and the working class
characteristic of the middle class(es); reflective of that class's values and aspirations. Commonly associated with a desire for social respectability and an emphasis on family values and education
military load class
A standard system in which a route, bridge, or raft is assigned class number(s) representing the load it can carry; vehicles are also assigned class number(s) indicating the minimum class of route, bridge, or raft they are authorized to used
noun class
A system for categorizing nouns according to characteristic features such as sex, animacy, and shape. This is a prominent feature of some languages such as Swahili
petty officer first class
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Navy and United States Coast Guard, ranking above petty officer second class and below chief petty officer
petty officer first class
A warrant officer in the Canadian Forces Maritime Command, ranking above petty officer second class and below chief petty officer second class
petty officer second class
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Navy and United States Coast Guard, ranking above petty officer third class and below petty officer first class
petty officer second class
A non-commissioned officer in the Canadian Forces Maritime Command, ranking above master seaman and below petty officer first class
petty officer third class
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Navy and United States Coast Guard, ranking above seaman and below petty officer second class
petty officers first class
plural form of petty officer first class
petty officers second class
plural form of petty officer second class
petty officers third class
plural form of petty officer third class
pitch class
An equivalence class of all pitches that are octaves apart, and which would be labeled by an integer, not a traditional letter name
private first class
An enlisted rank in the United States Marine Corps, of rank E-2, ranking above a private and below a lance corporal
private first class
An enlisted rank in the United States Army, of rank E-3, ranking above a private and below a corporal or specialist
professional class
the groups in society composed of highly educated professionals
professional class
A social and economic demographic, commonly identified as part of the upper middle class
school class
All students who have graduated or will graduate from a school in a given year

I was the only unicyclist in my English class, but it turned out there was another in my school class, and two more due to come in with next year's class.

sergeant first class
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Army, ranking above a staff sergeant and below a master sergeant or first sergeant
sergeants first class
plural form of sergeant first class
social class
A class of people, based on social power, wealth or another criterion
spectral class
A classification of stars depending on their spectra and luminosity; usually one of O, B, A, F, G, K, M
third class
formerly the cheapest accomodation on a train
third class
a reduced-rate mail service for printed matter
upper class
the aristocracy
upper class
those people at the top of a social hierarchy
upper middle class
the groups in society composed of highly educated professionals and middle managerial level workers
upper middle class
A social and economic class lying above the lower middle class and below the upper class
of high social position
warrant officer class 1
A warrant officer in the British Army, Royal Marines, and Royal Navy, ranking above warrant officer class 2. In the army the rank held by a regimental sergeant major
warrant officer class 1
A warrant officer in the Australian Army, ranking above warrant officer class 2 and below regimental sergeant major
warrant officer class 2
NATO rank OR8 in all British armed services
warrant officer class 2
A warrant officer in the Royal Marines ranking above colour sergeant and below warrant officer class 1
warrant officer class 2
A warrant officer in the Australian Army, ranking above sergeant and below warrant officer class 1
warrant officer class 2
A warrant officer in the Royal Navy ranking above chief petty officer and below warrant officer class 1
warrant officer class 2
A warrant officer in the British Army ranking above staff sergeant and below warrant officer class 1; company sergeant major
warrant officers class 1
plural form of warrant officer class 1
warrant officers class 2
plural form of warrant officer class 2
working class
The social class of those who perform physical work for a living, as opposed to the professional or middle class, the upper class, or others
working class
Relating to the working class; suggestive of the working class in manner of speaking, outlook, appearance or other qualities
of or pertaining to the working class
of a standard that ranks among the best in the world
of the highest order or importance
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
Class IV
(Askeri) 4 ncü sınıf hava ikmal maddeleri: Teşkilat ve malzeme kadrolarında tahsisleri belirtilmemiş ve bir tasnife tabi tutulmamış veya haklarında özel tedbirler alınması ve kontrolü gerektiren hava ikmal maddeleri ve teçhizatı
Class IX
(Askeri) bütün teçhizatlara bakım desteği vermek için gerekli olan alet takımları, komple montaj parçaları ve tali parçalar (tamir edilebilen veya edilemeyen) gibi tamir parçaları ve bileşenler
Class VII
(Askeri) Son ana malzemeler (rampalar, tanklar, seyyar makina onarım atelyeleri ve araçlar dahil)
Class VIII
(Askeri) tıbbi malzemeler (tıbbi teçhizata özgü onarım parçaları ve kan yönetimi dahil)