chief engineer

listen to the pronunciation of chief engineer
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
(Askeri) başmakinist
(Askeri) baş çarkçı

Başmühendis, asistanı ile el ele araştırma yaptı. - The chief engineer did research hand in hand with his assistant.

(Askeri) İSTİHKAM BAŞKANI: Bir harekat alanı komutanın karargah heyetinde bulunan üst rütbeli istihkam subayı
(Askeri) makine zabiti
baş mühendis
chief of engineer
(Askeri) istihkam dairesi başkanı
chief of engineer, the
(Askeri) İSTİHKAM DAİRESİ BAŞKANI: İstihkam Sınıfının idari ve teknik komutanlığını yapan subay
marine chief engineer
gemi baş mühendisi
marine chief engineer
baş makinist
unlimited chief engineer
(Askeri) uzakyol başmakinisti
unlimited chief engineer
(Askeri) uzakyol başmühendisi
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
a person at a broadcasting station who is in charge of the technical maintenance and development of the station; usually the best person for DXers to address their reception reports to
The senior engineer officer responsible for the satisfactory working and upkeep of the main and auxiliary machinery and boiler plant on board ship
{i} senior engineering officer on a vessel in charge of supervising the satisfactory function and maintenance of the main and additional machinery on board ship
Head of engineer department Keeps records of all engine parts and repairs Generally tends to the functioning of all mechanical equipment on ship Calculates fuel and water consumption and requirements Coordinates operations with shoreside port engineer
means the senior engineer
chief engineer

    Расстановка переносов

    chief en·gi·neer

    Турецкое произношение

    çif encınîr


    /ˈʧēf ˈenʤəˈnər/ /ˈʧiːf ˈɛnʤəˈnɪr/