The lower form of two levels of sanction The caution, also know as "The Booking" or the "Yellow Card", warns a player that his actions are not exemplary
Caution Part of "ASSOCIATED-TEXT" associated with a figure, parts list, or an individual part number Attributes: N/A Note: Display of an EPC must clearly indicate CAUTION text
If someone who has broken the law is cautioned by the police, they are warned that if they break the law again official action will be taken against them. The two men were cautioned but police say they will not be charged Caution is also a noun. In November 1987 Paula escaped with a caution. In October 1988 she was fined
Court Orders (CTO) may not be accepted in all states Please check with the DMV in your state to make sure you can title these vehicles before bidding Verastar cannot be responsible if out-of-state DMV's refuse to accept Court Orders for titling
If you throw caution to the wind, you behave in a way that is not considered sensible or careful. I threw caution to the wind and rode as fast as I could
A disciplinary action taken by the referee - signaled with a yellow card and officially recorded - against a player guilty of misconduct; a second offense warrants ejection from the game (red card)
This function can overwrite existing files If a table or catalog with the specified new name already exists, COPY overwrites the existing table or catalog without warning
If someone who has been arrested is cautioned, the police warn them that anything they say may be used as evidence in a trial. Nobody was cautioned after arrest
because changes may occur occasionally in methods of classification and calculations (e g , means of calculating FTE Staff), readers are cautioned that some data may not be directly comparable from year to year