Определение cassiopeia в Английский Язык Английский Язык словарь
A circumpolar constellation of the northern sky representing Queen Cassiopeia from Greek myth. The constellation lies between Cepheus and Perseus
Proud wife of Cepheus and mother of Andromeda, queen of Eritrea. When she boasted that her beauty was equal to that of the Nereids, she was punished by Poseidon
A constellation of the northern hemisphere, situated between Cepheus and Perseus; so called in honor of the wife of Cepheus, a fabulous king of Ethiopia
[the lady in the chair ] The chief stars of this constellation form the outline of a chair The lady referred to is the wife of Cepheus (2 syl ), King of Ethiopia She boasted that the beauty of her daughter Andromeda surpassed that of the sea-nymphs The sea-nymphs complained to the sea god of this affront, and Andromeda, to appease their wrath, was chained to a rock to be devoured by sea-monsters Perseus (2 syl ) delivered her, and made her his wife The vain mother was taken to heaven out of the way, and placed among the stars “That starred Ethiop queen that strove To set her beauty's praise above The sea-nymphs and their powers offended Milton: Il Penseroso N B - “Her beauty's praise” means that of her beautiful daughter Androméda was her mother's “beauty ”