
listen to the pronunciation of case
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Dün gece bir arkadaşınızın doğum gününü, saçıp savurarak tamamen tükettiğimiz şampanya kasalarıyla kutladık. - Last night, we celebrated a friend's birthday with cases of Champagne, we ended up completely wasted.

Partimiz için on kasadan daha fazla biraya ihtiyacımız var. - We need more than ten cases of beer for our party.


Tom Mary'ye sarılabilmek için gitar kutusunu yere bıraktı. - Tom put the guitar case down so he could hug Mary.

Tom CD'yi kutusundan çıkardı ve onu çalara taktı. - Tom took the CD from its case and inserted it in the player.

(Hukuk) vaka

Okulda su çiçeği ile ilgili sadece bir vaka vardı. - There was only one case of chicken pox at the school.

Tom'un vaka yöneticisiyim. - I'm Tom's case manager.


Bir deprem durumunda, gazı kapatın. - In case of an earthquake, turn off the gas.

Bu kuralın geçerli olmadığı bazı durumlar vardır. - There are some cases where this rule does not apply.


Dan, Linda'yı yastık kılıfıyla boğdu. - Dan strangled Linda with a pillow case.

Tom gitarı kılıfından çıkardı ve çalmaya başladı. - Tom took his guitar out of its case and started playing.

{i} dava

Özel dedektifler tuhaf davaları araştırmak için kiralanırlar. - Private detectives were hired to look into the strange case.

Daha deneyimli bir avukat, dava ile farklı bir şekilde ilgilenirdi. - A more experienced lawyer would have dealt with the case in a different way.

(fiil) gözetlemek, dikizlemek, kutulamak, yerine koymak (kasa, kilif vb.), kaplamak, ciltlemek, örtmek
{i} sorun

Bir sorun olması durumunda her zaman ona güvenirim. - I always rely on him in case there's a problem.

Senin ciddi bir güneş yanığı sorunun var. - You have a serious case of sunburn.

{i} hukuksal olay
{i} husus
{i} olay

Bu olayı araştıracağım. - I'm going to investigate this case.

Sosyal hizmetleri aramak zorunda kaldık. Bu apaçık bir çocuk ihmali olayıydı. - We had to call in social services. This was obviously a case of child neglect.

bk. Computer Aided Software Engineering
ismin hallerinden biri
(İnşaat) (final drive) cer kapağı
argo iskandil etmek
(Tıp) Hastalık hali, vak'a
sosyolojik veya psikiyatrik in
(Askeri) (DOD, IADB) VAKA (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI; AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU): 1. Kendi bütünlüğü içinde bir istihbarat harekatı. 2. Kişilerin, hareket tarzının ve amaçların dahil edildiği bir istihbarat harekatı gelişmesinin kaydı
case ending hal takısı
case history tıbbi
(letter) harfin büyük mü küçük mü olduğu
dili garip bir kimse

Tom bir spor çantası ve bir gitar çantası taşıyordu. - Tom was carrying a duffel bag and a guitar case.

Çantayı polise bırakın! - Put the case in the hands of the police.


O halde, ben sizin bugün gelmeniz gerektiğini düşünüyorum. - In that case, I think you should come in today.

Yangın haline, 119'u ara. - In case of fire, call 119.

(Bilgisayar) büyük/küçük harf
{i} vaka: a murder case
{i} kutu, mahfaza: violin case keman kutusu. camera case fotoğraf makinesi mahfazası
{i} kap

Buraya gelmeden önce buraya gelme ihtimaline karşı, yanımdaki kapı komşuma bir anahtar bırakacağım. - I'll leave a key with my next-door neighbour in case you get here before I do.

Bir deprem durumunda, gazı kapatın. - In case of an earthquake, turn off the gas.

{i} kın
{f} örtmek
{i} kanıt

Polis davayla ilgili yeni kanıtlar ortaya çıkarmıştır. - The police have uncovered new evidence related to the case.

{i} kovan

Polis cesedin yanında bir mermi kovanı buldu. - The police found a cartridge case next to the body.

{i} tuhaf tip
{i} delil

Deliller olayın tam tersi olduğuna işaret ediyor. - The evidence suggests the opposite is the case.

{i} hasta: I had five cases of syphilis this morning. Bu sabah beş frengili hastaya baktım
{f} ciltlemek
{f} kaplamak
{i} hasta

Bir hasta geç dönem kürtaj yapılabilir mi? - Can a case be made for late-term abortions?

Hastalanırsan bu ilacı al. - Take this medicine in case you get sick.

{f} yerine koymak kasa
{f} kilif vb
{i} görüş

Sami, Leyla ile bir konuyu görüşmek istiyordu. - Sami wanted to discuss a case with Layla.

Yargıç jüriye davayı görüşmemesini söyledi. - The judge told the jury not to discuss the case.

{f} gözetlemek
{f} dikizlemek
{i} neden

Bu nedenle, onun söyleyecek çok az şeyi vardı. - That being the case, he had little to say.

(Ticaret) ambalaj sandığı

Bu ambalajdaki yumurtalar diğer ambalajdakilerden daha tazedir. - The eggs in this case are fresher than those in the other case.

{i} çerçeve
{i} valiz

Ona, bu valizi üst kata taşıtacağım. - I'll get him to carry this case upstairs.

(Avrupa Birliği) durum, vaziyet, hal; mesele, vaka, hadise
{i} mahfaza
(Bilgisayar) bilgisayar kasası
harf kasası
(Tıp) olgu
kutu içine koymak
matbaa tezgahı
ad durumu
(Askeri) gömlek (mech.)
(Avcılık) mermi

Polis cesedin yanında bir mermi kovanı buldu. - The police found a cartridge case next to the body.

yerine koymak
(Hukuk) hadise / olay
karton kutu
in any case
her hâlükârda

Her halükârda o senin ağabeyin. - In any case, he's your big brother.

Her halükarda seni ilgilendirmez. - In any case, it's no business of yours.

case study
olay incelemesi
case sensitive
Büyük Küçük Harfe Duyarlı
case file
(Kanun) dava dosyası
case history
(Tıp) hastanın geçmişi
case history
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) vaka tarihçesi
case study
örnekolay incelemesi
case study
örnek’-olay incelemesi
case study
vaka incelemesi
case study
vaka çalışması
case study
(Bilgisayar) örnek-olay incelemesi
case depth
doku kalınlığı
case ending
ad durumunu belirten ek
case ending
case ending
isim çekim eki
case grammar
durum dilbilgisi
case hardened roll
dış yüzeyi sertleştirilmiş hadde
case hardened steel
dış yüzeyi sertleştirilmiş çelik
case hardening
doku sertleştirimi
case hardening furnace
doku sertleştirme fırını
case hardening steel
doku sertleştirme çeliği
case hardness
doku sertliği
case hardness testing
doku sertliği denemesi
case in point
konuşma konusu olan mesele
case knife
kını içinde taşınan bıçak
case law
davalarda hukuk usulü
case lawyer
dava vekili
case lawyer
case microstructure
doku iç yapısı
case of defamation
hakaret davası
case rack
hurufat kasası
case shot
şarapnel mermisi
case shot
case study
case study
örnek olay incelemesi
case study
Örnek Olay İncelemesi
case 1
Olgu 1
case 2
Olgu 2
case 3
durumda 3
case agent
(İdari Yönetim) adlı bir soruşturmayı yürütmekle görevli soruşturmacı polis, adlı kolluk görevlisi
case book
durumda kitap
case dismissed
davayı düşürmüştü
case hardening
(Mühendislik) doku sertleştirme, sementasyon
case law
içtihat hukuku
case law
kazaî içtihat
case manager
Belirli bir vakanın takibini ve idaresini üstenmiş kişi
case manager
vaka yöneticisi
case mix
vakaya göre yaklaşım
case of need
(Kanun) Gerekli hallerde (vesaik bedelinin ödenmemesi/poliçeye kabul şerhi konulmaması vs) tahsil bankasına talimat vermeye yetkili, ihracatçının ismini poliçe üzerinde açıkça belirtmiş olduğu taraf
case officer
durumunda memur
case proven
davanın ispatlanmış olması
case report
(Tıp, İlaç) Olgu sunumu
case work
vaka çalışması

Epidemiology studies including three case-control studies for increased risk of cancers of the large bowel, bladder, kidneys, renal cell, or breast and one prospective study for colorectal cancers had been done by Mucci et al., 2006.

case conversion
BÜYÜK/küçük harf dönüşümü
case ending
dilb. takı
case ending
hal takısı [dilb.]
case fatality rate
(Askeri) VAKA ÖLÜM ORANI: Bir hastalık veya arızalardan meydana gelen ölüm miktarının, belirli bir hastalık veya arıza vakaları toplam miktarına nispetle, yüzde olarak ifade edilen oran
case hardened
yüzeyden sertleştirilmiş (çelik)
case hardening
case hardening
case history
case history
tipik örnek
case history
case history
geçmiş ile ilgili bilgiler [tıp.]
case i pointing
(Askeri) 1 NCİ NİŞAN USULÜ: Bir nişan tertibatı vasıtasıyle, istikamet ve yükselişi hedefe yönelterek nişan alma
case ii pointing
(Askeri) 2 NCİ NİŞAN USULÜ: İstikameti, hedefe yöneltilmiş bir nişan tertibatı ile; yükselişi de yükseliş veya mesafe kadranına bağlamak suretiyle nişan alma
case iii pointing
(Askeri) 3 NCÜ NİŞAN USULÜ: 3 ncü nişan tertibatı vasıtasıyle, istikamet ve yükselişi hedefe yönelterek nişan alma
case in abstentia
(Kanun) gıyabında duruşma
case in point
(deyim) söz konusu olan soruna örnek
case law
geçmişteki hükümlere dayanan hukuk
case of infringement
(Avrupa Birliği) ihlal durumu
case of instrument
(Tekstil) alet kutusu ( alet sandığı )
case of letters
harfin büyük mü küçük mü olduğu
case parties
siyasal bir anlaşmazlıkta rakip olan taraflar
case sensitive
büyük/küçük harfe duyarlı
case study
örnek olay incelemesi,örnek vaka
case study
örnek olay
case study
Durum Çalışması
case study method
case the joint
case the joint
cartridge case
fişek kovanı
cartridge case
(Askeri) hartuç sandığı
carburized case
karbonlanmış doku
cartridge case
fişek kutusu
cartridge case
camel case
(Dilbilim) Birleşik kelimeleri kendini oluşturan her bir kelimenin baş harflerini büyük olarak yazarak ifade etme uygulaması. Devenin iki hörgücüne benzetme yapılmıştır
cancelled case
cartridge case
(mermi için) kovan
cartridge case
(Askeri) KOVAN: İçinde kapsül ve sevk barutu bulunan madeni kap. Buna mermi tespit edilir
koruyucu kaplama
(İnşaat,Otomotiv) gömlek
case by case
(Politika, Siyaset) duruma göre
case study
(Dilbilim) olgu çalışması

Avukatlar davaları kazandıklarında çok miktarda dolar kazanırlar. - Lawyers make mega bucks when they win cases.

the case
öyle ise In that case, .../If that's
{i} kasa (kapı veya pencere)
(Askeri) vukuat

Bazı durumlarda, meme ameliyatı koruyucu bir ameliyattır- meme kanseri riski yüksek olduğu düşünülenler tarafından alınan bir önlem. - In some cases, mastectomy is prophylactic surgery - a preventive measure taken by those considered to be at high risk of breast cancer.

Bu yasa tüm durumlarda uygulanabilir. - This law is applicable to all cases.

(Avcılık) fişek
(Otomotiv) karkas
{i} dış lastik
{i} bumbar
otomobilin dış lastigi
(Jeoloji) çevirme
kasa kapı veya pencere
petrol ve gaz kuyularında kullanılan demir boru
(Jeoloji) kutu içine alma
piston eteği
(Tekstil) lastik kılıfı
(Kitap) kapak geçirme
mermi kovanı
(Otomotiv) yuva
{i} kılıf

Sami'nin katili, kabuk kılıflarını temizledi. - Sami's killer cleaned up the shell casings.

{i} çerçeve
{i} muhafaza
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
computer-aided software engineering
To place (an item or items of manufacture) into a box, as in preparation for shipment
Four of a kind
A piece of furniture, constructed partially of transparent glass or plastic, within which items can be displayed
The nature of a piece of alphabetic type, whether a “capital” (upper case) or “small” (lower case) letter
To survey (a building or other location) surreptitiously, as in preparation for a robbery

You are in the grounds of Brockholes Abbey, a house into which a great deal of valuable property has just been moved. And your job is to case the joint for a break in.

A piece of work, specifically defined within a profession

The doctor told us of an interesting case he had treated that morning.

A box that contains or can contain a number of identical items of manufacture
A legal proceeding, lawsuit
An actual event, situation, or fact

In case of fire, break glass.

A unit of liquid measure used to measure sales in the beverage industry equivalent to 192 fluid ounces
A specific inflection of a word depending on its function in the sentence

Latin has six cases, and remnants of a seventh.

An instance of a specific condition or set of symptoms

There were another five cases reported overnight.

Grammatical cases and their meanings taken either as a topic in general or within a specific language

Latin is a language that employs case.

A suitcase
The outer covering or framework of a piece of apparatus such as a computer
The last remaining card of a particular rank

He drew the case eight!.

A piece of luggage that can be used to transport an apparatus such as a sewing machine
{v} to cover with or put in a case
{n} a covering, sheath, outer part of a thing, box, state, condition, variation of nouns
in full computer-aided software engineering Use of computers in designing sophisticated tools to aid the software engineer and to automate the software development process as much as possible. It is particularly useful where major software products are designed by teams of engineers who may not share the same physical space. CASE tools can be used for simple operations such as routine coding from an appropriately detailed design in a specific programming language, or for more complex tasks such as incorporating an expert system to enforce design rules and eliminate software defects and redundancies before the coding phase. Case Stephen Sacco Vanzetti case Scottsboro case Taff Vale case Dartmouth College case prize cases
look over, usually with the intention to rob; "They men cased the housed
a portable container for carrying several objects; "the musicians left their instrument cases backstage" a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow; "the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase" the actual state of things; "that was not the case" nouns or pronouns or adjectives (often marked by inflection) related in some way to other words in a sentence a statement of facts and reasons used to support an argument; "he stated his case clearly" a problem requiring investigation; "Perry Mason solved the case of the missing heir" an occurrence of something; "it was a case of bad judgment"; "another instance occurred yesterday"; "but there is always the famous example of the Smiths" a person requiring professional services; "a typical case was the suburban housewife described by a marriage counselor" the quantity contained in a case a specific state of mind that is temporary; "a case of the jitters" look over, usually with the intention to rob; "They men cased the housed
That which befalls, comes, or happens; an event; an instance; a circumstance, or all the circumstances; condition; state of things; affair; as, a strange case; a case of injustice; the case of the Indian tribes
: To survey (a building or other location) surreptitiously, as in preparation for a robbery
a portable container for carrying several objects; "the musicians left their instrument cases backstage"
an inflectional form of a noun, pronoun, or adjective indicating its grammatical relation to other words Neither English nor Welsh has cases for nouns or adjectives English has cases for pronouns: I/me/my, he/him/his, she/her/her, you/you/your and they/them/their are the subjective, objective, and possessive cases, respectively
a statement of facts and reasons used to support an argument; "he stated his case clearly"
look over, usually with the intention to rob; "They men cased the housed"
A case consists of measurements on variables for an individual subject or experimental unit For example, you might take many measurements on a single person: variables such as height, weight, gender, etc The individual person's measurements on all the variables represents a case Measurement on a single variable is called an observation Sometimes the term case and observation are used interchangeably But, strictly speaking, a case represents one computer record, or one row of data in a spreadsheet, for an individual experimental unit Each individual case (or person in this example) will have a row of data contained in the data file The data file will have n rows of data, where n is the number of cases
the quantity contained in a case a specific state of mind that is temporary; "a case of the jitters"
The covers of a hardbound book
{f} pack, crate, box, put in cases
Covers and spine that, as a unit, enclose the pages of a casebound book
a wooden drawer partitioned into many small boxes, used to store the separate type characters The cases are held in a frame or rack, often with a bracket on the top to allow two cases (eg an upper and lower) to be held open one above the other, and in front of which the compositor stands whilst setting the job Some cases have no internal partitions, and are used to store wood letter (or blocks, dingbats, etc ) Over 200 different styles of case are shown here, but there are many others
To cover or protect with, or as with, a case; to inclose
The matters of fact or conditions involved in a suit, as distinguished from the questions of law; a suit or action at law; a cause
enclose in, or as if in, a case; "my feet were encased in mud"
A Java(TM) programming language keyword that defines a group of statements to begin executing if a value specified matches the value defined by a preceding "switch" keyword
a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities); "a real character"; "a strange character"; "a friendly eccentric"; "the capable type"; "a mental case"
An instance of grammatical case; a category of nouns, pronouns, or adjectives, specialized (usually by inflection) to indicate a particular syntactic relation to other words in a sentence
A shallow tray divided into compartments or "boxes"
a problem requiring investigation; "Perry Mason solved the case of the missing heir"
The covers of a hard-bound, or case-bound, book
A record of a problem reported by a client and the solution path A case can be generated either by a client who uses Casetracker Web or the Casetracker E-mail Interface to report it, or by a consultant who as had contact with a client either in person or on the phone
a person requiring professional services; "a typical case was the suburban housewife described by a marriage counselor"
The last card of a certain rank in the deck Example: "The flop came J-8-3; I've got pocket jacks, he's got pocket 8's, and then the case eight falls on the river and he beats my full house "
the enclosing frame around a door or window opening; "the casings had rotted away and had to be replaced"
In bookbinding, the covers of a hard bound book
In epidemiology, a countable instance in the population or study group of a particular disease, health disorder, or condition under investigation Sometimes, an individual with the particular disease
A box and its contents; the quantity contained in a box; as, a case of goods; a case of instruments
the housing or outer covering of something; "the clock has a walnut case"
a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow; "the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase"
Covers and spine that, as a unit, enclose the pages of a case-bound book
The covers of a hardbound book, consisting of paper or cloth over binder boards to top
One of several similar instances or events which are being studied and compared
an enveloping structure or covering enclosing an animal or plant organ or part
a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy; "the family brought suit against the landlord"
An inclosing frame; a casing; as, a door case; a window case
an occurrence of something; "it was a case of bad judgment"; "another instance occurred yesterday"; "but there is always the famous example of the Smiths"
That portion of a ferrous alloy, extending inward from the surface, whose composition has been altered so that it can be case hardened Typically considered to be the portion of the alloy (a) whose composition had been measurably altered from the original composition, (b) that appears dark on an etched cross section, or (c) that has a hardness, after hardening, equal to or greater than a specified value Contrast with core
Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) is a collection of tools and techniques that promise revolutionary gains in analyst and programmer productivity The two prominent delivered technologies are application generators and PC-based workstations that provide graphics-oriented automation of the development process
nouns or pronouns or adjectives (often marked by inflection) related in some way to other words in a sentence
A box, sheath, or covering; as, a case for holding goods; a case for spectacles; the case of a watch; the case (capsule) of a cartridge; a case (cover) for a book
bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow; "the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase"
nouns or pronouns or adjectives (often marked by inflection) related in some way to other words in a sentence a statement of facts and reasons used to support an argument; "he stated his case clearly"
(Computer-Aided Software Engineering) The industrialization of software engineering techniques and computer technology to improve and automate the practice of information systems development
a general term for a person being treated or helped It also refers to his condition, which is monitored by the content of his reactive mind A person’s case is the way he responds to the world around him by reason of his aberrations
A patient under treatment; an instance of sickness or injury; as, ten cases of fever; also, the history of a disease or injury
for holding type
case and point
Common misconstruction of case in point

Information dissemination about the destruction of the Khamisiyah munitions depot in Iraq is a case and point.

case badge
A small sticker, usually placed on the front of a personal computer, stating the name of the company who produced the computer
case books
plural form of case book (alternative spelling of casebooks)
case citation
A combination of numbers and abbreviations used in common law countries to identify the opinion of a court, including the names of the parties, case reporter, name of the court, year of the decision, and sometimes the page of the opinion that is cited
case citations
plural form of case citation
case clock
A clock in a specified type of case
case dependent
Upper case and lower case letters have different meaning, they are interpreted separate
case ending
A suffix-like element which indicates a word’s grammatical case, number, and gender

In the Latin noun domine, the -e case ending marks it as a masculine, singular, second-declension noun in the vocative case.

case endings
plural form of case ending
case fan
A cooling fan in a personal computer
case fraction
A fraction typeset as one glyph. For example, ½ rather than 1/2
case harden
To impart greater hardness to the surface of a piece of metal
case hardened
Metal that is harder at its surface, due to a case hardening process
case hardening
The process of imparting greater hardness to the surface of a piece of metal
case history
The details of the history of some case (often medical)

The case history of a sample design from inception to final marketing was presented to the students.

case in point
An example that illustrates a point
case insensitive
Treating or interpreting upper- and lowercase letters as being the same. Often used in computer science to indicate a comparison or equality test that does not distinguish between letters that only differ in case
case law
Law or system of laws established based on judicial precedent rather than on statutory laws created by legislation
case quarter
a single 25 cent coin as opposed to any combination of coins adding up to 25 cents
case report
A detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient, possibly containing a demographic profile of the patient, but usually describing an unusual or novel occurrence
case reporter
A bound volume containing printed legal opinions from a specific jurisdiction
case reporters
plural form of case reporter
case sensitive
Distinguishing upper- and lower-case letters. Often used in computer science to indicate a distinction is made in comparison or equality of letters based on case. For example, a case-sensitive password will not recognize "Password" and "password" as the same, but a case insensitive comparison would
case sensitivity
The characteristic of being case sensitive; having different reactions to typed letters based on whether the letters are uppercase or lowercase
case studies
plural form of case study
case study
Research performed in detail on a single individual, group, incident or community, as opposed to, for instance, a sample of the whole population
separate and distinct from others of the same kind

Government approval is given on a case-by-case basis.

Alternative spelling of case hardened
Alternative spelling of case hardening
Alternative spelling of case insensitive
Distinguishing upper- and lower-case letters

A case-sensitive comparison will find that smith and Smith are different words, while a case-insensitive comparison will not.

The characteristic of being case sensitive; having different reactions to typed letters based on whether the letters are uppercase or lowercase
any mixture of stones and old iron, put into a wooden case and fired from a cannon as an anti-personnel weapon
case by case
Separate and distinct from others of the same kind; "mark the individual pages"; "on a case-by-case basis". (synonym) individual, item-by-item
case by case
Separate and distinct from others of the same kind; "on a case-by-case basis", (synonym) individual, item-by-item
case hardening
Case hardening or surface hardening is the process of hardening the surface of a metal, often a low carbon steel, by infusing elements into the material's surface, forming a thin layer of a harder alloy. Case hardening is usually done after the part in question has been formed into its final shape, but can also be done to increase the hardening element content of bars to be used in a pattern welding or similar process
case management
Management dealing with a specific case in law, medicine etc
case mix
Case mix describes the level of service needed for the purpose of setting a daily medical care rate. Casemix is a system that measures hospital performance--aiming to reward initiatives that increase efficiency in hospitals. It also serves as an information tool that allows policy makers understand the nature and complexity of healthcare delivery
case report
(Tıp, İlaç) In medicine, a case report is a detailed report of the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient. Case reports may contain a demographic profile of the patient, but usually they describe an unusual or novel occurrence
case-control study
(Tıp, İlaç) Case-control studies are one type of epidemiological study design. It is used to identify factors that may contribute to a medical condition by comparing a group of patients who have that condition with a group of patients that do not
case 1
feelings You use in case in expressions like `in case you didn't know' or `in case you've forgotten' when you are telling someone in a rather irritated way something that you think is either obvious or none of their business. She's nervous about something, in case you didn't notice
case 1
You say as the case may be or whatever the case may be to indicate that the statement you are making applies equally to the two or more alternatives that you have mentioned. They know how everything works -- or doesn't work, as the case may be
case 1
If you say that something is a case in point, you mean that it is a good example of something you have just mentioned. In many cases religious persecution is the cause of people fleeing their country. A case in point is colonial India
case 1
A particular case is a particular situation or incident, especially one that you are using as an individual example or instance of something. Surgical training takes at least nine years, or 11 in the case of obstetrics One of the effects of dyslexia, in my case at least, is that you pay tremendous attention to detail The Honduran press published reports of eighteen cases of alleged baby snatching
case 1
A case is a person or their particular problem that a doctor, social worker, or other professional is dealing with. the case of a 57-year-old man who had suffered a stroke Some cases of arthritis respond to a gluten-free diet Child protection workers were meeting to discuss her case
case 1
If you do something in case or just in case a particular thing happens, you do it because that thing might happen. In case anyone was following me, I made an elaborate detour
case 1
If you say that something is the case, you mean that it is true or correct. You'll probably notice her having difficulty swallowing. If this is the case, give her plenty of liquids Consumers had hoped the higher prices would mean more goods in stores. But that was not the case
case 1
A case is a crime or mystery that the police are investigating. Mr. Hitchens said you have solved some very unusual cases
case 1
The case for or against a plan or idea consists of the facts and reasons used to support it or oppose it. He sat there while I made the case for his dismissal Both these facts strengthen the case against hanging She argued her case
case 1
If you say that someone is on the case, you mean that they are aware of a particular problem and are trying to resolve it. The CompuServe management is on the case now, and it looks as if things will return to normal soon
case 1
You say in that case or in which case to indicate that what you are going to say is true if the possible situation that has just been mentioned actually exists. Members are concerned that a merger might mean higher costs, in which case they would oppose it
case 1
If you say that someone is a sad case or a hopeless case, you mean that they are in a sad situation or a hopeless situation. I knew I was going to make it -- that I wasn't a hopeless case. see also basket case, nutcase
case 1
If you say that a task or situation is a case of a particular thing, you mean that it consists of that thing or can be described as that thing. It's not a case of whether anyone would notice or not
case 1
emphasis You say in any case after talking about things that you are not sure about, to emphasize that your next statement is the most important thing or the thing that you are sure about. Either he escaped, or he came to grief. In any case, he was never seen again. = at any rate
case 1
If you do something or have something in case of a particular thing, you do it or have it because that thing might happen or be true. Many shops along the route have been boarded up in case of trouble
case 1
You can say that you are doing something just in case to refer vaguely to the possibility that a thing might happen or be true, without saying exactly what it is. I guess we've already talked about this but I'll ask you again just in case
case 1
In law, a case is a trial or other legal inquiry. It can be difficult for public figures to win a libel case The case was brought by his family, who say their reputation has been damaged by allegations about him. see also test case
case 1
emphasis You say in any case when you are adding something which is more important than what you have just said, but which supports or corrects it. The concert was booked out, and in any case, most of the people gathered in the square could not afford the price of a ticket. = anyway, besides
case 2
A case is a container that is specially designed to hold or protect something. a black case for his spectacles. see also attaché case, bookcase, briefcase, packing case, pillowcase, showcase
case 2
A case is a suitcase
case 2
A case of wine or other alcoholic drink is a box containing a number of bottles, usually twelve, which is sold as a single unit
case 3
In the grammar of many languages, the case of a group such as a noun group or adjective group is the form it has which shows its relationship to other groups in the sentence
case 3
see accusative see nominative see also lower case, upper case
case agreement
agreement in grammatical case between words in the same construction
case analysis
testing and evaluation of a military operation; analysis made for the purpose of learning
case ending
endings attached to verbs designating gender or case (Grammar)
case file
The internal document containing all policy information and purchaser (beneficiary) information for each policy This is generated when purchasers have been matched to a policy Back To Top
case file
The folder that contains the official court documents for a specific case
case file
Material related to a specific action, event, person, organization, location, or project Also known as a project file
case file
The record of resource information, decisions, and technical assistance for a specific client A case file is established and maintained in the NRCS field office for each client where NRCS is providing continuing technical assistance on a planning unit The case file will be maintained electronically Information not amenable to electronic format will be maintained in hard copy under the client's name
case for the defence
statements made by a defense attorney and witnesses for the defense
case for the prosecution
statements made by a prosecuting attorney and witnesses for the prosecution
case hardening
A heat treatment in which the surface layer of a steel is made substantially harder than the interior by altering its composition
case hardening
Hardening of the outer surface (or "case") of a steel component by a carburizing or nitriding process; used to improve wear and fatigue resistance
case hardening
A generic term covering several processes applicable to steel that change the chemical composition on the surface layer by absorption of carbon, nitrogen, or a mixture of the two and, by diffusion, create a concentration gradient The processes commonly used are carburizing and quench hardening; cyaniding; nitriding,; and carbonitriding He use of he applicable specific process name is preferred
case hardening
A process of hardening a ferrous alloy so that the surface layer or case is made substantially harder than the interior or core Typically case hardening process are carburizing, carbonitriding, and nitriding
case hardening
A generic term covering several processes applicable to steel that change the chemical composition of the surface layer by absorption of carbon, nitrogen, or a mixture of the two and, by diffusion, create a concentration gradient The processes commonly used are carburizing and quench hardening-, cyaniding-, nitriding; and carbonitriding The use of the applicable specific process name is preferred
case hardening
A process of surface hardening involving a change in the compsition of the outer layer of an iron base alloy by inward diffusion from a gas or liquid, followed by appropriate thermal treatment Typical hardening processes are carburizing, cyaniding, carbonitriding, and nitriding
case history
tale of the history and details leading up to a certain event
case history
A person's case history is the record of past events or problems that have affected them, especially their medical history. I took her to a homoeopath, who started by taking a very long and detailed case history. A detailed account of the facts affecting the development or condition of a person or group under treatment or study, especially in medicine, psychiatry, or psychology. a detailed record of someone's past illnesses, problems etc that a doctor or social worker studies
case history
detailed record of the background of a person or group under study or treatment
case in point
A relevant illustrative example
case in point
an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time
case knife
A knife carried in a sheath or case
case knife
A proteid substance present in both the animal and the vegetable kingdom
case knife
Its reactions resemble those of alkali albumin
case knife
In the animal kingdom it is chiefly found in milk, and constitutes the main part of the curd separated by rennet; in the vegetable kingdom it is found more or less abundantly in the seeds of leguminous plants
case knife
A large table knife; so called from being formerly kept in a case
case knife
{i} knife in a case, knife inside a covering sheath; table knife
case knife
a knife with a fixed blade that is carried in a sheath a metal blade with a handle; used as cutlery
case law
the law of the US is essentially made up of two key elements - statutes, which are the legislative rules passed by Congress and State Legislatures and case law which is the interpretation of those rules by the courts and which can be binding upon courts deciding upon similar matters in the future Case law can be many hundreds of years old and still relied upon if the point of law which the case decided was an important one, or it can be overturned almost immediately if a higher court believes that it reflects an incorrect conclusion
case law
Law established by previous decisions of appellate or district courts See stare decisis in Foreign Words Glossary
case law
(Common Law) Refers to the principles of law that have been established by judges in past decisions When similar issues arise again, judges look to the past decisions as precedents and decide the new case in a manner that is consistent with past decisions Also known as stare decisis (Latin term meaning to let the decision stand)
case law
Law made by court cases rather than legislation
case law
(civil law) a law established by following earlier judicial decisions
case law
Legal sayings with modifying clauses often in the ifäthen form: "If this is the situation then this is the penalty"; also called casuistic law, this type of legal formulation contrasts with absolute law See Chapter 3
case law
Law based on earlier court decisions
case law
The aggregate of reported cases as forming a body of jurisprudence, or the law of particular subject as evidenced or formed by the adjudged cases, in distinction to statutes and other sources of law
case law
The entire collection of published legal decisions of the courts which, because of stare decisis, contributes a large part of the legal rules which apply in modern society If a rule of law cannot be found in written laws, lawyers will often say that it is a rule to be found in "case law" In other words, the rule is not in the statute books but can be found as a principle of law established by a judge in some recorded case The word jurisprudence has become synonymous for case law
case law
a system of jurisprudence based on judicial precedents rather than statutory laws; "common law originated in the unwritten laws of England and was later applied in the United States"
case law
Decisions issued by a court
case law
Case law is law that has been established by following decisions made by judges in earlier cases. Law based on judicial decision and precedent rather than on statutes. a type of law that is based on decisions judges have made in the past
case law
application of prior legal judgments in legal proceedings
case law
The body of written law established through judicial decisions, instead of legislative action (which establishes statutory law)
case law
Precedents from both civil and criminal court cases
case law
Law established by previous decisions of appellate courts, particularly the Supreme Court
case law
The law as laid down in cases that have been decided in the decisions of the courts
case law
Legally binding and commonly accepted rules or principles developed over time through the gradual accumulation of rulings by judges These laws are also known as common law
case law
Law whose principles are derived from court decisions
case law
Opinions of a court written by a judge These opinions go into a case reporter
case law
Precedent setting judicial opinion,not written down in statutes
case law
The law as determined by previous cases and legal decisions
case law
The law made by courts interpreting cases and laws instead of law made by legislatures In the American system, the primary sources of law are: 1)constitutions, 2) statutes/regulations, and 3) case law
case law
Ccreated by judges when deciding individual cases
case law
Law established by previous decisions of appellate courts, particularly the United States Supreme Court
case law
Law made by earlier decisions in similar cases
case law
Law based upon judicial decision or precedent rather than statutes
case load
the number of cases handled in a given period of time (as by a court or agency)
case manager
The Family Advocacy Program staff person responsible for assessing the report of suspected abuse, determining family strengths and treatment needs, developing a treatment plan, presenting the incident to the Case Review Committee, and coordinating the services provided from military and civilian agencies to meet the requirements of the treatment plan
case manager
A person (often a nurse or social worker) who coordinates all of a person’s care Case managers are often employed by insurance companies or health plans to help coordinate and manage care provided to members with complex or costly medical conditions In these instances, case managers also help ensure patients receive appropriate care in the least costly setting
case manager
One who assists the individual in information, referral, and follow up services Consider the social worker acting on behalf of his or her client
case manager
A person, usually an experienced professional, who coordinates the services necessary under the case management approach
case manager
A nurse, doctor, or social worker who works with patients, providers and insurers to coordinate all services deemed necessary to provide the patient with a plan of medically necessary and appropriate health care
case manager
An experienced health professional that works with patients, providers and insurers to coordinate all services deemed necessary to provide the patient with a plan of medically necessary and appropriate health care Often used for patients with specific diagnoses or who require high-cost or extensive health care services
case manager
A trained professional (nurse or social worker) who communicates with the patient, family and team to coordinate the patient's care The case manager also facilitates the weekly team meetings to review the patient's goals and communicates regularly with the patient's insurance company to keep it informed about the patient's care and progress The case manager also coordinates discharge planning
case manager
An individual who organizes and coordinates services and supports for children with mental health problems and their families (Alternate terms: service coordinator, advocate, and facilitator )
case manager
An experienced professional (e g , nurse, doctor, or social worker) who works with patients, providers and insurers to coordinate all services deemed necessary to provide the patient with a plan of medically necessary and appropriate health care
case manager
The person responsible for ensuring continuity of services Also called service coordinator
case manager
A clinician who works with consumers, providers and insurers to coordinate services This term also is applied to MCO employees who conduct utilization review
case manager
A trained professional who will help assess needs and arrange for necessary services Case managers are particularly helpful in situations where family members live far away from the person needing help Some communities may provide case managers free of charge through local nonprofit agencies Most case management services, however, are private providers and charge for their services
case manager
An educator who is responsible for processing the students through the procedural process Case managers lead the child study team (CST) and are responsible for coordinating and monitoring the procedural events through a student's special education career
case manager
A health care professional who monitors the allocation and coordination of a patient's overall care
case manager
An individual who coordinates, monitors, and ensures that appropriate and timely care is provided to the patient or Medicaid recipient
case manager
- The staff person responsible for coordinating a particular student's treatment plan
case manager
An experienced professional (e g , nurse, doctor or social worker) who works with clients, providers and insurers to coordinate all services deemed necessary to provide the client with a plan of medically necessary and appropriate health care
case manager
A social worker or nurse that makes in-home assessment and determines individual plan of care The case manager makes sure that care satisfies client safety and wishes T-O-P
case manager
Person, usually experienced professional, who coordinates services necessary for case management approach
case manager
A social worker or health care professional who evaluates, plans, locates, coordinates, and monitors services for an individual, and in some cases, their family
case manager
A professional who serves as a point of contact for an individual with disabilities or a family This person seeks out and coordinates resources, monitors progress, and communicates with the person, family, and other professionals
case manager
A person, usually an experienced professional, who coordinates the services necessary under the case management approach (H)
case manager
A nurse, doctor, or social worker who arranges all services that are needed to give proper health care to a patient or group of patients
case manager
experienced professional (nurse, doctor or social worker) who works with patients, providers and insurers to coordinate services necessary to provide the patient with a plan of medically necessary and appropriate health care
case officer
an operative who also serves as an official staffer of an intelligence service
case report
Anecdotal evidence A description of a single case typically describing the manifestations, clinical course, and prognosis of that case Due to the wide range of variability in these aspects, a single case report provides little evidence to the clinician They do describe how others << Go Back
case report
An anecdote To get into the medical literature, a case report typically must convey the message "man bites dog "
case report
This includes single case reports and published case series' These are searchable as a separate category in the MEDLINE database
case report
Usually a retrospective report of a single interventional or observational case experience, often with clinical-pathological correlation
case sensitive
this means that capitalization in a word matters! The case may cause the command to work or not work
case sensitive
A program or function that differentiates between capital and non-capitalized letters or words Something that is not case sensitive would view 'target' and 'TARGET' as the same word A case sensitive program would see two different words
case sensitive
Refers to the use of lowercase and uppercase letters When coding a customer or vendor, you must use either a capital or lowercase letter For example, a vendor code that is A002 will not be recognized if a002 is typed (p 61)
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case tanıtıcısı
(Askeri) case designator