Japon Parlementosu bugün Ryoutarou Hashimoto'yu ülkenin 52. başbakanı olarak resmen seçti.
- The Japanese Parliament today officially elected Ryoutarou Hashimoto as the country's 52nd prime minister.
Sonunda, Birinci Dünya Savaşı resmen sona erdi.
- Finally, World War One was officially over.
Tom hâlâ resmî olarak görevde.
- Tom is still officially in charge.
Resmi olarak tatildeyim.
- I'm officially on vacation.
From what you tell me, he's by way of being the brains of the family..
Why they hesitated I never could tell, unless they did it by way of a joke.
I always go over the wall, by way of the plum tree, said Matilda.