
listen to the pronunciation of burst
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} patlak
{i} patlama

Biz patlama duyduk ve evin tutuştuğunu gördük. - We heard the explosion and saw the house burst into flames.

Şükran Günü'nden bir önceki gün süpermarketler patlamaya hazır. - The day before Thanksgiving, the supermarkets are full to bursting.

(Çevre) hızlanma
boşanmak göz yaşı
(Bilgisayar) kağıt ayırma
(Jeoloji) püskürme
(Bilgisayar) çoğuşma

Bizim su boruları patlamış. - Our water pipes burst.

{f} patla

Su boruları dondu ve sonra patladı. - The water pipes froze and then burst.

Su şebekesi deprem nedeniyle patladı. - The water mains burst due to the earthquake.

dolup taşmak
kağıt ayırmak
{f} aniden açmak
{f} patlak vermek
{f} fırlamak

Tom birden ağlamaya başladı. - Tom burst out crying.

Tom birden kahkahayı patlattı. - Tom suddenly burst out laughing.

ileri fırlamak
{f} çatlamak
{f} atılmak
bir el silah atımında yapılan atış
{i} hamle
(kağıt) ayırma
boşanmak had safhaya gelmek
{f} ortaya çıkmak
{f} boşanmak (gözyaşı)
{f} fışkırmak
(Askeri) PARALANMA: Bir bomba veya merminin havada veya yere yada hedefe çırptığı zaman infilak etmesi
(Askeri) Ateş darbesi, paralanma
{i} atış
{f} (burst) patlamak, yarılmak
{i} infilak
{f} had safhaya gelmek
gözle görülür hale gelmek
{i} ileri atılma
{i} açılma
{i} göz önüne serilme
mermi atılması
{f} yarılmak
{f} infilak etmek
(Askeri) seri atış
(Bilgisayar) tekil
burst in
(deyim) birden iceri dalmak
burst out
burst a blood vessel
(deyim) tepesi atmak
burst a sewer
lağım patlamak
burst can
kılıfın çatlaması
burst centre
(Askeri) orta paralanma noktası
burst communication
(Bilgisayar) çoğuşmalı iletişim
burst fire sequence
(Askeri) salvo atış sürati
burst forth
burst hose
patlak hortum
burst in upon
pat diye girmek
burst in upon
burst inbud
burst into
aceleyle girmek
burst into anger
burst into flames
burst length
(Bilgisayar) veri bloğu uzunluğu
burst like a bubble
(deyim) sabun köpüğü gibi sönmek
burst mode
(Bilgisayar) çoğuşma kipi
burst of applaud
alkış tufanı
burst of fire
(Askeri) ateş darbesi
burst of laughter
birden kahkaha atma
burst out
birden başlamak
burst out laughing
gülmekten kırılmak
burst range
(Askeri) paralanma mesafesi
burst size
(Bilgisayar) veri bloğu boyutu
burst speed
(Denizbilim) ani hız
burst the bubble
(deyim) foyasını meydana çıkarmak
burst transmission
(Askeri) anlık yayın
burst with anger
çok öfkelenmek
burst with anger
öfkeden köpürmek
burst with anger
küplere binmek
burst with anger
çok sinirlenmek
burst with anger
sinirden köpürmek
burst with curiosity
meraktan çatlamak
burst with impatience
burst with joy
(deyim) sevinçten kabına sığamamak
burst forth
burst in
birden içeri dalmak
burst in on
kesintiye uğratmak
burst in on
yarıda kesmek
burst into
aceleyle gir

Bir Pazar sabahı George oturma odasına aceleyle girdi ve bu dedi. - One Sunday morning George burst into the living room and said this.

burst into flames
ateş almak
burst into tears
gözlerinden yaş boşanmak
burst inward
birden içeriye gir
burst on
birden hücum et
burst out
birden başla
burst out
burst out
aniden söylemek
burst upon
yarıda kes
burst with
burst asunder
burst parça parça
burst at the seams
Aşırı kalabalık, çok dolu. - The train station was bursting at the seams as everyone was waiting to go away for their holidays
burst forth
burst in on
yarıda kesmek, yarıda bıraktırmak, kesintiye uğratmak
burst into
1. Bir yere aceleyle girmek/dalmak.2. Birden -e başlamak, -e boğulmak
burst into flame
alev boğulmak
burst into tear
gözyaşı boğulmak
burst into tears
gözyaşlarına boğulmak
burst into tears
burst of
burst of rage
heyacan patlaması
burst on the scene
(deyim) Aniden belirivermek; ortaya çıkıvermek
burst out
Patlak vermek
burst out laughing
Kahkahayı basmak
burst out laughing
To begin laughing suddenly or unexpectedly;to suddenly start laughing
burst through
burst yoluyla
burst tire
patlamış lastik
burst upon
Üzerine gelmek. (eşanlam) burst in on"He burst upon our conversation"
burst upon the scene
(deyim) Aniden belirivermek; ortaya çıkıvermek
burst with pride
çok gururlu olmak
aceleyle gir
burst center
(Askeri) ORTA PARALANMA NOKTASI: Bak. "center of burst"
burst command
(Askeri) füze atış komutanı
burst command
burst communication
cogusmali iletisim
burst disk
(Havacılık) parçalanma diyaframı
burst errors received
(Bilgisayar) alınan sinyal dizisi hatası
burst in
burst in
burst in on/upon
pat diye girmek: What do you mean bursting in on us like this? Ne diye odamıza böyle pat diye giriyorsun?
burst interval
(Askeri) paralanma fasılası
burst interval
(Askeri) PARALANMA ARALIĞI, PARALANMA FASILASI: Batarya ile yapılan bir sıra atışın (salvo fire), birbirini takip eden mermilerin paralandıkları noktalar arasındaki fasıla
burst interval
(Askeri) paralanma aralığı
burst into bud
burst into flames
tutuşmak, alev almak
burst into laughter
kahkahaya boğulmak
burst into laughter
kahkahayı koyuvermek
burst into laughter
kahkaha atmak
burst into laughter
kahkahayı basmak
burst into laughter
gülmekten kırılmak
burst into laughter
makaraları koyuvermek
burst into song
şarkıya başlamak
burst into tears
gözyaşlarını tutamamak
burst into tears
birden ağlamaya başlamak
burst inward
birden içeriye girmek
burst mode
tekelci kip
burst of applause
alkış tufanı
burst of neutrons
(Nükleer Bilimler) nötronların püskürmesi
burst on
birden hücum etmek
burst open
burst open
(Fiili Deyim ) kırıp açmak
burst out
burst out crying
birden ağlamaya başlamak
burst out laughing
(Fiili Deyim ) kahkahayı salıvermek
burst range
(Askeri) PARALANMA MESAFESİ: Toptan, merminin paralanma noktasına kadar olan yatay mesafe
burst receive gap time
(Bilgisayar) burst alma aralığı süresi
burst strength
(Havacılık) parçalanma dayanım
burst up
burst up
iflas etmek
burst wave
(Askeri) infilak dalgası
burst wave
(Askeri) İNFİLAK DALGASI: Bir bomba veya mermi paralanmasının sebep olduğu sıkışmış hava dalgası; detonasyon dalgası. Bu dalga, geniş ölçüde mahalli hasara sebep olabilir. Ayrıca bakınız: "detonation wage"
bud burst
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) Bitkilerin dinlenme dönemi sonrası tomurcuklarını patlatması; tomurcuk patlaması
bud burst
(Denizcilik) tomurcuk patlatma, bitkilerin ilk baharda tomurcuklarını patlatması
aerial burst fuze
(Askeri) tutuşmalı tapa
aerial burst fuze
(Askeri) ihtiraklı tapa
color burst
(Televizyon) renk paketi
error burst
(Bilgisayar) hata çoğuşması
graze burst
(Askeri) satıhta paralanma
height of burst
(Çevre) infilak yüksekliği
height of burst
(Askeri) paralanma yüksekliği
surface burst
(Askeri) satıhta patlama
{f} patla

Şükran Günü'nden bir önceki gün süpermarketler patlamaya hazır. - The day before Thanksgiving, the supermarkets are full to bursting.

colour synchronizing burst
renk senkronizasyon sinyali
low order burst
yavaş paralanma
rock burst
kaya patlaması
a burst of
Bir burst
almost burst with-
neredeyse patlama ile-
bomb burst
bomba patladı
colour burst
renk patlaması
initial burst
ilk patlama
multi burst
(Fotoğrafçılık) Dijital fotoğraf makinalarında (özellikle Sony Cybershot tipi kameralarda) bulunan ve ardaşık resimler çekebilme özelliği. Bu ayar önceden yapıldığında, parmak denklanşöre basılı kaldığı sürece ardı ardına yüksek bir hızla bir çok resimler çekilmektedir. özellikle spor, hareketli cisimler, araba yarışlarında kullanımı ve gazete fotoğraflarında kullanılır
aerial burst fuse
(Askeri) İHTİRAKLI TAPA: Tayyareden salınan veya bir silah ya da rampadan atılan bir bomba veya mermiyi belirli bir irtifada veya zamanda patlatmak için, çalışmaya başlayacağı an önceden tespit edilen tapa
air burst
(Askeri) HAVADA PATLAMA: Yüzeyle temas veya yüzeye girmeyle meydana gelen patlamalardan ayrı olarak bir bombanın veya merminin yüzeyin üstünde patlaması. Ayrıca bakınız: "type of burst"
atomic underground burst
(Askeri) ATOMİK YERALTI İNFİLAKI: bkz: "nuclear underground burst"
atomic underwater burst
(Askeri) ATOMİK SUALTI İNFİLAKI: bkz: "nuclear underwater burst"
burst up
burst up
burst up
iflas etme
burst up
burst up
burst up
center of burst
(Askeri) ORTA PARALANMA NOKTASI: bkz: "mean point of impact"
center of burst error
(Askeri) ORTA PARALANMA NOKTASI HATASI: Hedef ile orta paralanma noktası arasındaki mesafe
colour burst
(Teknik,Televizyon) renk senkronizasyon sinyali
contact burst preclusion
(Askeri) TEMAS PATLAMASI ÖNLEYİCİSİ: Hava patlama tapasının çalışmadığı durumlarda istenmeyen bir yüzey patlamasını önleyen bir tapa düzenlemesi
contained underground burst
(Çevre) kapalı yeraltı patlaması
demand burst
talep patlaması
exhaust burst
egzoz patlaması
extinction burst
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) sönümleme patlaması
fallout safe height of burst
(Askeri) EMNİYETLİ SERPİNTİ YÜKSEKLİĞİ: Bir nükleer infilak sonucu, infilakın meydana geldiği yerde veya üstünde askeri açıdan önemli bir serpinti yaratmayacak yükseklik
graze burst
gun burst
(Bilgisayar) silah patlaması
height of burst
(Askeri) PARALANMA (PATLAMA/İNFİLAK) YÜKSEKLİĞİ: Yerden veya hedeften paralanma noktasına kadar dikey mesafe. Ayrıca bakınız: "optimum height of burst; safe burst height; types of burst"
height of burst
(Askeri) patlama infilak/yüksekliği
high altitude burst
(Askeri) YÜKSEK İRTİFADA PATLAMA/İNFİLAK: 10.000 metre (30.000 fit) ' den daha yüksekte yer alan nükleer silah patlaması. Bak. "types of burst"
high altitude burst
(Askeri) yüksek irtifada patlama/infilak
high burst registration
(Askeri) YÜKSEK İHTİRAKLI İLE ATEŞ TANZİMİ: Bak. "high-burst ranging"
low burst
(Askeri) (NUCLEAR) ALÇAK İHTİRAKLI İNFİLAK (NÜKLEER): Nükleer bombanın, toprak veya su üzerinde belirli bir yükseklikte ve ateş topu satha temas edecek şekilde patlaması
low order burst
(Askeri) YAVAŞ PARALANMA: Alçak infilakın bir sonucu olarak, merminin sadece bir kaç büyük parçaya ayrılması
make burst
mean height of burst
(Askeri) ORTA PARALANMA YÜKSEKLİĞİ: Aynı atış esasları ile atılan bir grup atımın paralanma yükseklikleri ortalaması
mean point of burst
(Askeri) ORTA PARALANMA YÜKSEKLİĞİ: Bak. "mean point of impact"
minimum normal burst altitude
(Askeri) ASGARİ NORMAL PARALANMA YÜKSEKLİĞİ: Hava savunma nükleer harp başlıklarının, arazi üzerinde normal olarak aşağısında patlatılmadıkları irtifa
muzzle burst
(Askeri) NAMLU AĞZI PARALANMASI: Bir merminin namlu, ağzını terk ettiği anda veya namlu ağzının çok yakınında vaktinden önce paralanması
muzzle burst
(Askeri) namlu ağzı paralanması
nuclear burst
(Askeri) NÜKLEER İNFİLAK: Bak. "types of burst"
nuclear burst biological or
(Askeri) Nükleer infilak ve biyolojik veya kimyasal
nuclear burst report
(Askeri) NÜKLEER PARALANMA RAPORU: Nükleer infilaklara etkileri hakkındaki bilgilerin gönderilmesi için faydalanılan standart bir rapor formu
nuclear exoatmospheric burst
(Askeri) ATMOSFER DIŞI PATLAMA: Duyarlı atmosferin üzerinde (120 km. nin üzeri) atmosferik etkileşimin asgari düzeyde bulunduğu yerde bir nükleer silahın patlaması. Bak. "types of burst"
nuclear subsurface burst
(Askeri) SATIH ALTINDA NÜKLEER PARALANMA: Bir nükleer silahın, infilak merkezi arz sathı (toprak veya su) altında bulunan infilak
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
To separate formfeed at perforation lines

I printed the report on formfeed paper then burst the sheets.

To enter or exit hurriedly and unexpectedly

Like hungry dogs who have sniffed their meat, the mob bursts in, trampling down the women who sought to bar the entrance with their bodies.

To break from internal pressure

I blew the balloon up too much, and it burst.

An instance of, or the act of bursting

The bursts of the bombs could be heard miles away.

To cause to break from internal pressure

I burst the balloon when I blew it up too much.

{a} broken, having a rupture
{v} to break asunder, fly open or out, spring, issue suddenly
{n} a sudden breaking or rent, an eruption
When a door or lid bursts open, it opens very suddenly and violently because someone pushes it or there is great pressure behind it. The door burst open and an angry young nurse appeared. = fly
If you say that something bursts onto the scene, you mean that it suddenly starts or becomes active, usually after developing quietly for some time. He burst onto the fashion scene in the early 1980s
A transient enhancement of the solar radio emmision, usually associated with an active region or flare
Any brief, violent exertion or effort; a spurt; as, a burst of speed
A sudden breaking forth; a violent rending; an explosion; as, a burst of thunder; a burst of applause; a burst of passion; a burst of inspiration
emerge suddenly; "The sun burst into view"
To break or rend by violence, as by an overcharge or by strain or pressure, esp
break open or apart suddenly and forcefully; "The dam burst"
The form burst is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle
{i} eruption; gush, spurt; volley of gunshots
To exert force or pressure by which something is made suddenly to give way; to break through obstacles or limitations; hence, to appear suddenly and unexpectedly or unaccountably, or to depart in such manner; usually with some qualifying adverb or preposition, as forth, out, away, into, upon, through, etc
To cause to burst
Explosion or detonation See Air burst, High-altitude burst, Surface burst, Underground burst, Underwater burst
a sudden violent happening; "an outburst of heavy rain"; "a burst of lightning"
A radar term for a single pulse of radio energy
from within; to force open suddenly; as, to burst a cannon; to burst a blood vessel; to burst open the doors
a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason); "a burst of applause"; "a fit of housecleaning"
rapid simultaneous discharge of firearms; "our fusillade from the left flank caught them by surprise"
Most people know this from "pipeline burst cache " Burst means to send data in a large package all at one time rather than small bits over a longer time
The transmission that carries the message or file from transmitter to receiver
{f} erupt; break open; break into; shatter, smash into pieces
Method of data transfer in which information is collected and sent as a large unit in one high-speed transmission LAN traffic is usually considered bursty traffic because it has short intervals of intense activity with lulls between
If something bursts or if you burst it, it suddenly breaks open or splits open and the air or other substance inside it comes out. The driver lost control when a tyre burst It is not a good idea to burst a blister. a flood caused by a burst pipe
If a dam bursts, or if something bursts it, it breaks apart because the force of the river is too great. A dam burst and flooded their villages
suddenly and violently broken open especially from internal pressure (`busted' is an informal term for `burst'); "a burst balloon"; "burst pipes"; "burst seams"; "a ruptured appendix"; "a busted balloon
A burst of something is a sudden short period of it. a burst of machine-gun fire The current flows in little bursts
A transient enhancement of the solar radio emission, usually associated with an active region or flare
To break
To separate continuous-form paper into discrete sheets
A sudden opening, as of landscape; a stretch; an expanse
b A process used by content management systems to map XML documents to content meta data
burst outward, usually with noise; "The champagne bottle exploded"
An area descriptor for spells and magical effects A burst expands in all directions from a point of origin selected by the caster, affecting any and all eligible targets within its designated radius Note that burst spells may affect targets around corners or otherwise hidden from the caster , but the spell effect itself cannot turn corners as a spread does
 1 In data communications, a sequence of signals, noise, or interference counted as a unit in accordance with some specific criterion or measure   (188)  2 To separate continuous-form or multipart paper into discrete sheets
A method of fetching a cache line over a slow bus Normally, one address output is required for every read cycle In bursting, one address is output and several pieces of read data are returned
A point-of-sale device usually interrupting more-attractive graphics, to feature pricing or special offer Often shaped like a sunburst
- the release of effects into the air by a shell
cause to burst; "The ice broke the pipe"
break open or apart suddenly; "The bubble burst"
To send data (between components within a computer) in a large package all at once rather than in small bits over a longer time
A sequence of signals in data communications counted as one unit in accordance with some specific criterion or measure
To burst into or out of a place means to enter or leave it suddenly with a lot of energy or force. Gunmen burst into his home and opened fire = rush
A rupture or hernia; a breach
force out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up; "break into tears"; "erupt in anger"
1 A single pulse of radio energy; specifically such a pulse at radar frequencies
Refers to television scheduling and is when high levels of support are scheduled over a short period of time
If a river bursts its banks, the water rises and goes on to the land. Monsoons caused the river to burst its banks
a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason); "a burst of applause"; "a fit of housecleaning" break open or apart suddenly; "The bubble burst" break open or apart suddenly and forcefully; "The dam burst" emerge suddenly; "The sun burst into view" move suddenly, energetically, or violently; "He burst out of the house into the cool night" suddenly and violently broken open especially from internal pressure (`busted' is an informal term for `burst'); "a burst balloon"; "burst pipes"; "burst seams"; "a ruptured appendix"; "a busted balloon
be in a state of movement or action; "The room abounded with screaming children"; "The garden bristled with toddlers"
A Point of Sale graphical device that radically departs from surrounding graphics to feature special offers or pricing
move suddenly, energetically, or violently; "He burst out of the house into the cool night"
The BURST signal (or Short Sweep on FP40 and the FP35) presents short bursts of sound at ten frequencies: 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, and 8000 Hz (On the FP40 and FP35 200 and 700 Hz are used instead of 250 and 750 Hz ) This signal provides a quick way to determine the maximum output of the hearing aid with minimal discomfort to the patient It can be used at lower amplitudes, as desired, but its big advantage is for testing maximum output Since all the output of the aid is concentrated at one frequency at a time, testing with this signal gives you information on the worst-case performance of the hearing aid at each frequency, for any type of input signal Noise reduction is automatically removed at 85 and 90 dB amplitudes since it is not necessary and makes the measurement take longer Settling time is not used with BURST
To fly apart or in pieces; of break open; to yield to force or pressure, especially to a sudden and violent exertion of force, or to pressure from within; to explode; as, the boiler had burst; the buds will burst in spring
Contiguous error groups usually caused by a large tangential physical defect ISO burst limit for CD is less than seven successive frames, each containing two or more successive error bytes
An instance of or the act of bursting
Most people know this from "pipeline burst cache" Burst means to send data in a large package all at one time rather than small bits over a longer time
To separate continuous form paper into individual sheets
Gross structural failure of the tube wall
To produce as an effect of bursting; as, to burst a hole through the wall
the act of exploding or bursting something; "the explosion of the firecrackers awoke the children"; "the burst of an atom bomb creates enormous radiation aloft"
burst out
To display emotion
burst out
to speak emotionally or suddenly
burst out
To appear suddenly
burst out laughing
to suddenly start laughing intensely
burst someone's bubble
To disillusion; to disabuse someone of a false notion or rationalization that has grown comfortable

I hate to burst his bubble, but he is going to be disappointed if he tries that idea.

burst in
break in suddenly, enter violently
burst out
give sudden release to an expression; "We burst out laughing"; "'I hate you,' she burst out"
burst at the seams
Too full or too crowded The train station was bursting at the seams as everyone was waiting to go away for their holidays
burst into
All of a sudden start doing something
burst on the scene
(deyim) Appear suddenly somewhere; to enter or arrive suddenly some place

1. The police suddenly burst on the scene. 2. They burst on the scene and took control.

burst upon
Spring suddenly; "He burst upon our conversation"(synonym) burst in on
burst upon the scene
(deyim) Appear suddenly somewhere; to enter or arrive suddenly some place

1. The police suddenly burst upon the scene. 2. They burst upon the scene and took control.

Burst Extended Data Output
sending of data to an input or output device at increased continuity (in one burst or four read/write cycles without a pause between them)
burst his sides
laughed hysterically, laughed uproariously
burst his sides with laughing
exploded with laughter
burst in on
spring suddenly; "He burst upon our conversation"
burst in on
spring suddenly; "He burst upon our conversation
burst into
If you say that something bursts into a particular situation or state, you mean that it suddenly changes into that situation or state. This weekend's fighting is threatening to burst into full-scale war
burst into
to burst into flames: see flame
burst into
If you burst into tears, laughter, or song, you suddenly begin to cry, laugh, or sing. She burst into tears and ran from the kitchen. books that cause adults to burst into helpless laughter
burst into flames
ignited, caught on fire quickly
burst into laughter
suddenly start laughing, start giggling
burst into song
began singing spontaneously and with gusto
burst into tears
begin to cry, start weeping
burst of a shell
explosion of an artillery shell (explosive projectile)
burst of laughter
sudden explosion of loud laughter
burst one's sides with laughing
split one's sides laughing, laugh uncontrollably
burst open
force apart, open forcefully
burst out
erupt or intensify suddenly; "Unrest erupted in the country"; "Tempers flared at the meeting"; "The crowd irrupted into a burst of patriotism"
burst out
appear suddenly; "Spring popped up everywhere in the valley"
burst out
give sudden release to an expression; "We burst out laughing"; "'I hate you,' she burst out
burst out
break out, leave forcefully; give sudden vent to
burst out
If someone bursts out laughing, crying, or making another noise, they suddenly start making that noise. You can also say that a noise bursts out. The class burst out laughing Then the applause burst out Everyone burst out into conversation
burst out laughing
start laughing, start giggling
burst upon
spring suddenly; "He burst upon our conversation"
burst with envy
be extremely jealous, be filled with jealousy
burst with joy
be overcome with happiness, be extremely glad
Present participle of burst
Urgently needing to urinate

The kid is bursting to go to the toilet.

gamma-ray burst
A flash of gamma rays that seem to originate from a random point in the sky; their most likely sources are believed to be supernova explosions of a very massive stars and mergers of neutron stars
last burst of fire
A final effort, a final attempt before stopping

Getting ready for my last burst of fire for the project during the next 2 weeks. After that I will take my much needed rest.

radio burst
A brief emission of intense radio waves from a star etc
strain burst
The sudden fracturing of a rock face (especially in a mine) due to increased pressure
gamma-ray burst
A short-lived, localized, and intense burst of gamma radiation that originates outside the solar system from an unknown source
almost burst with-
was very, was extremely, was immensely
being burst
being ruptured, being broken, being punctured, being blown up
If you say that someone is bursting with a feeling or quality, you mean that they have a great deal of it. I was bursting with curiosity. a character bursting with energy and vivacity
Present participle of to burst
erupting; breaking open; shattering
(of munitions) going off; "bursting bombs"; "an exploding nuclear device"; "a spectacular display of detonating anti-tank mines
If you are bursting to do something, you are very eager to do it. She was bursting to tell everyone see also burst
If a place is bursting with people or things, it is full of them. The place appears to be bursting with women directors. a terraced vegetable garden, bursting with produce
plural of burst
the river burst its banks
the river overflowed, the river flooded its banks
underground burst
explosion that occurs below the surface of the ground
underwater burst
explosion that occurs under the surface of the water
with a burst of passion
in a fit of anger; in a moment of lust
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
burst of
burst alma aralığı süresi
(Bilgisayar) burst receive gap time