bougeur en vitesse

listen to the pronunciation of bougeur en vitesse
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{v} zing
Used to acknowledge a witty comeback, a zinger

Zing! The joke had rebounded back on the one who started it. Ouch! Mama Jane winced ruefully. We all dissolved in laughter at the good-natured repartee.

Zest or vitality

To accompany a meal, the fresh Italian lager Poretti is perfect; Erdinger Weisbier, a wheat beer from Germany, is full of zing;.

the activeness of an energetic personality
A short high-pitched humming sound, eg that made by a bullet or vibrating string
If you refer to the zing in someone or something, you mean the quality that makes them lively or interesting. He just lacked that extra zing There's nothing like fresh basil to put a zing into a tomato sauce. the quality of being full of energy or taste (From the sound of something moving very quickly). to move quickly, making a whistling noise = whistle zing past/off
a brief high-pitched buzzing or humming sound; "the zing of the passing bullet"
Used to acknowledge a witty comeback
{f} move quickly; make a sharp whistling sound
To move very quickly, especially while making a high-pitched hum
{i} energy, excitement; something lively; sharp whistling sound
a brief high-pitched buzzing or humming sound; "the zing of the passing bullet