Future interest in grantor that results after life estate terminates and no remainder interest was given
The return of the unused portion of an appropriation to the fund from which the appropriation was made In California State government, the undisbursed portion of an appropriation reverts two years after the last day of availability (normally June 30) for encumbrance The Budget Act often provides for the reversion of unused portions of appropriations when such reversion is to be made prior to the statutory limit
That part of the estate which remains after the determination of the particular estate and falls into the possession of the original grantor or representative
Unary operation on a multivector which negates those components which would change sign if their vector factors were reversed in order Hence the reversion of x is x, but the reversion of xy is -xy
{i} act of turning something the opposite way; act of returning to a previous condition; return of property to its owner after the occurrence of a particular event (Law)
A reversion to a previous state, system, or kind of behaviour is a change back to it. This is a reversion to the system under which the Royals were paid for nearly 300 years. = return
The portion of an estate remaining with the original grantor after the termination of a leasehold or life estate
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bir mül·kün bir ve·ya bir·kaç ki·şi·nin kul·la·nı·mı·na geç·tik·ten son·ra baş·ka be·lir·li