berichten zufolge

listen to the pronunciation of berichten zufolge
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение berichten zufolge в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь

söylendiğine göre

Söylendiğine göre sanık bilgisayarları çalmış. - The suspect reportedly stole computers.

anlatıldığına göre
söylentilere göre
dediklerine göre
söylentilere bakılırsa
resmi olarak
söylentiye göre

Söylentiye göre onlar doktora sahte isimler verdi. - They reportedly gave the doctor false names.

Tom'un Mary'den boşanması söylentiye göre ona bir milyon dolardan daha fazlaya mal oldu. - Tom's divorce from Mary reportedly cost him more than a million dollars.

anlatılana göre
Немецкий Язык - Английский Язык
According to reports or rumors; supposedly

They reportedly went last week, but I couldn't prove it.

according to reports or other information; "she was reportedly his mistress for many years
according to rumor, according to reports
according to reports or other information; "she was reportedly his mistress for many years"
vagueness If you say that something is reportedly true, you mean that someone has said that it is true, but you have no direct evidence of it. More than two hundred people have reportedly been killed in the past week's fighting. according to what some people say
allen Berichten zufolge
by all accounts
berichten zufolge