To give a favorable turn to in commencing; to inaugurate; -- a sense derived from the Roman practice of taking the auspicium, or inspection of birds, before undertaking any important business
commence in a manner calculated to bring good luck; "They auspicated the trip with a bottle of champagne
To give a favorable turn to in commencing; to inaugurate; a sense derived from the Roman practice of taking the auspicium, or inspection of birds, before undertaking any important business
{f} inaugurate with a ceremony which is destined to bring success and good fortune; foretoken, foreshadow
commence in a manner calculated to bring good luck; "They auspicated the trip with a bottle of champagne"
() From Latin auspicatus, past participle of auspicari "to take auspices", from auspex "bird seer", "augur", a contraction of avispex; avis "bird" + specere, spicere, "to view".