Approach to education promoted by Knowles and based on assumptions about adult learning, including (1) Adults need to know why they need to learn something, (2) Adults need to learn experientially, (3) Adults approach learning as problem-solving, and (4) Adults learn best when the topic is of immediate value These should be taken into consideration as we think about adult distant learners (See Moore & Kearsley (1996) p 153 and http: //www infed org/lifelonglearning/bandra htm, http: //tip psychology org/knowles html, http: //www unibamberg de/ppp/andragogik/andragogy/index htm)
How adults learn -- which is different from how children learn ("pedagogy") Main points are
Word coined by Malcolm Knowles to describe how adults learn -- which is different from how children learn ("pedagogy") I'm beginning to suspect pedagogy denigrates children and that andra is the gogy to go with for all Main points are
Instructional theory by Malcolm S Knowles dealing with the psychology and special needs of adult learners
From the Greek words "anere", for adult and "agogus", the art and science of helping students learn Widely used by adult educators to describe the theory of adult learning The term offers an alternative to pedagogy The andragogic model asks that five issues be considered and addressed in formal learning: Letting learners know why something is important to learn - The need to know Showing learners how to direct themselves through information - The need to be self directing Relating the topic to the learner's experiences - Greater volume and quality of experience People will not learn until ready and motivated to learn - Readiness to learn A need to have a life centered, task centered, or problem centered orientation - Often this requires helping them overcome inhibitions, behaviors, and beliefs about learning Aptitude The ability of an individual to acquire a new skill or show the potential for acquiring a skill when given the opportunity and proper training
The opposite of pedagogy A European term introduced into the English vocabulary by Malcom Knowles, it is the art and science of helping adults learn A prime contributor to most theories of adult learning, andragogy as set out by Knowles emphasizes an adults' capabilities to direct and motivate themselves, utilize past knowledge to assist learning and evaluate the contents of training for relevance and quality