altçenesi öne doğru çıkık olan, prognat

listen to the pronunciation of altçenesi öne doğru çıkık olan, prognat
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
(Tıp) prognathous
Having jaws that project forward more than is usual

A huge brute with thick lips and prognathous jaw stood at her shoulder. He was talking loudly and gesticulating wildly.

Having a jaw which extends past the rest of one's face
See Gnathic index, under Gnathic
having a projecting lower jaw
Having the jaws projecting beyond the upper part of the face; opposed to orthognathous
{s} having protruding jaws, having jaws that stick out
having a jaw that sticks out more than the rest of the face (pro- + gnathos )
altçenesi öne doğru çıkık olan, prognat

    Расстановка переносов

    alt·çe·ne·si ö·ne doğ·ru çı·kık o·lan, prog·nat