Alfabeyi tersten oku.
- Say the alphabet backwards.
Esperanto, 28 harfli alfabe ile fonetik olarak yazılır.
- Esperanto is written phonetically with an alphabet of 28 letters.
Esperanto, 28 harfli alfabe ile fonetik olarak yazılır.
- Esperanto is written phonetically with an alphabet of 28 letters.
Japon yazım düzeni çok karmaşıktır, iki binden fazla karakteri olan üç tane alfabe vardır.
- The Japanese writing system is very complicated, it has three alphabets with more than two thousand characters.
Latin-alphabeted Greek.
In the first year of school, pupils are taught to recite the alphabet.
Let L be a regular language over the alphabet \Sigma.
There are 26 alphabets in English.