(Askeri) DENİZAŞIRI İKMAL SEVİYELERİ: Denizaşırı komutanlıkların vazifelerini yapabilmeleri bakımından gerekli olan ikmal maddeleri miktarı. Bu ikmal maddeleri; komutanlık dahilinde dağıtımın yapılabilmesi ve ikmalin devamı için lüzumlu olan miktar ile muhasara esnasında veya ABD Anayurdu'ndan ikmal maddelerinin muntazam gelişi düşman tarafından geçici olarak aksatıldığı zaman komutanlığın faaliyete devamını mümkün kılmak için lüzumlu olan miktarları ve komutanlığın elinde bilfiil mevcut bulunması gereken işletme stokunun temini ve devamlı sevkiyat fasılaları arasında komutanlığın idamesi için lüzumlu miktarları içine alır
The generic name for signal levels within a recording studio On the whole you don't want your levels too high or too low because firstly you might get clipping or distortion or else you might just end up with a weak signal Back
the eight levels of the National Qualifications Framework which are defined in terms of progressive complexity in the learning outcomes required; the levels are designated Q1 to Q8
A Member's relationship to his/her upline and downline Levels refer to how many Memberships there are between you and another Member in your network Someone personally sponsored by a Member is referred to as first-level A Member sponsored by the first-level Member is second-level to the original sponsor
The depth that you get paid commissions on If you sign up A, who signs up B, who signs up C, who signs up D, you have four levels filled "underneath" you in that Leg (see definition above)
The NZQA Framework identifies eight levels of study: Levels 1 - 4 are associated with National Certificates, 5 - 6 with National Diplomas, 5 - 7 with undergraduate degrees, and 8 with all post-graduate study
tells you the relative expression level for your chip (experiment/control) 1 0 is the mean expression level for all genes 2 0 means your gene was expressed twice as much as the average gene etc Baselines tells you the background for that chip, so you know if your expression level is above background