The effect given when light is transmitted through a specular surface and then strikes a diffuse surface If the specular surface is of high curvature the light will be tend to be focused When this effect is taken into account, rendered scenes involving liquids or glass are much more photorealistic Caustics can also arise when light is reflected from a specular surface The classic example is the caustic on the surface of a liquid Refraction may make it happen too The caustic shape is the envelope of the reflected rays
of a substance, especially a strong acid; capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action
strongly alkaline material that produces either corrosion or irritation to living tissue
a strong alkali capable of attacking and damaging other substances Sodium hydroxide, used in relaxers, is caustic and can severely damage the hair and skin
any chemical substance that burns or destroys living tissue of a substance, especially a strong acid; capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action
Any substance capable of burning or destroying animal flesh or tissue The term is usually applied to strong bases
Any strong alkaline substance that has a corrosive or irritating effect on living tissue A substance that is chemically similar to sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
(sıfat) kostik, aşındırıcı, yakıcı, iğneli, onur kırıcı, sert
Расстановка переносов
(sı·fat) kos·tik, a·şın·dı·rı·cı, ya·kı·cı, iğ·ne·li, o·nur kı·rı·cı, sert