(isim) kırmızı kil

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Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
A red hard or gravel-like soil or subsoil formed in the tropics that has been leached of soluble minerals leaving insoluble iron and aluminium oxides and hydroxides; used to make bricks and roads
An iron rich deep weathering profile Lateritised means containing laterite
n Product of rock decomposition with high iron and aluminum hydroxide content Generally bright red to deep orange in color 2 Land, usually in the tropics, baked by the sun after deforestation removes the protective and restorative forest layer above the soil Abiotic hardpack ground, red in color Normal soil microbiotic community, as well as macrobiotic flora and fauna, are absent Prone to extensive erosion due to lack of plant cover Lateritized hillsides have contributed to several devastating and deadly landslides in tropical countries
an iron-bearing red soil found in tropical areas Formed by centuries of heat and rain
Soil layer rich in iron oxide and sometimes aluminum, derived from a wide variety of rocks by leaching. It forms in tropical and subtropical regions where the climate is humid. Laterite is blackish brown to reddish and has been used as an iron ore and, in Cuba, as a source of nickel
An iron rich deep weathering profile Lateritised means containing laterite Geology Ref KG
{i} rich brick-colored soil containing iron and aluminum
a red soil produced by rock decay; contains insoluble deposits of ferric and aluminum oxides
weathered product of rock, composed mainly of hydrated iron and aluminium oxides and hydroxides, and clay minerals It is formed in humid tropical settings
A soil that is rich in oxides of iron and aluminum formed by deep weathering in tropical and subtropical areas
An iron-rich subsoil layer found in some highly weathered humid tropical soils that, when exposed and allowed to dry, becomes very hard and will not soften when rewetted When erosion removes the overlying layers, the laterite is exposed and a virtual pavement results
Soil hardened by precipitation of iron
Obsolete term due to misuse The same as plinthite
An argillaceous sandstone, of a red color, and much seamed; found in India
Weathering product of rock, composed mainly of hydrated iron and aluminium oxides and hydroxides, and clay minerals, but also containing some silica It is related to bauxites and is formed in humid, tropical settings by the weathering of such rocks as basalts Laterites are red because silicates have been leached out, and iron and aluminium salts now predominate Laterite is soft but hardens rapidly when exposed to the air until it has a brick-like hardness
Hard subsurface deposit of oxides of aluminum and iron found in tropical soils where the water table fluctuates with seasonal changes in precipitation
A highly weathered red subsoil rich in secondary oxides of iron and/or aluminium Laterite develops in wet-tropical and warm to temperate regions and is a residual product of weathering
(isim) kırmızı kil