The depth that a cutting tool is introduced into a material during successive machining passes
cause to be immersed; "The professor plunged his students into the study of the Italian text"
If an amount or rate plunges, it decreases quickly and suddenly. His weight began to plunge The Pound plunged to a new low on the foreign exchange markets yesterday Shares have plunged from £17 to £7.55 The bank's profits plunged by 87 per cent Its net profits plunged 73% last year. = plummet Plunge is also a noun. Japan's banks are in trouble because of bad loans and the stock market plunge. see also plunging
If you take the plunge, you decide to do something that you consider difficult or risky. If you have been thinking about buying shares, now could be the time to take the plunge
a steep and rapid fall begin with vigor; "He launched into a long diatribe"; "She plunged into a dangerous adventure"
If you plunge an object into something, you push it quickly or violently into it. A soldier plunged a bayonet into his body I plunged in my knife and fork
The plunge action of lowering the router cutter into the work The feature of most modern routers is spring loaded columns for safe vertical movement with the power on
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