Flippers are flat pieces of rubber that you can wear on your feet to help you swim more quickly, especially underwater
A broad flat limb used for swimming, as those of seals, sea turtles, whales, etc
a shoe for swimming; the paddle-like front is an aid in swimming (especially underwater)
Term applied to a can, which, when tapped, will not return to a normal shape unless one presses in on a bulge
A trader in the market who is in and out of stocks usually in a matter of days or in the case of new issues maybe a matter of minutes
The term given to those who buy expensive and/or scarce wines from mailing lists with the intention of reselling them at a profit (as in "flipping" the wine) Ordinarily, a flipper is an affable individual But, challenge them or get them riled, and they prefer anonymity
A temporary denture to replace missing teeth during the waiting period for long term treatment
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