Outreach is the public service and educational program necessary for us to retain our non-profit status We have sent boxes of materials to Jamaica, funded scholarships to high school girls in home economics, had a table at the Tioga County Fair to educate and discuss our work, and made tote bags and jumpers for the Women's Coalition in Wellsboro We also provided Christmas presents for a family through the Women's Coalition Members are invited to suggest projects, and the projects we do are determined by a majority vote of the membership
Communication of regulatory requirements and changes to the general public and industry is a critical area of risk management Clear, consistent information dissemination is a top priority with RSPA HAZMAT Home Page | Search | Feedback | Table of Contents
A Tribunal program to provide unrepresented applicants with assistance and information about Tribunal practices and procedures
Outreach programmes and schemes try to find people who need help or advice rather than waiting for those people to come and ask for help. Their brief is to undertake outreach work aimed at young African Caribbeans on the estate. when help, advice, or other services are provided for people who would not otherwise get these services easily outreach program/service/center etc
übergreifende verbindung (z. b. über eine organistion hinaus)
Расстановка переносов
ü·berg·re·i·fen·de ver·bin·dung (z. b. ü·ber e·i·ne or·ga·nis·ti·on hi·na·us)