The organization that provides the money for a student loan The lender may be a bank, a credit union, a school, the federal government, or another lending organization The lender is the organization to whom the borrower initially owes repayment, and at that point, the lender is also the holder of the borrower's loan
The bank, credit union, or other financial institution that provides funds to a borrower (student of parent) for an educational loan
A bank, credit union or other financial institution that provides funds to the student or parent for an educational loan
an organisation that lends money - usually, but not exclusively, a bank or financial institution
The bank, mortgage company, or mortgage broker offering the loan Many institutions only "originate" loans and then resell the obligation to third parties
The party who disburses funds to the borrower at the closing table The lender receives the note evidencing the borrower's indebtedness and obligation to repay, and the mortgage which is the lien on the subject property
Any bank, credit union, mortgage company, or savings institution that offers home loans
A financial institution (bank, savings and loan, or credit union) that provides the funds for students and parents to borrow educational loans Some schools are also lenders
The bank or lending institution that allows you to borrow from them in the form of a loan
A financial institution (bank, savings and loan, or credit union) that provides the funds for students and parents to borrow educational loans
A financial institution, such as a bank or credit union, which provides the funds for students and parents to borrow educational loans in the FFELP program Some schools are also lenders
This is the institution that has made a loan or given a mortgage to the transferee There can be more than one mortgage on a property, including a home equity loan
the institution that provides the money to be borrowed through the student loan program