{f} search for water or minerals with a divining rod; soak; put out a fire, extinguish flames
searching for underground water or minerals by using a dowsing rod use a divining rod in search of underground water or metal
1. If someone dowses for underground water, minerals, or some other substance, they search for it using a special rod. He said that dowsing for water is complete nonsense We dowse oil and ore in South America for big companies. a dowsing rod. see also douse. To use a divining rod to search for underground water or minerals. Variant of douse. to look for water or minerals under the ground using a special stick that points to where they are. another spelling of douse
çubukla yeraltında su veya maden damarı araştırmak
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çu·buk·la ye·ral·tın·da su ve·ya ma·den da·ma·rı a·raş·tır·mak