(isim) kirpik, kamçı ucu, kamçı darbesi, kırbaçlama, çarpma, azarlama

listen to the pronunciation of (isim) kirpik, kamçı ucu, kamçı darbesi, kırbaçlama, çarpma, azarlama
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
Remiss, lax
To utter censure or sarcastic language

To laugh at follies, or to lash at vice. — John Dryden.

To bind with a rope, cord, thong, or chain, so as to fasten

lash a pack on a horse's back.

Soft, watery, wet
excellent, wonderful

That chinese (food) was lash!.

{v} to scourge, strike, satirize, tie, fasten
To ply the whip; to strike
To scold; to berate; to satirize; to censure with severity
beat severely with a whip or rod; "The teacher often flogged the students"; "The children were severely trounced"
[2] Acronym for "Lighter Aboard Ship": a ship designed to carry floating containers or lighters
If wind, rain, or water lashes someone or something, it hits them violently. The worst winter storms of the century lashed the east coast of North America Suddenly rain lashed against the windows
A hair growing from the edge of the eyelid; an eyelash
To scold; to berate; to satirize; to censure with severity; as, to lash vice
To bind with a rope, cord, thong, or chain, so as to fasten; as, to lash something to a spar; to lash a pack on a horse's back
To tie something with a line
bind with a rope, chain, or cord; "lash the horse"
To strike with a lash; to whip or scourge with a lash, or with something like one
To strike forcibly and quickly, as with a lash; to beat, or beat upon, with a motion like that of a lash; as, a whale lashes the sea with his tail
(isim) kirpik, kamçı ucu, kamçı darbesi, kırbaçlama, çarpma, azarlama

    Расстановка переносов

    (i·sim) kir·pik, kam·çı u·cu, kam·çı dar·be·si, kır·baç·la·ma, çarp·ma, a·zar·la·ma

