resources in their naturally occurring unrefined or unprocessed state

listen to the pronunciation of resources in their naturally occurring unrefined or unprocessed state
İngilizce - Türkçe

resources in their naturally occurring unrefined or unprocessed state teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

raw materials

Japonya, Çin'den hammadde ithal eder ve Çin'e hazır ürün ihraç eder. - Japan imports raw materials from China and exports finished products to it.

İngilizce - İngilizce
raw materials
resources in their naturally occurring unrefined or unprocessed state


    resources in their na·tu·ral·ly oc·cur·ring un·re·fined or un·proc·essed state

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    risôrsîz în dher näçrıli ıkırîng ʌnrifaynd ır ınprôsest steyt


    /ˈrēsôrsəz ən ˈᴛʜer ˈnaʧrəlē əˈkərəɴɢ ˌənrēˈfīnd ər ənˈprôˌsest ˈstāt/ /ˈriːsɔːrsɪz ɪn ˈðɛr ˈnæʧrəliː əˈkɜrɪŋ ˌʌnriːˈfaɪnd ɜr ənˈprɔːˌsɛst ˈsteɪt/